Die Lunte brennt: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
| image=4x12 - Promo Pic - Tyrol Lee - The Oath- .jpg
| image=4x12 - Promo Pic - Tyrol Lee - The Oath- .jpg
Zeile 24: Zeile 23:
| next= [[Blut in der Waagschale]]  
| next= [[Blut in der Waagschale]]  
==  Überblick ==
:''Die Opposition gegen das Bündnis mit den Zylonen-Rebellen erreicht ihren Höhepunkt. [[Felix Gaeta]] führt eine Meuterei an Bord der ''[[Galactica (RDM)|Galactica]]'' an und befreit [[Tom Zarek]] aus dem Arrest der  ''Galactica''.''

==  Zusammenfassung ==

Der restliche Text muss noch übersetzt werden. Der englische Text befindet sich unter "bearbeiten".
===  Eröffnungsszene ===
* In Admiral [[William Adama|Adamas]] Quartier bietet Admiral den eben hereingekommenen [[Saul Tigh]] eine Tasse Algenkaffee an, was Tigh gerne ablehnt. Tigh berichtet, dass drei weitere zivilie Kapitäne sich weigern [[Zylonen (RDM)|Zylonen]]ingeneure an Bord zu lassen, um deren [[FTL|Sprungtriebwerke]] mit Zylonentechnologie aufzurüsten. Adama trägt ihm auf, [[Lee Adama|Lee]] zu sagen, dass der sich erneut mit dem [[Zwölferrat (RDM)|Rat]] darüber unterhalten soll und tigh soll den Kapitänen sagen, dass sie, sollten sie nicht kooperieren, sich die Zelle mit [[Thomas Zarek|Zarek ]] teilen dürfen.
* Während Tigh mit seinem Bericht fortfährt, kommt [[Laura Roslin]], nur mit einem Bademantel bekleidet und ein Buch haltend, vom privaten hinteren Teil das Quartiers hervor. Ihr Lächeln  zeigt, dass sie Tighs leichten Schock genießt.
* Als sich Tigh wieder gefasst hat, setzt er seinen Bericht fort. Wegen der mangelnde Toleranz der [[Die Flotte (RDM)|Flotte ]] gegenüber allen Zylonen, ([[Letzten Fünf|Tigh eingeschlossen]]), hält es Tigh nicht für Klug als Überbringer dieser Nachricht zu fungieren. Adama stimmt zu.

* [[Felix Gaeta]] holt [[Tom Zarek]] aus seiner Zelle in der [[Brig]]. Er wird von mehreren [[Marines]] und anderem Personal begleitet. Ein Besatzungsmitglied informiert Gaeta, dass [[Narcho]] und Private Paley eine [[Waffenkammer]] gesichert haben.
:''The opposition to the alliance with the rebel Cylons reaches its zenith, [[Felix Gaeta]] leads a mutiny aboard ''[[Galactica (RDM)|Galactica]]'' and frees [[Tom Zarek]] from incarceration in ''Galactica''<nowiki>'s</nowiki> brig.''
* Gaeta und Zarek wie sie den [[Zwölferrat (RDM)|Rat]], speziell [[Lee Adama]] daran hindern, ihren Plan zu durchkreuzen. Gaeta rät Zarek, Lee Adama zu manipulieren, denn er hat gehört, dass er "gut darin" ist.

* Im Quartier des Admirals diskutiert Roslin zum ersten mal seit [[Erschöpfung|langem]] über die Angelegenheiten der Flotte. Auch Roslin hat Zweifel an der Allianz und der Generalamnestie für die Zylonen, will sich aber eigentlich nicht einmischen und ist der Meinung, dass Lee Adama möglicherweise nicht in der Lage sein wird, den Rat vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen. Sie wirft Adama vor, sich oft passiv-aggressiv zu verhalten, aber nach einem kurzen Augenblick lachen die beiden wieder miteinander und verabschieden sich liebevoll.  
* In Admiral [[William Adama|Adama's]] quarters, the admiral offers the entering [[Saul Tigh]] a cup of algae-ground coffee, which Tigh refuses. Tigh reports that civilian captains are refusing to allow the rebel [[Cylons (RDM)|Cylons]] to refit their [[FTL|jump]] drives for longer range.

* As Tigh continues his report, [[Laura Roslin]] enters from the bathroom, dressed only in a bathrobe and carrying a book. Her smile seems to indicate her enjoyment of Tigh's mild shock at her candid appearance and its implications.
* Gaetas team eskortiert Zarek zum [[Hangardeck]]. Sobald [[Margaret Edmondson|Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson]] sie sieht, schreit sie, dass ihr [[Raptor]] ein Treibstoffleck hat. Sie sagt allen, dass sie sich in Sicherheit bringen sollen. Bis auf aber [[Jeanne]], die zum oberen Gang über dem Deck läuft und von dort an alles weitere unbeobachtet verfolgt, laufen alle weg.
* Als Racetrack Gaeta erzählt, dass sie den Transponder des Raptors lahmgelegt hat, kommt Deck Chief [[Peter Laird]] und fordert die Abfluggenehmigung des Raptors. Da sich Laird nicht davon abbringen lässt, das [[CIC]] nach der Startgenehmigung für den Raptor zu fragen, nimmt sich Zarek einen Schraubenschlüssel und schlägt damit auf dessen Kopf, was ihn umbringt. Nachdem Jeanne den Mord beobachtet hat, rennt sie weg.
* Gaeta reagiert deswegen wütend auf Zarek, aber er macht ihm klar, dass er nicht zögern darf, wenn sein Plan funktionieren soll.

