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Zeile 21: Zeile 13:
| production=412
| production=412
| rating=1.4
| rating=1.4
| US airdate=13. Juni 2008
| US airdate=13 June 2008
| UK airdate=17. Juni 2008
| UK airdate=17 June 2008
| GE airdate= 5. Mai 2010
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| oldpopulation= 39673
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| population=39665
| extra= '''Staffel 4.0 Cliffhanger'''
| extra= '''Season 4.0 Cliffhanger'''
| prev= [[Wir alle sind sterblich]]
| prev= [[Wir alle sind sterblich]]
| next= [[Die Strömung erledigt den Rest]]  
| next= [[Die Strömung erledigt den Rest]]  
== Überblick ==
: ''Die von [[D'Anna Biers]] angeführten zylonischen Rebellen halten die Präsidentin [[Laura Roslin]] und ''[[Galactica (RDM)|Galacticas]]'' Piloten gefangen, während sie versuchen, die [[Letzten Fünf]] aus ihrem Versteck zu locken. Unterdessen empfängt [[Kara Thrace]]s Viper ein Signal, dass die Richtung zur [[Erde (RDM)|Erde]] weist.''
== Zusammenfassung==
=== Eröffnungsszene===
*[[Lee Adama]] schaut sich in [[William Adama|William Adamas]] Quartier im Buch von [[Pythia]] eine Zeichnung des Templs der Aurora an auf der Erde an. [[Kara Thrace]] kommt herein und begrüßt ihn. Die beiden sprechen kurz über den Tempel und dann sprechen sie über die Abwesenheit von William Adama und [[Laura Roslin]]. Lee bemerkt, dass weder er noch [[Saul Tigh|Tigh]] auf den Adamas Posten scharf sind.  Thrace erwähnt was [[Leoben Conoy]] ihr einst erzählt hat: Damit Kinder ihr wahres Potential entfalten können, müssen ihre Eltern tot sein.
*Im [[Basisschiff-Kommando|Kontrollraum des Basissterns]] diskutieren Roslin, William Adama, [[D'Anna Biers]] und Leoben den Plan die [[Letzten Fünf]] mit den Zylonen wiederzuvereinen. Biers erwähnt, dass sich vier in der [[Die Flotte (RDM)|Flotte]] befinden, gibt Roslin aber keine Antwort auf die Frage, wo sich der Fünfte befindet. Als Adama nach ihren Namen fragt, äußert sie Skepsis, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Kolonisten sie in der Folge hinrichten könnten. Roslin weist darauf hin, dass die Kolonialen die Fünf brauchen, weil sie den Weg zur Erde kennen, während Leoben eine Kooperation empfiehlt. D'Anna weist ihn aber auf das [[Exodus, Teil II|Scheitern]] der Kooperation auf [[Neu Caprica]] hin.
*Biers verkündigt, dass sie die Kolonialen auf ihrem Schiff als Geiseln gefangen halten wird, bis sich die Vier der Flotte sicher an Bord des Basissterns befinden. Nun richten Zenturios und Koloniale die Waffen aufeinander. Roslin rät Adama nachzugeben und er befiehlt den Piloten sich zu ergeben. Biers sagt Adama dass er sie auf ihrem Raptor zur ''[[Galactica (RDM)|Galactica]]'' begleiten soll. Zuerst weigert er sich, doch Roslin überredet ihn daoch dazu. Sie umarmt ihn und flüstert ihm ins Ohr, dass, wenn die Zylonen die Vier bekommen, sie den Weg zur [[Erde (RDM)|Erde]] bekommen, und dass kann er nicht zulassen, selbst wenn er den Basisstern mit ihnen an Bord, zerstören muss.
*Im [[CIC]] wirft [[Felix Gaeta]] - der wieder im Dienst ist, obwohl er immer noch Probleme mit seinem amputierten Bein hat - unabsichtlich eine Flasche mit Tabletten um. [[Anastasia Dualla|Dualla]] hilft ihm und hebt seine Flasche auf. Colonel [[Saul Tigh|Tigh]] fragt Gaeta, ob er wieder aus dem Dienst entlassen werden will. Er verneint das und nimmt sich eine der Tabletten gegen seine Schmerzen.
*Gaeta verkündigt dann die Ankunft des Basissterns und, dass ein Raptor von dort gestartet ist. Auf dem [[Hangardeck]] steigen Adama und Biers aus dem Raptor aus. [[Galen Tyrol]] und [[Samuel Anders]] schauen sich das ganze vom Balkon aus an und fragen sich, ob Biers sie identifizieren kann, oder will. Während William Adama seinen Sohn begrüßt steigt Biers vom Raptor herunter und schaut jeden der Vier genau ins Gesicht.
