Portal:Battlestar Galactica (RDM)/Staffel 3

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Jede Episode von "Battlestar Galactica" ist zwischen 40 und 45 Minuten lang. Das Datum gibt die US-Erstausstrahlung an.

Episode # Titel Ausstrahlung Bild
01 Occupation 6. Oktober 2006 Season 3 - Promo - Epi 1 - 2 - Number Three talking.jpg
Es ist vier Monate her, dass die Zylonen die Kolonie Neu Caprica besetzt haben. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sprangen die Battlestar Galactica und Pegasus mit einer kleinen Gruppe ziviler Schiffe in Sicherheit. Zwischenzeitlich etablierte sich eine Widerstandsgruppe gegen die zylonischen Besetzer auf Neu Caprica. Admiral Adama steht derweil vor der unlösbaren Aufgabe mit einer handvoll unerfahrener Piloten und schlecht ausgerüsteten Schiffen, einen Weg zur Rettung der Menschheit von Neu Caprica zu finden.

"Es wird gut werden. Es wird wirklich alles gut werden." -- Admiral Adama

02 Precipice 6. Oktober 2006 Season 3 - Promo - Epi 1 - 2 - C-Number Eight, Adama, Helo.jpg
Nach einem Selbstmordanschlag auf eine zylonische Einrichtung, beschließen die Zylonen härter gegen die Menschen durchzugreifen um den Widerstand zu zerschlagen. Derweil reifen die Rettungspläne Adamas, da nun eine Kommunikationsverbindung mit der Widerstandbewegung hergestellt werden konnte.


Tom Zarek: Laura... Die Wahl im letzten Jahr. Sie versuchten, das Wahlergebnis zu fälschen, nicht wahr?
Laura Roslin: Ja, Tom. Das habe ich.
Tom Zarek: (lacht) Ah... Ich wünsche, sie wären damit durchgekommen.
Laura Roslin: Ich ebenfalls.
03 Exodus, Part I 13. Oktober 2006 Roslinanders-Exodus.jpg
Die Zylonen beginnen mit einem brutalem Gegenschlag gegen die Widerstandsbewegung auf Neu Caprica. Tyrol bezieht geheime Informationen von einem unbekannten Informanten aus Präsident Baltars Stab während Kolonisten vor ein zylonisches Exekutionskommando gestellt werden. Als die Zeit für die Bevölkerung abzulaufen scheint, beschließt Admiral Adama ihre Rettung mit der Galactica, während sein Sohn Lee sich mit der Pegasus und der restlichen menschlichen Flotte weiter auf die Suche nach der Erde begeben soll. Sie hoffen so die Weiterexistenz der Menschheit im Falle eines Fehlschlags der Rettungsmission sicherstellen zu können.

"Ihre Feinde werden sie entzweien, ihre Kolonien aufgebrochen in feurige Schluchten. Die schönen Tage haben sich gewandelt in eine Vielzahl dunkler Opfer. Dennoch werden sie weiter verharren. Immer zusammen." -- Margaret "Racetrack" Edmondson

04 Exodus, Part II 20. Oktober 2006 TighAdamaReunion.jpg
Lee Adama, der Kommandant des Battlestar Pegasus hat ernsthafte Zweifel an dem Erfolg der Rettungsmission der Galactica. Auf Neu Caprica zieht Saul Tigh die Konsequenzen aus den Spionageaktionen seiner Frau Ellen für die Zylonen. Die Galactica führt ihren dramatischen Rettungsplan aus.


Admiral William Adama: Du hast es geschafft, Saul. Du hast sie zurück gebracht.
Col. Tigh: Nicht alle von ihnen.
05 Collaborators 27. Oktober 2006 JammerCollaborators.jpg
Der Kreis, ein geheimes Tribunal auf der Galactica, verurteilt Jammer und andere Kolonisten, die mit den Zylonen während der Besatzung zusammenarbeiteten, wegen Kollaboration mit dem Feind.


Nummer Sechs: Mach mich nicht wütend, Gaius.
Admiral William Adama: Sie würden sie nicht mögen, wenn sie wütend ist.
06 Torn (Talk) 3. November 2006 Season 3 - Promo - Epi 5 - StarbuckTighAdama.jpg
Starbuck und Tigh spalten die Besatzung der Galactica zwischen denen, die unter der zylonischen Besatzung auf Neu Caprica litten und denen, die in der Flotte blieben. Inzwischen versucht Baltar seinen Wert für die Zylonen zu beweisen.

"Nebelschleier sickern entlang des aufkeimenden Echos und keine Liebe mehr. Endstation." -- Das Basisschiff-Hybrid

07 A Measure of Salvation 10. November 2006 Amos.jpg
Apollo and Athena are dispatched to interrogate the dying Cylons on board the infected baseship, and learn how Baltar is helping their adversaries. The virus inspires Lee Adama to come up with a new strategy.


Karl Agathon: Genocide? So that's what we're about now?
Lee Adama: They're not human! They were built, not born. No fathers, no mothers, no sons, no daughters--
Karl Agathon: I had a daughter. I held her in my arms.
08 Hero 17. November 2006 Season 3 - Promo - Hero -Adama Tigh and Novacek.jpg
A figure from Adama's past returns to haunt him. His return raises questions about why the Cylons launched their initial attack against the Twelve Colonies.

"There's something beautiful, miraculous between life and death." - Number Three

09 Unfinished Business 1. Dezember 2006 Season 3 - Promo - Unfinished Business - Lee and Helo.jpg
Admiral Adama re-institutes a military tradition onboard Colonial warships, in which crewmembers disregard rank and fight each other in a boxing ring to relieve tensions aboard ship—tensions which have existed since Galactica discovered New Caprica.