* Gathering his composure, Tigh continues. The [[The Fleet (RDM)|Fleet's]] attitude toward all Cylons ([[Final Five|Tigh included]]) would make it challenging for Tigh to solve the problem. Adama agrees.
===Akt 1===

* [[Felix Gaeta]] arrives at [[Tom Zarek]]'s cell in the [[brig]], accompanied by several [[marines]] and other crew. A crewman informs Gaeta that [[Narcho]] and Private Paley have secured a [[small arms locker]].
* Im [[CIC]], [[Louis Hoshi|Hoshi]] bemerkt einen nichtgenehmigten Start --und das [[DRADIS]] zeigt keine [[IFF|Transponder Identifikation]]. Gaeta nimmt auf seiner Station platz und hält Hoshi auf, indem er ihm ansagt, Logbücher nocheinmal zu überprüfen.
* Gaeta and Zarek talk about how to keep the [[Quorum of Twelve (RDM)|Quorum]] from reacting badly to their plans, particularly [[Lee Adama]]. Gaeta advises Zarek to push Representative Adama's buttons, since he's "good at that."
* Tigh berichtet Adama, dass [[Nowart]] gerade alle Marines versammelt, um andere zivile Schiffe notfalls mit Gewalt unter Kontrolle bringen zu können, doch Adama warnt ihn davor, dass eine Aktion wie auf der ''[[Hitei Kan]]'' ein paar Tage zuvor, wohl das Ende des Bündnisses verursachen würde.
* Hoshi versucht weiter den DRADIS-Kontakt zu identifizieren, während Gaeta weiter Zeit schindet. Gaeta äußerst die Vermutung, es handle sich um eine Fehlfunktion des DRADIS, weshalb Tigh eine vollständige Untersuchung der DRADIS Anlage befiehlt.

* In the admiral's quarters, Roslin discusses the Fleet's issues [[A Disquiet Follows My Soul|for the first time in days]]. She and Adama both agree that the alliance with the rebel Cylons, and general amnesty they were given is not working, and that Lee Adama may not be able to convince the quorum otherwise. Roslin has to force herself to stop talking about the Fleet's problems, and the two say goodbye with affectionate small talk about having dinner ready for Adama when he returns from his shift.
* Auf der ''[[Colonial One]]'' versucht Lee Adama den Rat zu beruhigen, als zu jedermanns Überraschung plötzlich Zarek vor ihnen steht.

* Gaeta's team escorts Zarek to the [[hangar deck]]. When [[Margaret Edmondson|Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson]] sees them, she yells out, pretending that her [[Raptor]] has a serious fuel leak. This effectively clears most of the deck's occupants out, but [[Jeanne]] lingers unseen in the upper gangway above the deck, and observes everything.
* [[Diana Seelix]] trifft sich mit [[Samuel Anders]] in einem der Trainingsraum. Sie spricht mit ihm über die Vergangenheit und davon, dass aus ihnen vielleicht etwas werden hätte können. Unbemerkt nähern sich ihm von hinten hinten zwei Männer und stülpen ihm einen Sack über den Kopf, werfen ihn zu Boden und treten auf ihn ein, bevor sie ihn dann schließlich wegbringen.

* As Racetrack tells Gaeta that she's disabled the Raptor's transponder, Deck Chief [[Peter Laird]] steps in, questioning the authorization for the Raptor's departure. When Laird is not dissuaded from calling [[CIC]] to verify the ship's use, Zarek quietly picks up a wrench and strikes Laird on the skull, killing him. Jeanne swiftly runs from the gangway, having witnessed the murder.
* Als Adama Private [[Jaffee]] einen Bericht überreicht, den er abgeben soll, berichtet Hoshi von einer Feuerwarnung nahe der [[Funk|Hauptantennengruppe]]. Als Adama ein Schdenskontrollteam schickt, das sich um die Sache kümmern soll, warnt ihn Gaeta davor, dass das "Feuer" möglicherweise kein Zufall war. Adama sieht das genauso und lässt [[Marines]] das Team begleiten.