*William Adama und Biers erklären die gegenwärtige Situation. Biers verkündigt, dass sie sich bereits im Kontakt mit den Vier befindet, dass sie freiwillig zu ihr kommen sollen und dass alles was die  Flotte tun muss, ist nicht den Shuttle-Verkehr zu  beeinträchtigen. Die beiden Adamas sind mit den Bedingungen einverstanden. Als Biers dabei ist wieder zu gehen tritt [[Tory Foster]] vor und fragt, ob sie Roslin ihre Medikamente bringen darf und ob es ihr gut geht. Wissend, dass Foster sich absetzen will, versucht Tigh sie von ihrem Vorhaben abzubringen, indem er sagt, dass man den Zylonen nicht noch mehr Gefangene übergeben sollte, doch er wird von den beiden Adamas überstimmt.
*In Adamas Quartier besprechen William und Lee Adama, Tigh und Thrace einen Plan, um die Gefangenen zu befreien. Der Admiral erwähnt auch Roslins Empfehlung, aber erzählt seinem Sohn, dass er nun Entscheidungen treffen muss. Präsident Adama stimmt zu.
=== Akt 1 ===
*Im Angriffsplanungsraum präsentieren [[Sharon Agathon]] und Thrace ihren Rettungsplan. Tigh äußert Skepsis wegen der zu erwartenden hohen Verluste an Bord des Basissterns und meint, es müsse noch andere Optionen geben. Thrace meint darauf sarkastisch, dass sich die Vier selbst aufgeben könnten.
*Auf dem Basisstern wird Foster in den Kontrollraum geführt. Biers verkündigt, dass die erste der Letzten Fünf angekommen ist. [[Nummer Zwei|Leoben]] hat noch Zweifel, aber Biers bestätigt, dass sie Foster in ihrer Vision gesehen hat. Foster lächelt, während sich die Zylonen sich um sie versammeln.
*In einem anderen Raum bandagiert Roslin [[Gaius Baltar]], der sich bei ihr bedankt, dass sie ihn nicht sterben lassen hat, aber Roslin erzählt ihm, dass sie Adama geraten hat, den Basisstern zu zerstören, sollten die Zylonen die Vier bekommen. Foster betritt den Raum mit einer [[Nummer Sechs|Sechs]], begrüßt Roslin und Gaius und gibt Roslin ihre Medizin. Roslin bedankt sich bei ihr und fragt sie, wie sie es geschafft hat an Bord zu kommen. Foster sagt, dass sie mit Biers gegangen ist, um bei ihrem Volk zu sein. Baltar bescheinigt, dass er unbewusst wusste, dass sie eine der Letzten Fünf ist. Als sie gefragt wird, ob sie eine Ahnung hatte, sagt Roslin nein, und Foster sagt ihr, es könnte sich lohnen wenn sie darüber nachdenkt, wobei sie sich sonst noch geirrt hat. Foster dreht sich um und will hinaus gehen. Roslin verlangt von ihr stehen zu bleiben und bittet sie, Biers zu überzeugen die Geiseln freizulassen. Foster erwidert kühl, dass sie keine Befehle von ihr mehr annimmt.
*Ein Körper fliegt aus dem Basisschiff. Im CIC empfängt Lee Adama eine Nachricht von Biers, die ihn über eine Planänderung informiert. Sie hat die erste Geisel hingerichtet und wird auch weiterhin jede Viertelstunde eine Geisel hinrichten, bis sie die Vier hat. Adama versucht, vernünftig mit ihr zu verhandeln und sagt ihr, dass sie ihnen keine Chance gegeben hat und dass sie kooperieren. Mitten im Gespräch sagt Dualla, dass Biers die Übertragung beendet hat. Als Ergebnis genehmigt Adama die Rettungsaktion und sollte diese scheitern, die Zerstörung des Basisschiffes.
*Auf dem Hangardeck, während sich die Piloten und die Deckmannschaft auf dei Mission vorbereiten, beginnt Tyrol die [[Die Melodie|seltsame Musik]] wieder zu hören. Auch Anders, der sich im Pilotenbesprechungsraum gerade mit den anderen Piloten den Verlauf der Rettungsaktion anhört, hört die Musik. Tigh, der im CIC steht, hört ebenfalls die Musik hört und verlässt das CIC. Auf dem Basisstern hört Tory auch die Musik.