"When you step on this deck, you be ready to fight, or you dishonor the reason why we're here. Now remember this; When you fight a man, he's not your friend. Same goes when you lead men. I forgot that once. I let you get too close, all of you. I dropped my guard. I gave some of you breaks, let some of you go, before the fight was really over. I let this crew and this family disband, and we paid the price in lives. That can't happen again." -- Admiral William Adama

10 The Passage 8. Dezember 2006 Season 3 - Promo - The Passage - Kat.jpg
Starvation threatens the population after the food-processing systems become contaminated, but the Fleet is cut off from a food source by the intense radiation put out by a huge star cluster. Galactica’s pilots must guide the civilian vessels on a dangerous journey directly through the radiation.


William Adama: I hear they're still eating paper. Is that true?
Saul Tigh: No. Paper shortage
11 The Eye of Jupiter (Talk) 15. Dezember 2006 S3-eyeofjupiter.jpg
The possible discovery of the Eye of Jupiter on the algae planet leads to a deadly stand-off, as the Cylons and humans risk all for a chance to find the way to Earth.


William Adama: Put it through speaker. This is Admiral Adama.
Gaius Baltar: Admiral. I can't tell you what a genuine pleasure it is to hear your voice. This is Gaius Baltar.
12 Rapture 21. Januar 2007 Final Five.jpg
With an impending supernova, the Colonials and Cylons see their time running out as they endeavor to unlock the secrets of the Eye of Jupiter. Meanwhile, Number Three executes her plan to know the faces of the Final Five and Sharon Agathon tries to get her daughter back.

"This is my destiny. To see what lies between life and death." -- Number Three

13 Taking a Break From All Your Worries 28. Januar 2007 3x13-Taking a Break From All Your Worries-Apollo.jpg
Baltar is rigorously questioned about his past and what the Cylons know about Earth. Meanwhile, both Kara Thrace and Lee Adama struggle with their feelings for one another and are forced to make a decision about their respective marriages.

"Just wondered if you recognized even one of these faces? Did any image get through to you on the rare occasion when you ventured out from behind your sandbags and your razor wires to see what was happening to your people?! YOUR PEOPLE! I need to know. NOW!" -- President Laura Roslin

14 The Woman King 11. Februar 2007 TWK-1.jpg
Helo investigates the claims of Sagittarons that a doctor is discriminating against them by providing substandard medical care.

"Listen to me, Baltar will get his trial, and this is what you'll get: a hurricane. The media will descend upon you and watch, and scrutinize, and question your every move. You will have sectarian violence, you will have assassination attempts, you will have civil unrest on a scale we've never seen. Work, labor, everyday routine in this fleet will come to a complete halt. This trial is going to bring down this entire fleet down." -- Tom Zarek

15 A Day in the Life 18. Februar 2007 3x15-AdamaAndWife-cropped.jpg
Adama faces the memory of his late wife and their marriage as he marks his wedding anniversary. Meanwhile Cally and Galen Tyrol are trapped in a depressurizing airlock with no way to leave it, and President Roslin is pushing ahead with Baltar's trial.


Helo: What's the matter with you?
Hot Dog: Sorry, I've got the weirdest rash.
Helo: Really? I hope she was worth it buddy!
16 Dirty Hands 25. Februar 2007 3x16-DirtyHands-TyrolSelix.jpg
Amidst unsafe and harsh conditions in the maintenance and production areas of the Fleet, as well Baltar's personal diatribe stirring feelings of dissent amongst the working class, Chief Tyrol must wrestle whether or not to resurrect the worker's union he began on New Caprica.

"Oh yes, I left Aerelon after my eighteenth birthday, I turned my back on my family, my heritage, all of them, of course it doesn't matter though, they're all dead now..." -- Dr. Gaius Baltar

17 Maelstrom 4. März 2007 3X17-Maelstrom-LeobenStarbuck.jpg
Kara Thrace's past comes back to haunt her when Adama has doubts about her fitness for duty.


Kara Thrace: You're not Leoben.
"Leoben Conoy": I never said I was.
18 The Son Also Rises 11. März 2007 3x18-TheSonAlsoRises-ApolloBaltarLampkin.jpg
With Gaius Baltar's trial merely two weeks away, Lee Adama is tasked with protecting Romo Lampkin, Baltar's second lawyer, and finds himself going up against his own father, who himself is appointed as one of the five judges in Baltar's trial.

"I was born for this. That, and the fact I have a pulse." -- Romo Lampkin

19 Crossroads, Part I 18. März 2007 3x19-CrossroadsPartI-TrialJudges.jpg
Baltar's trial commences, with the prosecution presenting evidence of treason committed on New Caprica amid controversial testimonies from Colonel Tigh and President Roslin.


[ The showdown of the Adamas ]
Lee Adama: I refuse to serve under someone that questions my integrity.
William Adama: And I refuse to have an officer serve under me that has none.
20 Crossroads, Part II 25. März 2007 3x20-CrossroadsPartII-BaltarSixHera.jpg
As Gaeta testifies against Baltar about the execution list that the accused signed on New Caprica, Roslin finds a disturbing link between her dreams and the Opera House on Kobol. Lee Adama turns around the trial with an unusual move, and several people make a disturbing discovery about themselves.

"It's going to be okay. I've been to Earth. I know where it is. And I'm going to take us there." -- Kara "Starbuck" Thrace