* When Gaeta reacts in shock to Zarek's action, the Vice President tells Gaeta not to hold on to some "operatic ideal" of how his "revolution" must be handled; any hesitation could jeopardize their plans.
* In einem anderen Offiziersquartier zieht [[Kara Thrace]] [[Brendan Costanza]] wegen seiner neuen Rolle als [[Nicholas Tyrol|Nickys]] Vater auf und bemerkt, dass sie mit dem Nickname "Hotdog" für den Piloten ja ganz gut gelegen hat. Costanza beantwortet ihre Beleidigung, indem er ihr sagt, das Thrace mit der halben Flotte geschlafen hat und fragt sie, was was sie vorzuweisen hat. Thrace wirft ihr Essen nach ihm und er geht hinaus.
* Sekunden später ertönt das Evakuierungssignal für die Sektionen 29 bis 42. Thrace läuft in den Gang und trifft dort auf Narcho. Der sagt ihr, dass er hier das sagen hat und dass sie die Gegend evakuieren soll. Sie fragt ihn, warum er, ein Pilot, mit der Schadenskontrolle beauftragt wurde. Narcho fährt sie nur scharf an un meint "Keiner weiß mehr, was [[Das Schicksal|Sie]] überhaupt sind."
===Act 1===
* Als Thrace eine Gruppe von Marines und andere Zivilisten dabei beobachtet, wie sie sich mit Waffen ausstatten, geht sie zurück in ihr Quartier und bewaffnet sie sich ebenfalls.
* In [[CIC]], [[Hoshi]] notes a ship launch that he can't authenticate in the flight log--and [[DRADIS]] does not show any [[IFF|transponder ID]]. Gaeta, taking his place at his station, stalls Hoshi, advising him to look at other logs from the flight deck.
* When Tigh tells Adama quietly that he has had had [[Nowart]] gather marines for further action to compel other civliian ships to comply, Adama warns that doing the same thing as was done with the ''[[Hitei Kan]]'' a few days prior would likely destroy the likelihood of anyone in the Fleet supporting the fragile Cylon alliance.
* Hoshi continues to try to verify the flying contact as Gaeta tries to stall.
* On ''[[Colonial One]]'' as Lee Adama tries to placate an agitated Quorum, Zarek returns, to everyone's shock.
* [[Diana Seelix]] meets with [[Samuel Anders]] in one of the officer's quarters. She slyly talks about her attraction to him as other crew sneak up, blindfold and savagely beat him.
* As Adama hands Private [[Jaffee]] a log to file, Hoshi reports of a fire near the ship's [[wireless]] antenna array. As Adama gives orders for damage control teams to handle the issue, Gaeta warns that the "fire" might not be an accident. Adama agrees and orders [[marines]] to accompany the DC teams.
* In another officer's quarters, [[Kara Thrace]] teases [[Brendan Costanza]] about his new [[Nicholas Tyrol|fatherhood]], commenting how her decision of his pilot nickname of "Hotdog" was an apt one. Constanza angrily replies that Thrace has "[[frak]]ked half the Fleet" and has nothing to show for her similar indiscretions. Thrace throws her bowl of food as Constanza leaves.
* A split second later evacuation alarms ring out. When Thrace steps out to ask Narcho why he, a pilot, is handling damage control, Narcho nastily spurns her senior rank: "Nobody even knows [[The Destiny|what you are]] anymore."
* When Thrace sees a mix of marines and other civilians heading in the opposite direction, she follows them on gut reaction.
* Thrace sees the people break into a small arms locker, arming themselves, with [[Charlie Connor]] issuing orders to both military and civilian personnel. She runs back to her quarters grabs her sidearm and ammo and calls CIC. Gaeta ignores her warning of the break-in. Thrace quickly deduces what's going on.
* Thrace sees the people break into a small arms locker, arming themselves, with [[Charlie Connor]] issuing orders to both military and civilian personnel. She runs back to her quarters grabs her sidearm and ammo and calls CIC. Gaeta ignores her warning of the break-in. Thrace quickly deduces what's going on.

Zeile 104: Zeile 95:
* As Roslin, Thrace and Lee Adama arrive, Tyrol briefs them. Using secured wireless handhelds, Tyrol has learned that the admiral is in custody. He tells him that he's in control of an airlock that could be used to get Adama off the ship. When Lee asks why Tyrol is doing this, Tyrol tells him that the "[[The Old Man|old man]]" deserves a better fate.
* As Roslin, Thrace and Lee Adama arrive, Tyrol briefs them. Using secured wireless handhelds, Tyrol has learned that the admiral is in custody. He tells him that he's in control of an airlock that could be used to get Adama off the ship. When Lee asks why Tyrol is doing this, Tyrol tells him that the "[[The Old Man|old man]]" deserves a better fate.

* Tigh and Adama begin speaking to their two marine escorts, Nowart and Maldonaldo.  Adama challenges Nowart to shoot him and questions whether Nowart has "got a pair."  The distraction works.  Tigh and Adama manage to turn the tables, Adama shooting Maldonado and taking Nowart hostage.
* Tigh and Adama begin speaking to their two marine escorts, Nowart and Maldonaldo.  Adama challenges Nowart to shoot him and questions whether Nowart has "got a pair."  The distraction works.  Tigh and Adama manage to turn the tables, Adama shooting Maldonado and taking Nowart prisoner.

* Roslin and Baltar talk. She knows that Baltar's pirate wireless transmitter that he's used to communicate to his followers throughout the Fleet could be used to warn others in the Fleet as well.
* Roslin and Baltar talk. She knows that Baltar's pirate wireless transmitter that he's used to communicate to his followers throughout the Fleet could be used to warn others in the Fleet as well.
Zeile 127: Zeile 118:
* The marines, led by [[Aaron Kelly]], use welding torches to cut through the airlock locks and open the door slightly. Adama returns fire. "It's been an honor to serve with you, my friend," Adama tells Tigh, as marines throw a flash grenade through the doors.
* The marines, led by [[Aaron Kelly]], use welding torches to cut through the airlock locks and open the door slightly. Adama returns fire. "It's been an honor to serve with you, my friend," Adama tells Tigh, as marines throw a flash grenade through the doors.

Der restliche Text muss noch übersetzt werden. Der englische Text befindet sich unter "bearbeiten".
*In the previous episode, it was said that two marines were killed by the rebellious crew of the tylium ship.  Yet in this episode, the survivor count is down by just one - accounting for Laird's death prior to the opening sequence. This can be explained by births in the fleet.
*In the previous episode, it was said that two marines were killed by the rebellious crew of the tylium ship.  Yet in this episode, the survivor count is down by just one - accounting for Laird's death prior to the opening sequence. This can be explained by births in the fleet.
*There is a slight discrepancy in the on-screen time codes. Lee Adama is shown landing on Galactica at 0902. A few minutes later, after Starbuck rescues him from the flight deck and they take a moment to regroup in a secure area, the time again is listed as 0902.