*Auf der ''Galactica'' gehen Anders, Tigh und Tyrol unbewusst zu [[Viper 8757|Thraces Viper]]. Tyrol bemerkt, dass sich irgendetwas an der Viper verändert hat. Anders will Thrace um Rat fragen. Tigh ist damit einverstanden und geht wieder.
*Tigh geht in William Adamas Büro und sagt ihm, dass er die Mission abbrechen soll. Auf die Frage, ob er stattdessen eine andere Option hat, gesteht Tigh ihm, dass er seitdem sie im [[Ionischer Nebel|Ionischen Nebel]] waren weiß, dass er ein Zylon ist. Adama äußert seinen Zweifel und kann nicht glauben, dass seine jahrzehntelanger Freund ein Zylon sein soll. Er vermutet, dass die Zylonen Tigh auf [[Neu Caprica]] einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen haben und sagt ihm, er soll sich von Doktor [[Cottle]] untersuchen lassen. Tigh sagt ihm, dass er sich besser gleich getötet hätte, als er es herausgefunden hat. Er schlägt vor sich als Geisel nehmen zu lassen um gegen Biers etwas in der Hand zu halten.
Der restliche Text muss noch übersetzt werden. Der englische Text befindet sich unter "bearbeiten".
=== Akt 2 ===
*As [[Colonial Marine Corps|Marines]] escort Tigh through the hallways, William Adama suffers a nervous breakdown. He rampages through his office, smashes his fist into a mirror and drinks heavily. As Adama cries, his son finds him and tries to comfort him. Adama says that he can't kill Tigh and Lee tells him that he will handle it.
*In a [[Launch tube (RDM)|launch tube]], Lee Adama interrogates Tigh, demanding to know who the other Cylons are. From the control room, [[Anastasia Dualla|Dualla]] announces that Biers is on the line. Adama threatens to kill Tigh if she harms one of the hostages, and says that she has ten minutes before he kills him. From Tigh he again demands the identities of the rest of the Final Four in order to save the Fleet.
*Standing next to her Viper, Thrace expresses doubt about Anders's and Tyrol's suspicion regarding the Viper. Marines come in and arrest Anders and Tyrol. When Thrace asks what's going on, Sergeant [[Brandy Harder|Harder]] replies that they are Cylons. Shocked, Thrace questions Anders, who confirms that it is true. As he is dragged away, Anders insists that something is different about the Viper.
*On the basestar, an [[Number Eight]] and two [[Cylon Centurion|Centurions]] force the captured pilots down a hallway. [[Brendan Costanza|Hot Dog]] tells the pilots to fall back, and the Eight threatens to shoot them if they don't keep moving.
*Anders and Tyrol are brought into the launch tube to join Tigh. Lee Adama orders Dualla to get the baseship on the line again.
*On the hangar deck, Thrace climbs into her Viper's cockpit.
*On the baseship, Roslin and Baltar hear the hostages and Centurions. A Number Two walks in and Roslin asks what's going on. The Two says that Biers is about to start executing more hostages. When Roslin requests that she be taken to Biers, Baltar insists that she won't listen to her, and that he be taken instead, because he was with her when she had the vision in the [[Temple of Five]]. Roslin agrees.
*Lee Adama tells Biers that he has Anders and Tyrol in the airlock, and demands that she stand down.
*Thrace begins activating her Viper's systems.
*Tory Foster tells Biers that she knows Adama and that he will back down if pressure. Biers orders to target nuclear weapons on the civilian fleet when Baltar walks in and begins begins talking to her.
*Thrace continues activating her electronics and suddenly detects a signal with one instrument.
*Baltar argues that coercion won't work with Lee Adama because he is too similar to his father, while Foster argues that he is bluffing.
*Dualla tells Adama that the baseship's nuclear missiles have gone hot. Both conclude that the Fleet couldn't spool up their [[FTL|jump drives]] quickly enough to escape before the Cylons fire. Adama orders that everyone except Tigh be removed from the tube.
*On the basestar, Baltar suggests that [[God (RDM)|God]] may have brought Biers back for a different purpose, to end the conflict peacefully. She argues that the Colonials will never forgive the Cylons for [[Fall of the Twelve Colonies|what they did to the Twelve Colonies]], and gives the order to proceed.
*As the launch tube door closes, Thrace runs through the ship.
*Baltar argues to Biers that brute force did not work for the Cylons on [[New Caprica]] or the [[algae planet]], and that it will not work now.
