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  • [[en:Landing bay (RDM)]]
    3 KB (459 Wörter) - 08:47, 5. Dez. 2012
  • *'''[[Landing Signal Officer|LSO]]''': ''’’Landing Signal Officer’’'', Landeoffizier *{{inlineref|trap}}: mechanism in a battlestar's landing bay which arrests the forward motion of either a Viper, Raptor or other small…
    13 KB (1.695 Wörter) - 22:18, 12. Feb. 2010
  • …re is a slight discrepancy in the on-screen time codes. Lee Adama is shown landing on Galactica at 0902. A few minutes later, after Starbuck rescues him from …es not seem essential in the end for Tigh and Adama to stay in the storage bay while the marines break down the door, as the Raptor is clear before the ma
    34 KB (5.611 Wörter) - 17:59, 11. Jun. 2012