== Analysis ==
== Analysis ==
Zeile 140: Zeile 134:
*Gaeta appears to want the removal of Adama without recourse to too much violence, as shown by his attempt to stop the gunfire in CIC and his refusal to execute Adama and the senior staff on the spot. Nevertheless Gaeta has clearly mentally and morally  committed himself to the mutiny to the point where he eventually orders the shooting down of the Raptor carrying Roslin to the Basestar (although he does not know who is aboard).
*Gaeta appears to want the removal of Adama without recourse to too much violence, as shown by his attempt to stop the gunfire in CIC and his refusal to execute Adama and the senior staff on the spot. Nevertheless Gaeta has clearly mentally and morally  committed himself to the mutiny to the point where he eventually orders the shooting down of the Raptor carrying Roslin to the Basestar (although he does not know who is aboard).
*It does not seem essential in the end for Tigh and Adama to stay in the storage bay while the marines break down the door, as the Raptor is clear before the marines make it through. It is possible that Adama would have remained anyway, refusing to abandon his ship.
*It does not seem essential in the end for Tigh and Adama to stay in the storage bay while the marines break down the door, as the Raptor is clear before the marines make it through. It is possible that Adama would have remained anyway, refusing to abandon his ship.
* Adama's final words to his XO show how he still holds Saul Tigh in high regard as his friend, regardless of his revealed Cylon nature. He also expresses pleasure in seeing Galen Tyrol in the Storagebay when Adama first arrives.
* Adama's final words to his XO show how he still holds Saul Tigh in high regard as his friend, regardless of his revealed Cylon nature. He also expresses pleasure in seeing Galen Tyrol in the storage bay when Adama first arrives.
* "It's been an honor serving with you," appears to be Adama's preferred final words; he stated the same when he believed his and his crew's deaths were imminent in "Exodus part 2".
*Lee Adama's sharp comments to Tigh shows the hard line toward the Cylons still held by the younger Adama, which has been displayed in earlier episodes such as "[[A Measure of Salvation]]" when he proposed a genocidal biological attack on the Cylons. Despite this Lee tempers his feelings with his pragmatic attitude to the Cylon alliance alongside his loyalty to Roslin and his father, noting that it is all they have left to survive. However, despite this, he expresses gratitude and no hostility to Galen Tyrol when he gives Lee and Roslin the news of the Admiral being transported to the brig and offers to get the Admiral off the ship.
*Lee Adama's sharp comments to Tigh shows the hard line toward the Cylons still held by the younger Adama, which has been displayed in earlier episodes such as "[[A Measure of Salvation]]" when he proposed a genocidal biological attack on the Cylons. Despite this Lee tempers his feelings with his pragmatic attitude to the Cylon alliance alongside his loyalty to Roslin and his father, noting that it is all they have left to survive. However, despite this, he expresses gratitude and no hostility to Galen Tyrol when he gives Lee and Roslin the news of the Admiral being transported to the brig and offers to get the Admiral off the ship.
*Baltar attempts to blackmail Gaeta into abandoning the mutiny by reminding him of his knowledge of Gaeta's complicity in the deaths of Resistance members on [[New Caprica]]. Ironically in a broad manner, they were victims of similar circumstances. Both were victims of duplicitous Cylon females who using sexual affection were able to get them to pass them sensitive secret information and use it against humanity. In the case of Baltar, he gave [[Caprica Six]] the back door codes to the Colonial defense systems allowing the Cylons to shut it down, resulting in the deaths of billions of people. In the case of Gaeta, he gave the names of Resistance members to an [[Eight]] he was having an affair with and who he believed was aiding the humans. In reality, she was responsible for the deaths of many of those on the list he gave her to help. The two main differences between the two situations are that Baltar didn't know Caprica Six was a Cylon while Gaeta did and Baltar's mistake resulted in billions dying instead of the relative few in Gaeta's case.
*Baltar attempts to blackmail Gaeta into abandoning the mutiny by reminding him of his knowledge of Gaeta's complicity in the deaths of Resistance members on [[New Caprica]]. Ironically in a broad manner, they were victims of similar circumstances. Both were victims of duplicitous Cylon females who using sexual affection were able to get them to pass them sensitive secret information and use it against humanity. In the case of Baltar, he gave [[Caprica Six]] the back door codes to the Colonial defense systems allowing the Cylons to shut it down, resulting in the deaths of billions of people. In the case of Gaeta, he gave the names of Resistance members to an [[Eight]] he was having an affair with and who he believed was aiding the humans. In reality, she was responsible for the deaths of many of those on the list he gave her to help. The two main differences between the two situations are that Baltar didn't know Caprica Six was a Cylon while Gaeta did and Baltar's mistake resulted in billions dying instead of the relative few in Gaeta's case.
Zeile 152: Zeile 147:
*Given Gaeta's comment to Zarek that he should control Lee Adama's dissenting voice in the Quorum by "pushing his buttons" it seems unlikely that Gaeta would have then ordered Lee Adama executed upon returning to the ship. The actions of Connor and Skulls and the marine guard were possibly a spontaneous reaction to Lee's role in defending Baltar and supporting his father. It is unknown if Zarek gave the order to have the younger Adama killed.
*Given Gaeta's comment to Zarek that he should control Lee Adama's dissenting voice in the Quorum by "pushing his buttons" it seems unlikely that Gaeta would have then ordered Lee Adama executed upon returning to the ship. The actions of Connor and Skulls and the marine guard were possibly a spontaneous reaction to Lee's role in defending Baltar and supporting his father. It is unknown if Zarek gave the order to have the younger Adama killed.
*Gaeta's opposition to allowing the Cylons to network the Fleet's ships is somewhat ironic given that he was the one who suggested networking ''Galactica'''s computer systems in "[[Scattered]]".
*Gaeta's opposition to allowing the Cylons to network the Fleet's ships is somewhat ironic given that he was the one who suggested networking ''Galactica'''s computer systems in "[[Scattered]]".
*The survivor count notes Laird's death in the pre-title sequence. The Colonial One whiteboard that tracks the number is seen later in the episode and still reads 39,644 due to the fact Laird's death isn't known to anyone who would have changed it. The deaths of the two marines in the Hitei Kan mutiny in the previous episode may not have been counted.