*Adama asks Dualla for the key and begins the process of de-pressurizing the launch tube.
*An Eight announces that they have weapons lock on the Colonial ships.
*Tigh tells Adama to stop hesitating and flush the airlock. As Adama is about to push the button, Thrace runs in, telling Adama to stop. She says that the Cylons just gave them [[Earth (RDM)|Earth]].
=== Act 3 ===
*Lee Adama sits in Thrace's Viper, recognizing a Colonial emergency locator signal, and notes that no other [[wireless]] in the Fleet is picking it up. Thrace argues to a skeptical Adama that it must be a signal from Earth, insisting that some higher power is orchestrating events for a purpose and wants the Colonials to find Earth with the Cylons.
*Thrace, Lee Adama, the Final Four, Biers, Marines and Centurions stand around the Viper and an Eight sits inside. They discuss the signal. Adama says that he decided to share the information with the Cylons rather than jump away, because it would only lead to another confrontation down the road. He argues that peace is possible and says that he has granted the Final Four an amnesty. Biers agrees to release the hostages.
*Adama shows his father the location of Earth, asking for orders. Roslin walks in and says she wants to see him pick up the first fistful of earth. He walks away saying that he'll be back. Lee Adama talks to Roslin about stepping down, and she praises him on resolving the crisis, saying the Fleet will need that kind of leadership in the years to come.
*Admiral Adama returns in uniform, saying they should find Earth. His son says that he has been working on a recon mission with Thrace. Admiral Adama replies that everyone should go together, that they don't have anywhere else to go, and that the alliance will fall apart if they hesitate too long. In his view, they need to [[List of terms (RDM)#hard six|roll the hard six]].
=== Act 4 ===
*In the CIC, Dualla announces that the Fleet is ready to jump. Admiral Adama tells Roslin that they wouldn't have made it without her and asks her to give the order. She does so. Dualla counts down and the Fleet jumps.
*The entire Fleet - now including the rebel basestar - successfully jumps. Adama tells Gaeta to take his time with confirming their location. After some seconds, Gaeta announces that the [[Tomb of Athena|constellations]] match. The Fleet has jumped into orbit of a blue/white planet - Earth.
*Adama makes a speech to the whole Fleet, announcing that they have arrived at Earth. All over ''Galactica'' and throughout the Fleet people rejoice ecstatically.
[[Image:Ruinedcity.jpg|thumb|right|A city found in ruins.]]
*A detachment of Vipers, [[Raptors]], [[Heavy Raider]]s, [[Cylon freighter (RDM)|Cylon freighters]], as well as several civilian ships fly towards the surface.
*On Earth, a grim Adama lifts up a handful of soil. Someone next to him reads the dirt with a [[w:Geiger counter|Geiger counter]]. The soil is irradiated. Laura Roslin stands next to Adama, disappointed. Biers is stunned.
*Many others, including [[Karl Agathon|Karl]] and [[Sharon Agathon]], Gaius Baltar, Lee Adama, Kara Thrace, the Final Four, and the Cylons are on the surface as well, walking and standing around on a riverbank near the ruins of a city, which was apparently destroyed. The mood is dismal, with everyone probably wondering what happened to Earth and what they will do next.
== Notes  ==
* This episode is the mid-season cliffhanger for the first ten episodes of [[Season 4 (2008-09)|Season 4]]. The conclusion to the cliffhanger, "[[Sometimes a Great Notion]]", will not air until 2009.
* The episode was given an advance screening in Los Angeles on Wednesday, June 11th, in order to draw attention for the upcoming Emmy Award nominations. <ref>{{cite_web|url=http://syfyportal.com/news425104.html|title='Battlestar Galactica' Hosting Free Screening In L.A.}}</ref>
* According to comments made by Ronald Moore at the 2008 San Diego Comic Con (and included on the Season 4.0 DVD), "Revelations" was designed to be the final episode of the series, in the event the SAG Writer's Strike had prevented the series from continuing.
* As Biers executes one prisoner during the course of the episode, the population of the Fleet when it arrives at Earth is 39,664, not counting the as yet unknown number of copies of the four Significant Seven Cylon models who have now joined them.
* The page from the [[Book of Pythia]] depicting the Temple of Aurora is the same two page spread used to represent the [[City of the Gods]] on [[Kobol (RDM)|Kobol]] from "[[Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I]]".
* The rhythm of the beacon signal matches the rhythm of [[the Music]].
