Operation Raptor Talon

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Operation Raptor Talon
Operation Raptor Talon
Konflikt Erster Zylonenkrieg
Datum 4,571 Tage nach Beginn des Zylonenkrieges, vermutlich 40 Jahre vor dem Fall der Zwölf Kolonien
Ort Ein unbenannter "Eisplanet am Arsch von irgendwo"
Ergebnis Kolonialer Sieg, Waffenstillstand vereinbart
Die Zwölf Kolonien von Kobol Zylonen
Kommandierender Offizier der Galactica, kommandierender Offizier der Columbia Unbekannt
3 Kampfsterne, zahlreiche Vipers, und Raptors 3 Jäger Geschwader, Bodenstreitkräfte, mindestens 2 Basisschiffe
Materielle Verluste
Columbia Zahlreiche Zylonenjäger
Die Besatzung derColumbia (vermutich alle)
Vorherige Nächste
Der Erste Zylonenkrieg Operation Raptor Talon Der Fall der zwölf Kolonien

Operation Raptor Talon was a military operation that took place on the 4,571th day of the First Cylon War. The battlestars Galactica and Columbia were among the Colonial vessels taking part in the mission.

The objective was to attack an unnamed "ice planet", that was rumored to house a Cylon superweapon. According to intelligence on hand, the Cylons had three Raider wings, ground forces, defensive batteries and nuclear weapons (Razor Flashbacks, Episode 1). Additionally, the Cylons had at least two basestars defending the planet from orbit (Razor Flashbacks, Episode 3).

Raptors from Raptor Squadron 2 were the first Colonial vessels to be launched in the operation, but were ambushed by Cylon forces soon after. Among the casualties of this skirmish was Jaycie McGavin, who was severely injured when a console exploded on board her Raptor (Razor Flashbacks, Episode 2).

During an orbital engagement with the enemy, Columbia was destroyed by missile salvos from a pair of basestars, presumably killing everyone on board (Razor Flashbacks, Episode 3).

Shortly after Columbia was destroyed, William Adama pursued two Raiders into the atmosphere of the ice planet. He managed to destroy one but suffered a collision with the other, sending him plummeting toward the planet's surface.

On the planet below, Adama discovers a facility where humans are imprisoned (Razor Flashbacks, Episode 4 & 5).

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After speaking to a survivor on the planet, he discovers that the Cylons were experimenting on humans for reasons then unknown to him, but later revealed by Sharon Agathon to be part of a failed experiment in Cylons becoming biological. He attempts to free the prisoners, but is forced to leave when the facility begins to shake. Exiting this facility, he discovers that it was a ship, which leaves. Adama attempts to get Galactica to pursue the ship, only to discover that the Cylons had signed an armistice, thus ushering the end of the first Cylon War (Razor).

Battlestar Galactica (RDM) - Liste der Kolonialen Schlachten
Erster Zylonenkrieg

Schlacht bei Caprica | Fall von Djerba | Operation Clean Sweep | Schlacht im Sektor 12 | Kampf bei Djerba | Geisterflotten Offensive | Operation Raptor Talon | Schlacht um Tauron

Angriff auf die Zwölf Kolonien

Fall der Zwölf Kolonien | Fall der Scorpio Flottenwerft | Schlacht bei der Ragnar-Anlegestelle | Schlacht um das Kommunikationsrelais

Flucht vor den Zylonen

Scharmützel über dem Roten Mond | Kampf um den Tylium-Asteroiden | Kampf um Kobol | Großes Zylonen-Truthahnschießen | Schlacht um das Auferstehungsschiff | Schlacht im Binären Sternensystem | Schlacht um das Wächter Basisschiff | Schlacht von Neu Caprica | Schlacht von NCD2539 | Kampf um den Algenplaneten | Schlacht im Ionischen Nebel

Zylonischer Bürgerkrieg

Schlacht im Trinären Sternensystem | Schlacht um das Auferstehungszentrum | Unentschieden zwischen Galactica und den zylonischen Rebellen

Interne Gefechte

Unentschieden zwischen Galactica und Pegasus | Gaetas Meuterei

Finale Schlacht

Schlacht um die Kolonie