== Questions ==
== Questions ==
Zeile 199: Zeile 195:
:"Semper frakkin' fi!"
:"Semper frakkin' fi!"

== Guest Stars ==
* [[Richard Hatch]] as [[Tom Zarek]]
* [[Brad Dryborough]] as Lieutenant [[Louis Hoshi]]
== Gastdarsteller==
* [[Sebastian Spence]] as Lieutenant [[Noel Allison|Noel "Narcho" Allison]]
* [[Richard Hatch]] als [[Tom Zarek]]
* [[Bodie Olmos]] as Lieutenant [[Brendan Costanza|Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza]]
* [[Brad Dryborough]] als Lieutenant [[Louis Hoshi]]
* [[Leah Cairns]] as Lieutenant [[Margaret Edmondson|Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson]]
* [[Sebastian Spence]] als Lieutenant [[Noel Allison|Noel "Narcho" Allison]]
* [[Colin Lawrence]] as Lieutenant [[Hamish McCall|Hamish "Skulls" McCall]]
* [[Bodie Olmos]] als Lieutenant [[Brendan Costanza|Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza]]
* [[Jennifer Halley]] as Ensign [[Diana Seelix|Diana "Hardball" Seelix]]
* [[Leah Cairns]] als Lieutenant [[Margaret Edmondson|Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson]]
* [[Ty Olsson]] as Captain [[Aaron Kelly]]
* [[Colin Lawrence]] als Lieutenant [[Hamish McCall|Hamish "Skulls" McCall]]
* [[Vincent Gale]] as Chief [[Peter Laird]]
* [[Jennifer Halley]] als Ensign [[Diana Seelix|Diana "Hardball" Seelix]]
* [[Colin Corrigan]] as Sergeant [[Allan Nowart]]
* [[Ty Olsson]] als Captain [[Aaron Kelly]]
* [[Craig Veroni]] as Sergeant [[Maldonaldo]]
* [[Vincent Gale]] als Chief [[Peter Laird]]
* [[Michael Leisen]] as Private [[Stewart Jaffee]]
* [[Colin Corrigan]] als Sergeant [[Allan Nowart]]
* [[Derek Delost]] as Specialist [[Vireem]]
* [[Craig Veroni]] als Sergeant [[Maldonaldo]]
* [[Mike Dopud]] as Specialist [[Gage]]
* [[Michael Leisen]] als Private [[Stewart Jaffee]]
* [[Ryan Robbins]] as [[Charlie Connor]]
* [[Derek Delost]] als Specialist [[Vireem]]
* [[Alexandra Thomas]] as [[Hera Agathon]]
* [[Mike Dopud]] als Specialist [[Gage]]
* [[Keegan Connor Tracy]] as [[Jeanne]]
* [[Ryan Robbins]] als [[Charlie Connor]]
* [[Lara Gilchrist]] as [[Paulla Schaffer]]
* [[Alexandra Thomas]] als [[Hera Agathon]]
* [[Andrew McIlroy]] as [[Jacob Cantrell]]
* [[Keegan Connor Tracy]] als [[Jeanne]]
* [[Marilyn Norry]] as [[Reza Chronides]]
* [[Lara Gilchrist]] als [[Paulla Schaffer]]
* [[Judith Maxie]] as [[Unnamed civilians in the Fleet (RDM)#Picon Delegate|Picon Delegate]]
* [[Andrew McIlroy]] als [[Jacob Cantrell]]
* [[Iris Paluly]] as Speaking Delegate [[Dahlia]]
* [[Marilyn Norry]] als [[Reza Chronides]]
* [[Veena Sood]] as [[Unnamed civilians in the Fleet (RDM)#Quorum Delegate|Quorum Delegate]]
* [[Judith Maxie]] als [[Namenlose Zivilisten in der Flotte (RDM)#Picon Delegierter|Picon Delegierter]]
* [[Alain Chanoine]] as Marine Reb
* [[Iris Paluly]] als Sprechender Delegierter [[Dahlia]]
* [[Veena Sood]] als [[Unnamed civilians in the Fleet (RDM)#Quorum Delegierter|Quorum Delegierter]]
* [[Alain Chanoine]] als Marine Reb

== References ==
== Referenzen ==
<div style="font-size:85%"><references/></div>
<div style="font-size:85%"><references/></div>

{{Episode list (RDM season 4)}}

[[Category:Episodes written by Mark Verheiden]]
[[Kategorie:Episoden geschrieben von Mark Verheiden]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by John Dahl]]
[[Kategorie:Episoden mit John Dahl als Regisseur]]



[[en:The Oath]]
[[en:The Oath]]

Version vom 24. Januar 2011, 13:40 Uhr

Die Lunte brennt
"Die Lunte brennt"
Eine Episode der neu-interpretierten Serie
Episoden-Nr. Staffel 4, Episode 13
Originaltitel The Oath
Autor(en) Mark Verheiden
Regie John Dahl
Produktions-Nr. 415
Quoten 1,560,000
US-Erstausstrahlung USA 30. Jänner 2009
UK-Erstausstrahlung UK 3. Februar 2009
DE-Erstausstrahlung DE {{{GE airdate}}}
Bevölkerung 39.643 Überlebende (Bevölkerungsanzahl gesunken. 1)
Zusätzliche Info
Vorige Nächste
Erschöpfung Die Lunte brennt Blut in der Waagschale
Zusätzliche Information
R&D SkitAnzeigen


Die Opposition gegen das Bündnis mit den Zylonen-Rebellen erreicht ihren Höhepunkt. Felix Gaeta führt eine Meuterei an Bord der Galactica an und befreit Tom Zarek aus dem Arrest der Galactica.



