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Version vom 5. August 2006, 15:29 Uhr

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Vorlage:Episode Data


Zwei Raptoren werden seit einer Übungsmission vermisst. Entgegen dem Befehl von Admiral Adame springt der neue Commander der Pegasus Barry Garner hinterher und gerät so in einen Hinterhalt der Zylonen. Baltar kandidiert als Präsident.


  • Die Besatzungen von zwei Raptoren der Pegasus gehen auf einen Trainingsflug. Ein nahe gelegenes Doppelsonnensystem verursacht Interferenzen und stört so die DRADIS und Funk. Plötzlich reißt der Kontakt zu den Raptoren ab. Die Pegasus kann nur noch eine verstümmelte Botschaft auffangen, bei der von einem "Notfall" die Rede ist, als die Raptoren von der Dradis verschwinden.
  • Lee Adama, jetzt Major tritt seine neue Funktion als XO auf der Pegasus an und trifft dort auf Kara Thrace, die es inzwischen zum Captain und zum Chef des Viper Geschwader gebracht hat. Sie diskutieren mit Commander Garner, dem neuen Chef der Pegasus über das Verschwinden der Raptoren.
  • Garner beschwert sich bei Lee über ein Problem namens Starbuck. Er würde mit ihr nicht mehr fertig. Auf die Bemerkung Lees, sie sei eine höllisch gute Viperpilotin, fragt er, ob er ihr deswegen alles durchgehen lassen solle. Im Maschinenraum, wo er zuvor arbeitete, ginge schließlich auch nichts ohne Teamwork und dies sei beispielhaft für das Schiff.
  • Auf der Colonial One spricht President Roslin mit Ihrer neuen Assistentin Tory Foster über die kommenden Wahlen. Dass sie in den Umfragen im Aufwind ist, schreibt Tory dem religiösen Auftreten Roslins und einen als Terroristen verurteilten Gegenkandidaten Tom Zarek zu.
  • Währenddessen rechnet sich dieser keine Chancen mehr aus und umschmeichelt Baltar. Er sei ein geeigneter Kandidat und solle aus seiner Popularität Kapital schlagen.
  • Cottle und Adama reden mit dem schwangeren Mädchen aus dem Container Rya Kibby. Kibby möchte das Baby nicht bekommen. Adama möchte sie - nach einer Intervention einer Abgesandten vom Gemenon - zu Ihrer Familie zurückschicken. Dr. Cottle schlägt Rya, zum Missfallen Adamas, vor, Asylantrag auf der Galactica zu stellen, was diese aus Angst vor ihren Eltern auch tut.
  • Das Asylersuchen von Rya Kibby schlägt Wellen in der Flotte. Die Abgesandte Sarah Porter der Kolonie Gemenon protestiert dagegen bei Roslin und Adama. Sie deutet an, dass Gemenon ihr die bisher gewährte politische Unterstützung versagen könnte. Ein Schwangerschaftsabruch sei ethisch nicht tragbar. Das Kind müsse sofort zurück zu ihren Eltern. Später erklärt Roslin gegenüber Adama, sie unterstütze Schwangerschaftsabbrüche nicht grundsätzlich, habe aber immer für das Recht der Frau gekämpft, selbst über ihren Körper zu entscheiden. Adama erinnert sie an ihre eigenen Worte. Sie selbst habe gesagt, man müsse wieder Babys bekommen, damit das Menschenvolk überlebe.
  • Lee rückt Kara und ihren Piloten den Kopf zurecht. Eindrücklich verweist er auf die geringen Sauerstoffvorräte der vermissten Piloten und erwarte, dass jeden noch so kleinen Hinweis nachgegangen würde. Starbuck nimmt sich darauf die Schnipsel der verstümmelten Funksprüche vor. Sie kommt dabei zu dem Ergebnis, das es sich nicht um die Meldung eines Notfalls, sondern das Auffangen eines Notrufs und möglicherweise um eine Falle der Zylonen handeln könne.
  • Per Funk kommunizieren Garner und Lee mit Adama. Garner möchte den Raptor Piloten hinterher springen aber Lee bringt Karas Theorie als Einwand dagegen. Garner sieht darauf rot und widerspricht heftig. Aber Adama entscheidet auf eine eine Rettungsmission mit 5 Raptoren.
  • Ein aufgebrachter Garner befiehlt dennoch den Sprung. Lee und er geraten darüber in Disput und wollen sich gegenseitig festnehmen lassen. Ein hierzu von beiden herbeibefohlener Marine nimmt schlussendlich Lee fest. Die Pegasus springt, aber man findet die Piloten tot auf. In diesem Moment erscheinen drei zylonische Basissterne und treffen die Pegasus mit mehreren Atomraketen. Der Marine lässt daraufhin Lee wieder laufen.
  • Der Pegasus Sprungantrieb fällt dabei aus. Ein geläuterter und leicht verzweifelter Garner spricht mit seinen ehemaligen Kollegen vom Maschinenraum, kann die Situation von der Zentrale nicht lösen. Er begibt sich selbst dorthin, überträgt zuvor Lee das Kommando. Vollkommen davon überrascht, braucht Lee einen Moment um dann der warteten Crew zu befehlen, die beschädigte Topseite der Pegasus vom Basisstern abzudrehen und frontal, unterstützt durch, Kara und deren Viperpiloten anzugreifen.
  • Dies gibt Garner die Zeit, den beschädigten Überlichtantrieb zu reparieren. Er opfert dabei sein Leben, das er wegen Sauerstoffmangels verliert. Die Pegasus springt.
  • Roslin ruft eine Pressekonferenz ein, auf der sie das Verbot von Schwangerschaftabbrüchen bekannt gibt, obwohl das gegen über ihre früheren Prinzipien verstoße und dies ihr Stimmen kosten könne. Extreme Zeiten erforderten extreme Entscheidungen.
  • Dr Cottle hat die Abtreibung vorgenommen. Ein weiteres Mal fordert die gemenonische Abgesandte die Herausgabe des Mädchens. Roslin befürchtet, dass ihm Vergeltung drohe und gewährt ihr Asyl auf der Galactica. Den Protest der Abgesandten kuriert sie. Sie solle Ihren Sieg (das neu erlassene Abtreibungsverbot) nehmen und sich trollen.
  • Zurück auf der Galactica sprechen die beiden Adamas über die Vorfälle. Lee kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass Garner zuvor mit Maschinen und jetzt mit Menschen habe arbeiten müssen und damit Probleme gehabt habe. Dessen solle er sich immer erinnern, erwidert der Admiral und gibt zu, in der Wahl Garners versagt zu haben. Er bittet Lee, dies sich nicht wiederholen zu lassen, als er ihn - unter den rührseligen Klängen von an Western erinnernder Musik - zum Commander der Pegasus befördert.
  • Auf der Pressekonferenz hat die Fragerunde begonnen. Baltar ergreift überraschend das Wort und gibt seine Kandidatur für das Amt des Präsidenten der Zwölf Kolonien bekannt.