*It remains to be seen if the rebel Cylons will be counted in the Survivor Count now they have joined the Fleet. So far only Sharon Agathon and Caprica-Six, arguably rebel Cylon themselves, have been counted despite never being considered  human.
== Analysis ==
=== General ===
*The survivor count drops by 8 from the previous episode. Allowing for the fact that Pike's death has been counted already and assuming no deaths in the Fleet, these eight Colonial deaths occur as a result of the [[Battle of the Resurrection Hub]]. Two of these casualties at least seem to be Viper pilots given the wrecked Vipers seen derelict at the battle site ([[Sine Qua Non]]). Pike's ECO is also one of the dead. However a possible continuity error occurs in the count between the episodes "Sine Qua Non" and "The Hub", as the episodes take place concurrently, yet the population drops by one in between (possibly Pike's death).
* When Thrace says to Lee Adama (while he is looking at the drawing of the Temple of Aurora) "We'll get there, and walk those halls together", Adama says "Yeah, pretty to think so." This could be a reference to the last line of Ernest Hemingway's ''[[w:The Sun Also Rises|The Sun Also Rises]]'' when Jake Barnes says "Yeah, isn't it pretty to think so?" about the idea that he and Brett Ashley could have been in love.
*There are some flaws in Biers's hostage plan: It is not explained how she believes the Final Four would be able to make it onto her basestar without being detained first by the Colonials. One of them could always be taken as a hostage by the Colonials as a counter-move. Though, presumably they would try to find a covert way to leave the ship, much like [[Tory Foster]]. It also isn't explained why Biers would believe the final five are aware of their true nature. Granted, Tory would tell her as much as soon as they are alone on the Raptor, but Biers wouldn't have known it while calculating her plan. The idea that three of the final five led resistance movements against the Cylons should indicate to her they didn't know. Did she assume they knew after they made meaningful eye contact with her when she got off the Raptor? Or did her vision inform her when they would discover their identities?
=== Characters ===
* Biers holding the Colonial personnel hostage isn't aimed so much as to President Adama and the government, as it is to the remaining three of the Final Four who choose to remain behind. When Foster moves to defect under the guise of giving Roslin her medicine, Colonel Tigh speaks up to prevent her from going. This earns Tigh and the other two who refuse to come forward Biers's enmity and she begins killing their crew mates until they join the Cylons.
* Roslin's plan to hold Biers and her knowledge to herself is shown to have already failed at the start of this episode. Biers has already made it clear she will not co-operate and is walking freely around the basestar. The plan was never likely to succeed given that the Colonials on the rebel basestar are totally outnumbered and cut off from the Fleet. In fact, Roslin and Adama's decision to double-cross the Cylons ([[Guess What's Coming to Dinner?]]) may well have precipitated the entire hostage crisis, as the rebels decided to return to their original plan only after learning that the Colonials have no intention of turning over the Final Five.
* [[Tory Foster]] actively advises Biers in her test of wills with Lee Adama, pressing for more aggressive tactics. She appears to be embracing her Cylon nature, including the antagonism towards mankind. In doing so, she parallels the origins of the Cylon War, rebelling against those she had earlier served.
* [[Sharon Agathon]] appears to have been released from the [[brig]] despite her shooting of [[Natalie]], although there is no explicit on screen explanation given for this. Her involvement in planning the rescue mission could be part of her parole, or it is possible Roslin confirmed to Admiral Adama that they have been experiencing and sharing powerful visions that have affected their behavior. Curiously, this is not the first time that the Agathons have escaped severe punishment for potentially mutinous actions. It is also in Admiral Adama's character to be forgiving of the actions of the officers and crew, most notably Kara Thrace, if there is compelling reason.
* Admiral Adama has apparently reassigned [[Galen Tyrol]] to the hangar deck. In previous episodes Tyrol often worked in other areas of the ship. This may be another example of Adama's forbearance toward his crew. However, he has not as yet restored Tyrol's old rank. Instead, [[Peter Laird]] is shown as the chief of the deck, having likely occupied that position since Tyrol's demotion.
**This is Laird's first chronological appearance since "[[Resurrection Ship, Part I]]". He appeared in "[[Razor]]" in flashback scenes, and was mentioned as an active deckhand in "[[Sine Qua Non]]".
**A deleted scene establishes that Tyrol was reassigned to the hangar deck because half the mechanics are on the basestar to support the Hub mission, and the Galactica deck gang is short-handed.