  • In Admiral Adamas Quartier bietet Admiral den eben hereingekommenen Saul Tigh eine Tasse Algenkaffee an, was Tigh gerne ablehnt. Tigh berichtet, dass drei weitere zivilie Kapitäne sich weigern Zyloneningeneure an Bord zu lassen, um deren Sprungtriebwerke mit Zylonentechnologie aufzurüsten. Adama trägt ihm auf, Lee zu sagen, dass der sich erneut mit dem Rat darüber unterhalten soll und tigh soll den Kapitänen sagen, dass sie, sollten sie nicht kooperieren, sich die Zelle mit Zarek teilen dürfen.
  • Während Tigh mit seinem Bericht fortfährt, kommt Laura Roslin, nur mit einem Bademantel bekleidet und ein Buch haltend, vom privaten hinteren Teil das Quartiers hervor. Ihr Lächeln zeigt, dass sie Tighs leichten Schock genießt.
  • Als sich Tigh wieder gefasst hat, setzt er seinen Bericht fort. Wegen der mangelnde Toleranz der Flotte gegenüber allen Zylonen, (Tigh eingeschlossen), hält es Tigh nicht für Klug als Überbringer dieser Nachricht zu fungieren. Adama stimmt zu.
  • Felix Gaeta holt Tom Zarek aus seiner Zelle in der Brig. Er wird von mehreren Marines und anderem Personal begleitet. Ein Besatzungsmitglied informiert Gaeta, dass Narcho und Private Paley eine Waffenkammer gesichert haben.
  • Gaeta und Zarek wie sie den Rat, speziell Lee Adama daran hindern, ihren Plan zu durchkreuzen. Gaeta rät Zarek, Lee Adama zu manipulieren, denn er hat gehört, dass er "gut darin" ist.
  • Im Quartier des Admirals diskutiert Roslin zum ersten mal seit langem über die Angelegenheiten der Flotte. Auch Roslin hat Zweifel an der Allianz und der Generalamnestie für die Zylonen, will sich aber eigentlich nicht einmischen und ist der Meinung, dass Lee Adama möglicherweise nicht in der Lage sein wird, den Rat vom Gegenteil zu überzeugen. Sie wirft Adama vor, sich oft passiv-aggressiv zu verhalten, aber nach einem kurzen Augenblick lachen die beiden wieder miteinander und verabschieden sich liebevoll.
  • Gaetas team eskortiert Zarek zum Hangardeck. Sobald Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson sie sieht, schreit sie, dass ihr Raptor ein Treibstoffleck hat. Sie sagt allen, dass sie sich in Sicherheit bringen sollen. Bis auf aber Jeanne, die zum oberen Gang über dem Deck läuft und von dort an alles weitere unbeobachtet verfolgt, laufen alle weg.
  • Als Racetrack Gaeta erzählt, dass sie den Transponder des Raptors lahmgelegt hat, kommt Deck Chief Peter Laird und fordert die Abfluggenehmigung des Raptors. Da sich Laird nicht davon abbringen lässt, das CIC nach der Startgenehmigung für den Raptor zu fragen, nimmt sich Zarek einen Schraubenschlüssel und schlägt damit auf dessen Kopf, was ihn umbringt. Nachdem Jeanne den Mord beobachtet hat, rennt sie weg.
  • Gaeta reagiert deswegen wütend auf Zarek, aber er macht ihm klar, dass er nicht zögern darf, wenn sein Plan funktionieren soll.