  • Would Adama allow Dr. Cottle to be arrested? From the episode, he is of the opinion that he would do what is necessary.
    • Given that Cottle is the only real doctor left in the fleet, Adama may be hesitant to take such an action.
      • This idea is supported by Cottle's behavior toward officers: Adama is the only one to whom he shows even marginal respect.
    • Are there no doctors on Pegasus? If Cain had a large civilian fleet to recruit from, it is likely that she would have drafted some doctors into service.
  • Was Baltar's report real, or was it just invented to produce the opportunity to drive his wedge?
    • With the constant Cylon attacks to the Fleet (barring the unexpected return of Pegasus) the population is almost always declining, as noted by Admiral Adama.
  • Who will replace Baltar as Roslin's Vice President?
    • Can Roslin actually pick another Vice President, under Colonial law, if Baltar refuses to resign? One of the reporters at the end actually directly asked if Baltar would remain as Vice President. Perhaps Roslin cannot forcibly remove Baltar from his office just because he's running against her.
      • If Colonial law works similarly to American political protocol, Baltar was elected in his own right. For example, George Bush cannot force Dick Cheney to resign, only Mr. Cheney himself can elect to resign. Interestingly, 204 years ago, US President John Adams faced a similar situation: His own Vice-President, Thomas Jefferson, plotted Adams' political downfall.
  • How will Zarek position himself in the Baltar campaign?
    • It is likely that Zarek hopes to become Vice President himself.
      • Does Zarek plan to have Baltar killed, as per his plan in "Colonial Day"?
        • Zarek actually seems willing to make a beneficial alliance with Baltar, which Roslin would never agree to.
        • Baltar may be a political novice but he's no fool; he would spot that a mile away. In fact, Baltar specifically asks Zarek what he (Zarek) would want in return. Zarek gave a diplomatic answer rather than openly ask for the VP slot.
  • Will Tigh accept the fact that Lee Adama now outranks him and has command of a ship? Or does Saul have no interest in command and already told Admiral Adama that before the posting was offered to Lee?
    • As mentioned in "Scattered," Col. Tigh was never really interested in commanding a battlestar.
  • What will happen to Rya now that she has been granted asylum on Galactica?
  • Why was Lee promoted straight from Major to Commander? Can a Colonel not be placed in command of a battlestar for long-term purposes?
    • No. Colonel Jack Fisk was promoted to Commander of Pegasus before his death. It appears to be something of a rank nomenclature formality, as Garner was promoted up from being head of engineering. Compare to the established terminology convention on Star Trek for always referring to the commanding officer of a ship as "Captain", even if that officer does not hold that specific rank.
      • The use of "captain" is done in real life as well. In the US Navy, a person in the command of a vessel is referred to as "Captain" even if his actual rank is Lieutenant Commander, Ensign or even if he/she is a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO).
  • Had Garner been serving as XO to Pegasus's previous commander, the late Jack Fisk?
  • Does the fact that the Cylons had such a large force waiting to ambush Pegasus indicate that they have a new Resurrection Ship in place?
    • Given that there were three basestars in wait, it is more likely that the Cylons opted on surprise and sheer numbers to succeed. Still, Pegasus caused one basestar to retreat, despite being outnumbered. It is likely that the lack of a Resurrection Ship resulted in the basestar's retreat.
    • Before, the Cylons were confident in making a frontal assault on a battlestar with a single basestar, in "Scattered", etc. They are markedly less confident now.
  • How does the double layer flight pod system on Pegasus operate? Just before the battlestar jumps away from the ambush, there is a short sequence of Vipers returning to the ship that shows them landing on two distinct levels of the flight pod, with Vipers landing on the lower level being upside down with respect to Pegasus. Both the Colonials and Cylons obviously have some form of artificial gravity on their spacecraft, so this explains why such an arrangement is possible.
  • How could abortion be legal and established throughout the colonies despite being against the religious views of at least one planet? Was it introduced only recently?
    • Abortion may have been illegal or tightly-curtailed on that one planet. How much power did the Colonial political structure give to individual planets or smaller geographic areas?
      • On present day Earth, there are several countries which have legalized abortion despite having internal regions/cultural subgroups which frown upon it. The Twelve Colonies were ruled by a federal system, not a loose confederation adhering to principles of States' Rights, etc.; the majority view in the federal government could probably enforce such laws on member worlds.
  • What kind of equipment is available to fix small breaches such as the one in the "Pegasus" Engine room?
    • Helo uses a hand-held pressure pad to seal a minor breach in the damaged Raptor during the Miniseries right after he receives his leg wound. Would such a device not help here?
      • Maybe not all hull breaches are small enough to fix that way.
      • There may not have been time to patch it, the ship was under heavy fire and could be destroyed at any moment; Restoring the FTL drive was the priority.
  • Now that Lee Adama is commanding Pegasus, who does he have for an XO since it is apparent both battlestars are short field grade officers? Does he elevate Stinger to XO, or does he bring someone from Galactica?


