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Version vom 3. Juni 2010, 07:06 Uhr von Enabran (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Überblick und Eröffnungsszene Übersetzt)
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Eine Episode der neu-interpretierten Serie
Episoden-Nr. Staffel 4, Episode 12
Originaltitel A Disquiet Follows My Soul
Autor(en) Ronald D. Moore
Regie Ronald D. Moore
Produktions-Nr. 414
Quoten 1,717,000
US-Erstausstrahlung USA 23. Jänner 2009
UK-Erstausstrahlung UK 27. Jänner 2009
DE-Erstausstrahlung DE {{{GE airdate}}}
Bevölkerung 39.644 Überlebende (Bevölkerungsanzahl gesunken. 6)
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Während sich die Flottet von der Enttäuschung der Erde erholt und William Adama plant, die FTL-triebwerke mit zylonischer Technologie auszustatten, unternehmen Felix Gaeta und Vize Präsident Tom Zarek legale und illegale Schritte um einen Widerstand zu formen.



  • Admiral William Adama kämpft damit aus seiner Koje zu kommen und einen weiteren Arbeitstag auf der Galactica zu beginnen. Er war in seiner Uniform eingeschlafen und erkennt, dass er für seine Schicht im CIC spät dran ist.
  • Dem Anschein nach trägt er die Enttäuschung durch die Erde mit Würde. Er geht in Richtung CIC und hebt unterwegs ein Stück Müll auf, das in einem Gang liegt.
  • Als Tigh auf dem Bild nichts erkennen kann, meint Cottle: "Versuchen Sie es mit Ihren Augen... ihrem Auge." Schwester Layne Ishay erklärt ihm das Bild weist darauf hin, woraufhin Tigh ein wenig überwältigt wirkt und einen Drink verlangt. Stattdessen bietet Cottle ihm eine Zigarette an und zündet sich selbst auch eine an, sehr zu Ishays Missfallen.
  • Caprica-Sechs erkennt, dass die zylonische Rasse nun, da die Fähigkeit der Auferstehung durch den Verlust des Auferstehungszentrums verloren ist, auf menschliche Art und weise fortbestehen kann. Sie erwähnt, dass noch keine zylonische Paarung jemals erfolgreich war und dass sie viele Versuche gemacht hatten.
  • Cottle beordert Ishay einen Tetalmonitor für das Kind zu holen. Sie geht an Felix Gaeta vorbei, der hier ist um seine Beinprothese zu holen, die hier für ihn aufbewahrt wurde. Gaeta ist von all der Aufmerksamkeit für die Zylonen verärgert.
  • Zusätzlich zu dem Chaos kommt noch Galen Tyrol mit seinem Sohn Nicholas Tyrol herein und verlangt, dass man Nicky sofort untersucht.
  • Als Reaktion auf Ishay Entschuldigung, antwortet Gaeta, dass er die Toaster nicht warten lassen kann.
  • Auf der Colonial One halten der Admiral, Lee Adama und Vize Präsident Tom Zarek eine Pressekonferenz ab. Er weigert sich, Fragen zu seinem XO oder einem möglichen Bündnis mit den zylonischen Rebellen zu beantworten. Wenn Sekou Hamilton Zarek nach seiner Meinung über die Allianz fragt, ist seine Antwort ein kaltes: "Kein Kommentar."
  • Der Admiral tritt zurück als sein Sohn versucht die Pressekonferenz zu beenden. Playa Palacios fragt nach Präsidentin Laura Roslin und ihren Aufenthaltsort. Lee antwortet, dass Roslin sich an Bord der Galactica befindet.
  • Sekou Hamilton fragt nach der Identität des Letzen Zylonenmodells. Lee antwortet unüberlegt und sagt, dass "sie" vor einiger Zeit gestorben ist - den anschließenden Aufruhr ignorieren die drei und ziehen sich zurück zu einer privaten Unterredung.
  • Im Büro des Präsidenten stellt sich herraus, dass Zarek vehement gegen ein Bündnis mit den Zylonen ist, aber der Admiral besteht darauf, dass der Präsident das letzte Wort in dieser Sache zu sprechen hat. Nachdem Zarek ihm droht, warnt Adama Zarek davor, dass es einfach sein wird Zarek als Anstifter zu identifizieren, sollte etwas geschehen.