Akt 1

  • Im CIC, Hoshi bemerkt einen nichtgenehmigten Start --und das DRADIS zeigt keine Transponder Identifikation. Gaeta nimmt auf seiner Station platz und hält Hoshi auf, indem er ihm ansagt, Logbücher nocheinmal zu überprüfen.
  • Tigh berichtet Adama, dass Nowart gerade alle Marines versammelt, um andere zivile Schiffe notfalls mit Gewalt unter Kontrolle bringen zu können, doch Adama warnt ihn davor, dass eine Aktion wie auf der Hitei Kan ein paar Tage zuvor, wohl das Ende des Bündnisses verursachen würde.
  • Hoshi versucht weiter den DRADIS-Kontakt zu identifizieren, während Gaeta weiter Zeit schindet. Gaeta äußerst die Vermutung, es handle sich um eine Fehlfunktion des DRADIS, weshalb Tigh eine vollständige Untersuchung der DRADIS Anlage befiehlt.
  • Auf der Colonial One versucht Lee Adama den Rat zu beruhigen, als zu jedermanns Überraschung plötzlich Zarek vor ihnen steht.
  • Diana Seelix trifft sich mit Samuel Anders in einem der Trainingsraum. Sie spricht mit ihm über die Vergangenheit und davon, dass aus ihnen vielleicht etwas werden hätte können. Unbemerkt nähern sich ihm von hinten hinten zwei Männer und stülpen ihm einen Sack über den Kopf, werfen ihn zu Boden und treten auf ihn ein, bevor sie ihn dann schließlich wegbringen.
  • Als Adama Private Jaffee einen Bericht überreicht, den er abgeben soll, berichtet Hoshi von einer Feuerwarnung nahe der Hauptantennengruppe. Als Adama ein Schdenskontrollteam schickt, das sich um die Sache kümmern soll, warnt ihn Gaeta davor, dass das "Feuer" möglicherweise kein Zufall war. Adama sieht das genauso und lässt Marines das Team begleiten.
  • In einem anderen Offiziersquartier zieht Kara Thrace Brendan Costanza wegen seiner neuen Rolle als Nickys Vater auf und bemerkt, dass sie mit dem Nickname "Hotdog" für den Piloten ja ganz gut gelegen hat. Costanza beantwortet ihre Beleidigung, indem er ihr sagt, das Thrace mit der halben Flotte geschlafen hat und fragt sie, was was sie vorzuweisen hat. Thrace wirft ihr Essen nach ihm und er geht hinaus.
  • Sekunden später ertönt das Evakuierungssignal für die Sektionen 29 bis 42. Thrace läuft in den Gang und trifft dort auf Narcho. Der sagt ihr, dass er hier das sagen hat und dass sie die Gegend evakuieren soll. Sie fragt ihn, warum er, ein Pilot, mit der Schadenskontrolle beauftragt wurde. Narcho fährt sie nur scharf an un meint "Keiner weiß mehr, was Sie überhaupt sind."
  • Als Thrace eine Gruppe von Marines und andere Zivilisten dabei beobachtet, wie sie sich mit Waffen ausstatten, geht sie zurück in ihr Quartier und bewaffnet sie sich ebenfalls.
  • Thrace sees the people break into a small arms locker, arming themselves, with Charlie Connor issuing orders to both military and civilian personnel. She runs back to her quarters grabs her sidearm and ammo and calls CIC. Gaeta ignores her warning of the break-in. Thrace quickly deduces what's going on.
  • On Colonial One, Lee Adama also tries to call his father regarding Zarek's release, but Gaeta blocks Adama's attempt to reach the admiral by claiming that the admiral is busy. Gaeta also feigns ignorance about Zarek's release.
  • Zarek steps in, telling Lee that the admiral released him because Zarek would not be a threat if Adama didn't recognize civilian authority. Lee believes otherwise, and leaves for Galactica.
  • Gaeta fakes a shipwide communications failure, including backup systems.
  • Lee Adama arrives on the hangar deck from his Raptor and is immediately accosted by Skulls and several others, intent on killing him as Racetrack watches on. "Where are your precious Cylons now?" Connor says as a marine points a gun to Adama's head.
  • A shot rings out, but not from the gun Adama stares into. Kara Thrace has shot the marine with the gun and orders Adama's release. When Skulls objects, Thrace doesn't hesitate a second to shoot Skulls in the shoulder. "I can do this all day," she warns, pulling out a second sidearm.
  • As Adama runs out, Thrace follows, warning the rest, "Follow me. Please," so she could have a better excuse to shoot them as well.
  • As Sharon Agathon feeds her daughter, Karl Agathon gets his uniform on and warns Sharon to get Hera to daycare.
  • Just then, the hatchway on their quarters is being jostled. Someone is trying to get in, and soon succeeds: an angry mob, led by Gage, a former Pegasus crewman who remembers Agathon's role in the accidental death of Alistair Thorne.
  • Gage gloats that he plans on raping Sharon Agathon later as marines beat Helo into unconsciousness.

Act 2

  • Thrace and Lee Adama seal themselves in a dry storage locker, reviewing what's happened. "Semper frakkin' fi," Thrace hisses after checking a phone, discovering it dead. Adama is astonished how people he's trusted have turned mutinous. He realizes the hangar deck was only the beachhead to a ship-wide takeover of the ship.
  • Thrace passionately kisses Lee and tells him she hasn't felt this alive in weeks. They leave to work out what to do, gather people who will help. They try to make their way to CIC. As they move through the corridors of the ship, they hear gunfire and screams in the distance.
  • They pass by several unidentified bodies as well as groups of huddled civilians trying to stay out of the crossfire. A marine pursues a group of armed civilians and exchanges gunfire with them. The duo encounter an unidentified crewman with a pistol who yields to them, suggesting that he is an ally, then continues on.
  • CIC is in confusion as Gaeta continues to throw false report after report, keeping Tigh and the admiral off-base.
  • The Agathons are thrown in the Cylon brig along with Caprica-Six and Samuel Anders. Caprica-Six warns that this is a start to eradicating the Cylons, especially their children. Athena reassures her that they'll be kept alive for now as bargaining chips against the rebel baseship.
  • As Jaffee returns to report that the array's damage was faked, Gaeta initiates the final phase of the takeover, calling in several marines who are part of the mutiny, who encircle Adama and the startled CIC staff. A handful of marines who are not involved remain in the room as well. When one of Gaeta's marines signals as though he is about to shoot the Admiral, Jaffee takes the bullet for him, receiving a fatal wound in the process.
  • A firefight ensues, and several marines are killed, including those who are not involved in the mutiny. Gaeta orders his men to cease fire, then orders Adama and his staff to stand down, which the admiral reluctantly agrees to do, despite Tigh's anger.
  • Gaeta tells Adama that he is removing him from command of Galactica on the charge of treason.
  • Adama accuses Gaeta of betraying his oath and uniform, while Gaeta retorts that the admiral has done that himself by allying with the Cylons.
  • Adama angrily warns that, unlike in times past, there will be no forgiveness or amnesty for this takeover.
  • Gaeta orders the marines to arrest Adama, Tigh, and the senior staff and to place them in a holding cell.