* The Six walking up to Saul Tigh on Earth appears to be [[Caprica-Six]]. This indicates that Adama's general amnesty extends to her as well and that she is free to join the Cylon rebels on their baseship; a fact that is confirmed by [[Mark Verheiden]] in [http://www.comicmix.com/news/2008/06/18/battlestar-galactica-interview-mark-verheiden-on-cylon-amnesty-and-finding-earth/?cid=9445 this] interview.
* With the destruction of the Hub, Biers becomes the closest a Cylon has come to being human: along with mortality, she, as the last of her model, is unique in all the universe.
=== Earth ===
* One of the first visual clues that [[Earth (RDM)|Earth]] lacks a widespread, technologically advanced civilization comes in the establishing shots of the planet when the [[The Fleet (RDM)|Fleet]] arrives in orbit. The night side of the planet is steeped in total darkness, whereas the city lights of an inhabited planet with an industrialized civilization would be clearly visible on its night side, as seen in this [http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/image/earth_night.jpg composite satellite photograph] of the Earth at night.
*The filming location was on [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&ie=UTF8&ll=49.013815,-123.039697&t=h&z=16 Centennial Beach in Tsawwassen], south of Vancouver.<ref>http://13thcolony.wordpress.com/2007/11/13/bsg-set-damaged-in-windstorm/</ref> <ref>http://bloginhood.blogspot.com/2008/01/look-what-else-washed-up-on-beach-more.html</ref>
* [http://www.io.com/~o_m/omworld/images/blog/06-08/BSG4x10/BSG-Earth-rawPano-4x10.jpg The landing area] actually appears to be the Temple of [[Aurora, Goddess of the Dawn|Aurora]], thus bookending the episode. When the episode begins, [[Lee Adama]] is looking up an [[:Image:AuroraBook.jpg|illustration of the temple]] in the book of Pythia (although the camera lingers on a depiction of the [[City of the Gods]]). As the episode closes on Earth, the landing party appears to be at the ruins of a domed structure by a body of water, as shown by the illustration. A [http://www.auctionnetwork.com/UpcomingItem.asp?EventId=29546&ShowId=321&SortBy=CustomStartTime form core model] of this structure, up for auction in the Battlestar Galactica Props & Costumes Official Auction, acknowledges it to be the Temple of Aurora.
* Throughout this episode, Earth when seen from orbit is largely obscured by cloud masses and shadows. Unlike the view of the North American continent presented at the end of "Crossroads, Part II", none of the landmasses in view can be easily identified. ([http://melancholygeek.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/downthere.png])
== Questions ==
* Is Biers honest in her claim that there are only four of the Final Five in the [[Fleet (RDM)|Fleet]]? ([[Sometimes a Great Notion|Answer]])
* What happened to [[Earth (RDM)|Earth]]? ([[No Exit|Answer]])
* What condition is the rest of Earth in? ([[Sometimes a Great Notion|Answer]])
* Was Earth in the same condition the last time Thrace was there? ([[Daybreak, Part II|Possible answer]])
* Will the other Cylons find the Fleet and the rebels, as well as Earth? If so, will they finish [[Fall of the Twelve Colonies|what they]] [[Cylon Civil War|started]]? Or will they surrender? ([[Daybreak, Part II|Answer]])
* Does the [[Thirteenth Tribe (RDM)|Thirteenth Tribe]] still exist? If so, where are they now? Or was there never a Thirteenth Tribe at all? ([[Sometimes a Great Notion|Answer #1]], [[No Exit|#2]])
* Is Pythia's book literally accurate history or metaphors for real historical events places and things or totally false?