  • When Baltar announces his candidacy for the Presidency, Number Six applauds with a slow clap. This action runs in parallel to how then-Commander William Adama led the entire crew in a long, drawn-out slow clap in respect of President Roslin when she was re-instated to her office in "Home, Part II".
  • Survivor count is decremented by six from "Sacrifice", but seven people died in that episode - terrorists Sesha Abinell, Vinson, Page and Chu, two unnamed marines, and civilian Billy Keikeya. At least one birth must have taken place to offset the population count between the two episodes.
  • Based on the Colonial One whiteboard seen toward the end of the episode, only five people died as a result of the ambush on Pegasus: Richard "Buster" Bayer, Lyla "Shark" Ellway, the unnamed crew of Raptor 314, and Commander Barry Garner.
    • This casualty figure is conspicuously low, considering that Galactica lost 85 crewmen as the result of a hit by a single nuclear missile in the miniseries, while Pegasus is hit with no less than three in this episode.
    • On the other hand, it is at least consistent with the surprisingly low number of casualties incurred in the Battle of the Resurrection Ship, and may indicate that the hull armor on Pegasus is significantly stronger than on Galactica, which has many conspicuously bare structural ribs.
    • A large number of the casualties Galactica incurred were due to the firefighting crews failure to use breathing gear when Tigh ordered the flight pod vented. However, based on dialogue in this episode, it appears that the Pegasus firefighting teams did take this precaution.
  • In the course of this episode's timeline, Lee Adama rises from the rank of Captain (CAG of Galactica) to Major (No details are given on that posting except Adama was assigned to Pegasus), to Commander and CO of Pegasus in the wake of Commander Barry Garner's death saving his ship.
    • Major Adama's duty was intended as a temporary stint as Pegasus acting XO, to familiarize himself with the duties of a senior officer. In the opening scene, he tells Anastasia Dualla that he expects to return to Galactica "in a couple of weeks".
  • Garner's decision to mount a rescue operation in contravention of his commanding officer's orders is an explicit parallel to "Pegasus", down to the choice of words:
Adama: "I'm getting my men."
Garner: "I'm going to get our men."
  • Kara Thrace's posting is finally clarified in this episode: she is now serving as CAG on Galactica.
    • She was transferred to Pegasus in "Pegasus" and then promoted to that ship's CAG over Cole "Stinger" Taylor in "Resurrection Ship, Part I". In "Epiphanies", it is made clear that Lee Adama regained his posting as Galactica's CAG. In "Epiphanies", Thrace is seen piloting one of Galactica's Mk. II Vipers with Kat; in "Scar" she is serving on Galactica, and appears to have assumed the majority of Adama's responsibilities as CAG, although she still takes orders from him.
    • During this episode it's mentioned that she's only been on board Pegasus for four days before getting thrown in the brig, so clearly she isn't Pegasus's CAG any longer. Thus, despite the great esteem Cain held her in (she was the second speaker at Cain's funeral, after Jack Fisk), it seems clear that she was removed from her position on Pegasus sometime after Cain's death.
  • Although there's no clear evidence of this, it's nice to imagine that when Admiral Adama promoted his son to Commander, he gave Lee his old Commander rank insignia.