Act 3

  • Kara Thrace and Lee Adama make it to the admiral's quarters, finding Laura Roslin there, telling her of the uprising, the communications blackout and that Zarek is in control on Colonial One.
  • Roslin has had enough; she puts on her coat and leads them all out, knowing of one way to get a message out over wireless.
  • Gaeta, now commanding CIC, orders Redwing and his marine team to secure the engine room. Specialist Gage now sits in Gaeta's old station.
  • Surrounded by his followers, Gaius Baltar wishes his group well as he prepares to leave, believing that the uprising will come to get him as well. Galen Tyrol confirms Jeanne's fears to Baltar.
  • As Roslin, Thrace and Lee Adama arrive, Tyrol briefs them. Using secured wireless handhelds, Tyrol has learned that the admiral is in custody. He tells him that he's in control of an airlock that could be used to get Adama off the ship. When Lee asks why Tyrol is doing this, Tyrol tells him that the "old man" deserves a better fate.
  • Tigh and Adama begin speaking to their two marine escorts, Nowart and Maldonaldo. Adama challenges Nowart to shoot him and questions whether Nowart has "got a pair." The distraction works. Tigh and Adama manage to turn the tables, Adama shooting Maldonado and taking Nowart prisoner.
  • Roslin and Baltar talk. She knows that Baltar's pirate wireless transmitter that he's used to communicate to his followers throughout the Fleet could be used to warn others in the Fleet as well.
  • Adama and Tigh watch Connor give orders to other mutineers. Nowart tells them that he was ordered to take them all to the brig. They head there.
  • CIC communications are being besieged by confused voices from other Fleet captains as Laura Roslin's voice begins to talk to the Fleet, telling them all, including the Quorum, of the uprising, pleading all to follow the rightful authorities. Gage is unable to stop the pirate signal until Gaeta gets to the station to jam it. But now the Fleet's comm chatter worsens, asking for more information from Roslin and what is happening on the battlestar.
  • Lee and Thrace meet up with Adama and Tigh in the brig. Thrace angrily reacts to Nowart's presence as Adama tells him to leave. Thrace shoots at Nowart's way, warning the admiral that they are not his men anymore.

Act 4

  • In the secondary storage airlock, Roslin and Baltar talk about Gaeta and his duplicitous nature.
  • As Adama and team make their way there, Baltar takes a moment to try to get Gaeta to stop his takeover. He reminds him of their failings on New Caprica, suggesting that Gaeta was complicit with the Cylon occupation. Gaeta closes the channel.
  • A Raptor is heading towards Galactica from the Cylon baseship, but Gaeta realizes the craft isn't heading for the hangar deck.
  • The Raptor docks in the bay, piloted by an Eight. Roslin and Adama greet each other and kiss, causing Lee and Thrace to look at each other in surprise. Tyrol's men get word of marines heading their way.
  • Baltar and Roslin board the Raptor, but the admiral orders Tyrol to get Lee and Thrace out and back to his secured area. He and Tigh choose to stay behind to ensure that the Raptor gets away.
  • Gaeta orders the CAP to intercept and destroy the escaping Raptor as the episode ends.
  • The marines, led by Aaron Kelly, use welding torches to cut through the airlock locks and open the door slightly. Adama returns fire. "It's been an honor to serve with you, my friend," Adama tells Tigh, as marines throw a flash grenade through the doors.

Der restliche Text muss noch übersetzt werden. Der englische Text befindet sich unter "bearbeiten".



Battlestar Galactica (neu-interpretiert) – Episodenliste
Miniserie / Pilotfilm (2003) | Spezial: Miniserie Lowdown
Staffel 1 (2004-2005): 33 Minuten | Wassermangel | Meuterei auf der Astral Queen | Zeichen der Reue | Kein Weg zurück | Das Tribunal | Unter Verdacht | Fleisch und Blut | Ellen | Die Hand Gottes | Der Zwölferrat | Kobol, Teil I | Kobol, Teil II
Staffel 2 (2005-2006): Die verlorene Flotte | Im Tal der Finsternis | Die Gesetze des Krieges | Leben und Sterben | Die Farm | Heimat, Teil I | Heimat, Teil II | Die Reporterin | Die Hoffnung lebt | Pegasus | Die Auferstehung, Teil I | Die Auferstehung, Teil II | Sabotage | Schwarzmarkt | Der beste Jäger der Zylonen | Das Opfer | Mensch und Maschine | Download | Das neue Caprica, Teil I | Das neue Caprica, Teil II
Staffel 3 (2006-2007): Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance | Okkupation | Am Abgrund | Exodus, Teil I | Exodus, Teil II | Verräter | Virus | Immun | Helden | Der Ring | Auftrag ausgeführt | Das Auge des Jupiter | Die Supernova | Zuckerbrot und Peitsche | Allein gegen den Hass | Bis nächstes Jahr | Streik! | Ruf aus dem Jenseits | Berufung | Am Scheideweg, Teil I | Am Scheideweg, Teil II
Staffel 4 (2007-2008): Razor | Auferstehung | Die letzten Fünf | Die Verblendeten | Perfekter Schmerz | Meuterei im All | Ans andere Ufer | Rat mal, was zum Essen kommt | Sine Qua Non | Wir alle sind sterblich | Zur Erde! | Die Strömung erledigt den Rest | Erschöpfung | Die Lunte brennt | Blut in der Waagschale | Das verlorene Paradies | Systemblockade | Der Pianomann | Gestrandet in den Sternen | Götterdämmerung, Teil I | Götterdämmerung, Teil II 
Spielfilm: The Plan

Andere Serien : Original-Serie  | Galactica 1980 Serie  | Caprica  | Liste aller Episoden