** Pythia's prophecy says 'new home' not 'Earth'; it is Roslin and her followers that assume this means Earth.
* Will the Colonials and their Cylon allies settle on Earth, or will they move on in hopes of finding a more suitable planet? ([[Sometimes a Great Notion|Answer]])
* Will Tigh, Anders, and Tyrol continue their duties on ''Galactica'' despite having been exposed as Cylons? Or will their hatred of the Cylons persist? ([[The Face of the Enemy|Answer #1]], [[Sometimes a Great Notion|Answer #2]])
* Now that his brief presidency has come to an end, will Lee Adama resume his duties on the Quorum? If not, what will his new role be? ([[A Disquiet Follows My Soul|Answer #1]], [[No Exit|Answer #2]])
* Will Caprica-Six join the rebels or pursue further relations with Baltar or Tigh? ([[A Disquiet Follows My Soul|Answer #1]], [[Deadlock|Answer #2]])
* In what year do the Colonials arrive on Earth? ([[Daybreak, Part II|Possible answer]])
* Who or what was responsible, intentionally or not, for the apparent holocaust on Earth? ([[No Exit|Answer]])
== Official Statements  ==
*''[[Jane Espenson]] about the writing and her reaction to it:''
:"Holy cow, I love this episode beyond the saying of it, and 'thank you' to the fans who have been going out of their way to tell all of us that, too. Adama's reaction to the reveal was stunning -- my gods -- and Starbuck-- her face said it all. A thunderclap. Simply beautiful. You wouldn't want more and you can't imagine less. I'm stating the obvious when I say that a more labored reaction would've attenuated the emotions, given the characters a chance to gather themselves before the big blow that was to come, which certainly would be a mistake. [...] I think the *real* reactions are yet to come, just like in life. The beauty of this episode is in its urgency, in the tumbling breathless slide that lands us on that grim gray unfamiliar beach"
:"And -- oh -- that haunting devastated city there, with the massive ruined temple and our people trying to find their footing in a strange dead city I did not recognize... that image just kills me. Every time I watch this episode, I well up with hope, and it lasts right up through that handful of soil, and then the radiation counter breaks my heart all over again."
:"[[David Weddle|David]] and [[Bradley Thompson|Bradley]] (David Weddle and Bradley Thompson, our writers) did an excellent job throughout this rocketsled of an episode - the writing had to be so delicate, precise and emotional... and they also did such a good job doing little things like dealing with the fallout from my episode the previous week. Baltar saying he loves living is such a gem of a moment among a cascade of gems -- thanks for that, David and Brad! And then, of course, the big stuff starts happening and never ever lets up." <ref name"espenson">{{cite_web|url=http://www.tvsquad.com/2008/06/16/jane-espenson-on-battlestar-galacticas-mid-season-finale/|title=TVGuide: Jane Espenson on Battlestar Galactica's mid-season finale}}</ref>
== Noteworthy Dialogue  ==
*''[[William Adama]] has a nervous breakdown after learning that his best friend of 30 years, [[Saul Tigh]], is a Cylon, and having him arrested to be executed. [[Lee Adama|His son]] finds him and drags his father's sobbing form to a bulkhead where he cradles his father from behind.''
:'''William Adama:''' [Crying, sobbing, despair...]
:'''Lee Adama:''' [voice quavering]: Dad, listen... No one suspected, no one! Not with his record. Not what he did on New Caprica. His eye... What happened to his wife... Come on, let's get up.
:'''William:''' What have I done? [breathlessly] All of the people I've sent to die? For what? For what?!
:'''Lee:''' [quietly] For Earth...
:'''William:''' [angrily]: There is no Earth. [sobs] It is a frakkin' joke! There is no Earth! [sobs]   
:'''Lee:''' Okay dad, listen to me... [firmer and takes his father face between his hands] Listen to me!! Pull it together!!
:'''William:''' I can't...
:'''Lee''' [frustrated]: Yes, you can! Come on!
:'''William:''' I can't...
:'''Lee:''' [frustrated] Yes, you ca...
:'''William:''' I can't... I can't kill him... I can't kill the bastard! I can't...
:'''Lee:''' Okay, okay, dad. [he cradles his father's face]
:'''William:''' I can't...
:'''Lee:''' It's... It's gonna be okay... It's gonna be okay... I'll... I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it [kisses his father's forehead].
*''[[Tory Foster]] to [[Laura Roslin]] after confessing that she is a Cylon:''
:'''Foster:''' You had no idea, did you?
:'''Roslin:''' No.
:'''Foster:''' Might be worth pondering what else you've been wrong about.
*''Upon confirmation of their position in orbit of Earth, [[William Adama|Admiral Adama]] makes an announcement to the Fleet:''
:"Crew of ''Galactica''. People of the fleet. This is Admiral Adama. Three years ago I promised to lead you to a new home. We've endured a difficult journey, we've all lost, we've all suffered, and the truth is I questioned whether this day would ever come. But today our journey is at an end. We have arrived, at Earth."