  • Timeline-wise, Baltar says that he made an initial projection of the fleet's population "over seven months ago". This would have been before the arrival of Pegasus, since he said he factored in the arrival of her crew subsequently.
  • Baltar states that he added the crew of the Pegasus into his calculations, with the result of the end of the human race within 18 years at current attrition rates.
  • It has been "almost a month" since Apollo was shot in "Sacrifice".
  • The recap at the beginning of this episode includes two scenes that did not actually appear in any previous episode, but were constructed by redubbing existing footage.
    • The scene where Colonel Tigh and Admiral Adama discuss Garner's promotion is constructed from the scene in "Black Market" when Adama and Tigh are telling Apollo to go to Pegasus on the hangar deck. The scene has been cleverly redubbed, so that Adama is saying entirely new lines when the camera is pointed at Tigh (not at Adama's face), and then Tigh says new lines when the camera is pointed at Adama.
    • The same technique is used when Baltar is talking to Gina: when the camera is pointed at Baltar, we hear Gina saying "You must betray Roslin and run for President in the upcoming election", but this was never heard in the aired version of "Epiphanies".
  • Capt. Cole "Stinger" Taylor is still onboard Pegasus, mentioned by Capt. Thrace as being in the brig for insubordination.
  • The adjectival form of "Gemenon" is "Gemenese".
  • Under Gemenese law, minors are the "property" of their parents.
  • Mercury class battlestars do not need to retract their flight pods prior to a jump, unlike the Galactica type.
  • The coolant pressure gauges on Pegasus measure in PSI, presumably Pound-force per square inch. This is consistent with the use of customary units on the Viper Mk. II's Altimeter, seen in "Act of Contrition".
  • This is the fourth episode of the season in which Grace Park has not appeared as Sharon Valerii.
  • Writer Jeff Vlaming references Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" when he has Laura Roslin tell Quorum of Twelve delegate Sarah Porter, "you have your pound of flesh".
  • Sharon warned Admiral Adama in the previous episode, "Sacrifice", that the Cylons might try to lay ambushes near some pulsar stars ahead of their position, due to DRADIS interference.
  • Based on the promo images for the episodes, it appears that in a deleted scene, Rya tried to kill herself by overdosing on pills when she was told she couldn't have an abortion, and she had to be resuscitated.

Noteworthy Dialogue

  • Following the Cylon ambush of Pegasus and the death of Commander Garner
Admiral Adama: In your opinion, off the record, what was Garner's flaw?
Major Lee Adama: He was used to working with machines. Command is about people.
Admiral Adama: Remember that, as you take command of "The Beast" (Pegasus). Garner was my decision; His failures, my responsibility. Don't let me fail a second time. Congratulations, Commander.
  • Responding to President Roslin's decision to criminalize abortion:
Vice-President Baltar: It is true in the light of recent events, the President may have lost support in some quarters. I would ask the people to understand that if this is an extreme decision, we live in extreme times. The decision has been made with good faith. I, however, cannot with good conscience support it. I am so sorry, Madame President, but the Cylon have no understanding the meaning of the word "freedom". How could they? They're programmed...machines. Every time you take away one of our freedoms, every time we restrict or curtail one of our rights, we become one step closer to being like them. As the Vice-President, I am bound to follow the administration's lead; As President, I should have no such strictures. Given the current situation, I'm afraid that I have no alternative but to announce that I am, as of now, a candidate for the Presidency.

Guest Stars


  • USA Nielsen Ratings: 1.7 household rating (note: this is the lowest ratings figure that an episode of the Re-Imagined Series ever received, although the episode was well-received by critics).

Vorlage:Episode list (RDM season 2)