*''Laura Roslin observes the vacant ruins on Earth:''
== Gastdarsteller  ==
* [[Rekha Sharma]] als [[Tory Foster]]
* [[Lucy Lawless]] als [[D'Anna Biers]]
* [[Callum Keith Rennie]] als [[Nummer Zwei]] / [[Leoben Conoy]]
* [[Bodie Olmos]] als Lieutenant [[Brendan Costanza|Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza]]
* [[Keegan Connor Tracy]] as [[Jeanne]]
* [[Lara Gilchrist]] als [[Paulla Schaffer]]
* [[Finn R. Devitt]] als [[Nicholas Tyrol]] (angeführt als "Baby Nicky")
* [[Brad Dryborough]] als Lieutenant [[Louis Hoshi]]
* [[Alexandra Thomas]] als [[Hera Agathon|Hera]]
* [[Heather Doerksen]] als Sergeant [[Brandy Harder]]
* [[Leo Li Chiang]] als [[Tattooed pilot]] (nicht angeführt)
* [[Vincent Gale]] als [[Peter Laird]]
* [[Don Thompson]] als Specialist [[Anthony Figurski]]
* [[Sonja Bennett]] als Specialist [[Marcie Brasko]]
* [[Barry Nerling]] als [[Namenlose Besatzungsmitglieder der Galactica und Pegasus (RDM)#Adamas Corporal|Adamas Corporal]]
== External Links ==
*Composer [[Bear McCreary]] on the episode's score: [http://www.bearmccreary.com/blog/?p=396]
== Referenzen ==
<div style="font-size: 85%;"><references /></div>
{{Episode list (RDM season 4)}}
[[Category:Episodes directed by Michael Rymer]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Bradley Thompson]]
[[Category:Episodes written by David Weddle]]


Version vom 1. Mai 2010, 15:58 Uhr

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Auf zur Erde!
"Auf zur Erde!"
Eine Episode der neu-interpretierten Serie
Episoden-Nr. Staffel 4, Episode 10
Originaltitel Revelations
Autor(en) Bradley Thompson

David Weddle

Regie Michael Rymer
Produktions-Nr. 412
Quoten 1.4
US-Erstausstrahlung USA 13 June 2008
UK-Erstausstrahlung UK 17 June 2008
DE-Erstausstrahlung DE
Bevölkerung 39.665 Überlebende (Bevölkerungsanzahl gesunken. 8)
Zusätzliche Info Season 4.0 Cliffhanger
Vorige Nächste
Wir alle sind sterblich Auf zur Erde! Die Strömung erledigt den Rest
Zusätzliche Information
R&D SkitAnzeigen

Battlestar Galactica (neu-interpretiert) – Episodenliste
Miniserie / Pilotfilm (2003) | Spezial: Miniserie Lowdown
Staffel 1 (2004-2005): 33 Minuten | Wassermangel | Meuterei auf der Astral Queen | Zeichen der Reue | Kein Weg zurück | Das Tribunal | Unter Verdacht | Fleisch und Blut | Ellen | Die Hand Gottes | Der Zwölferrat | Kobol, Teil I | Kobol, Teil II
Staffel 2 (2005-2006): Die verlorene Flotte | Im Tal der Finsternis | Die Gesetze des Krieges | Leben und Sterben | Die Farm | Heimat, Teil I | Heimat, Teil II | Die Reporterin | Die Hoffnung lebt | Pegasus | Die Auferstehung, Teil I | Die Auferstehung, Teil II | Sabotage | Schwarzmarkt | Der beste Jäger der Zylonen | Das Opfer | Mensch und Maschine | Download | Das neue Caprica, Teil I | Das neue Caprica, Teil II
Staffel 3 (2006-2007): Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance | Okkupation | Am Abgrund | Exodus, Teil I | Exodus, Teil II | Verräter | Virus | Immun | Helden | Der Ring | Auftrag ausgeführt | Das Auge des Jupiter | Die Supernova | Zuckerbrot und Peitsche | Allein gegen den Hass | Bis nächstes Jahr | Streik! | Ruf aus dem Jenseits | Berufung | Am Scheideweg, Teil I | Am Scheideweg, Teil II
Staffel 4 (2007-2008): Razor | Auferstehung | Die letzten Fünf | Die Verblendeten | Perfekter Schmerz | Meuterei im All | Ans andere Ufer | Rat mal, was zum Essen kommt | Sine Qua Non | Wir alle sind sterblich | Zur Erde! | Die Strömung erledigt den Rest | Erschöpfung | Die Lunte brennt | Blut in der Waagschale | Das verlorene Paradies | Systemblockade | Der Pianomann | Gestrandet in den Sternen | Götterdämmerung, Teil I | Götterdämmerung, Teil II 
Spielfilm: The Plan

Andere Serien : Original-Serie  | Galactica 1980 Serie  | Caprica  | Liste aller Episoden