Act 1

  • In Admiral Adama's quarters, Lee Adama, Saul Tigh, Galen Tyrol, Felix Gaeta and Karl Agathon meet. As the admiral takes some kind of medication and rolls his arm in some form of discomfort, Tyrol indicates that the rebel Cylons of the baseship in the Fleet would rather ally with Adama permanently than risk meeting up with the Cavils and their hostile Cylon forces alone.
  • Adama redirects the discussion to a proposed upgrading of all Colonial jump drives in the Fleet. As Cylon FTL is three times more efficient, such an upgrade would be very useful tactically, with some hard work. Lee Adama reminds the others that the Quorum is needed to get the civilian ship's cooperation, especially if the Cylons are needed to do the work on each ship. Tyrol confirms that Cylon involvement will be a requirement.
  • Lee considers the argument that upgrading before the Fleet's food and fuel run out before they find a new home should be a good argument. But Tyrol ups the ante with a price: that the Cylons become valid citizens of the Fleet, with their own representative on the Quorum and Adama's oath of protection. Gaeta objects strongly, but the admiral indicates he is weighing all options as he dismisses the group, realizing that President Roslin needs to weigh it as well.
  • Nurse Ishay and Dr. Cottle inform Galen Tyrol that his son suffered early renal failure. Treatment should prevent a damaged kidney. The problems complicate when Tyrol reminds the medical team that his child is half-Cylon, but Ishay tries to tell Cottle to inform Tyrol of something important. Cottle dismisses Ishay and speaks with Tyrol privately.
  • Tyrol realizes that his late wife, Cally Tyrol, hid a secret: little Nicky is not Galen's biological child. When Tyrol asks who the father is, Cottle angrily declines that request until he can tell the birth father.
  • Lee and Admiral Adama complete their talk. Lee is concerned of Roslin's absence as well. The admiral tries to phone Roslin in her quarters somewhere on the ship.
  • Roslin ignores the ringing phone as she spaces out a myriad of medications on a table. In quiet defiance, she finally dismisses taking any of pills, pushing them all into a trash can as she smiles softly to herself.

Act 2

  • Admiral Adama tries to convince Roslin to help with the Cylon alliance question as she tries a few aerobics. But Roslin continually defers to get back in the political game, asking for "a little more time" to be alone as she pushes Adama out of her room.
  • Picking up more trash, the admiral continues down a corridor and past the officer's rec room as Gaeta sits down next to Kara Thrace, who isn't in the mood to talk. Gaeta reminds her of her involvement to try him as a Cylon collaborator, and that two of the other judges turned out to be Cylons themselves, as did Thrace's own husband.
  • Gaeta and Thrace exchange unpleasant words about Anders and his actual behavior on Caprica, and he insinuates that she could be a Cylon herself. Thrace replies that at least she's not a gimp, referring to Gaeta's lost leg.
  • Gaeta threatens that there will come a "reckoning", but Thrace isn't fazed, warning that she won't hesitate to strike him (or anyone else in her way), despite his disability, as she leaves the room. Gaeta then tells the others in the rec room to close the hatch to the room, saying that they need to talk.
  • On Colonial One, Vice President Zarek argues to the Quorum that Cylon collaboration with the Fleet requires explicit government permission and the consent of the people. Lee Adama argues that they need to find a solution everyone can agree on, but Zarek wins: the Quorum votes in favor of Zarek's recommendation that no Cylon or Cylon technology be allowed on any ship without the express permission of its captain and crew.

Act 3

  • With energy never seen in her since her early days as President, Laura Roslin, in crew sweatclothes, is jogging through the corridors of the battlestar, to the curiosity and astonishment of the crew she passes by.
  • Meanwhile, Admiral Adama awakens from dozing off at his desk, a bottle of alcohol and star maps at his desk. He's awakened by a phone call and apparently informed of Roslin's behavior. Taking more pills and cleaning himself up, he eventually enters the corridor to meet Roslin.
  • Roslin's flushed with energy, but Adama tells her his observation without mirth. He tells Roslin that he knows of Dr. Cottle's opinion that Roslin's energy is due in part to her detoxication, having refused her recent series of doloxan treatments after Earth's discovery.
  • When Adama pleads for Roslin to return to an active role in the government, worrying about Zarek's power plays, Roslin refuses.
  • Despondent of her part in the Pythian prophecy, Roslin doesn't want to be president or the "dying leader." She wants to enjoy a bit of her life as an ordinary woman while she still has time.
  • When Adama admits that she has earned some time to be simply Laura and not the president, Roslin tells him, "I have. And guess what? So have you," she says, giving him a kiss before telling him to get out of her way as she jogs ahead.
  • Elsewhere, Gaius Baltar speaks rather dispassionately to his flock, arguing whether they disappointed God with some kind of discretion because of the lost Earth, or demand that God come down to them to ask his angered people for their forgiveness.
  • As the crowd's energy rises to a loud shouting rage, Galen Tyrol is there, staring across the room at Viper pilot Brendan Costanza. Tyrol steps over to Costanza as he tries to apologize for his time with Tyrol's wife. Tyrol appears to nod in agreement before cold-cocking the pilot, fist-fighting as Baltar looks on without concern and the crowd cheers.
  • As Saul Tigh and the admiral make their way to CIC, Tigh tells that the news of the Cylon FTL upgrade is not being taken well at all throughout the Fleet. Several of the civilian ships are refusing to accept the Cylon jump drive upgrade. Others won't even communicate with Galactica. Gaeta points out that the crews of those ships are merely exercising their right to deny Cylons access. Adama tells him that jump drive upgrades is a military matter outside the civilian government's jurisdiction. Totally ignoring military subordination, Gaeta questions Adama's right to make the ships comply with the upgrade.
  • Their argument is interrupted with news that the Fleet's tylium refinery ship, the Hitei Kan has mutinied. Its crew has killed a Cylon and two marine guards. Adama orders a mardet alert team and a Raptor to intercede.
  • The Hitei Kan is not communicating with Galactica but sends a wireless transmission to Colonial One. Hoshi intercepts it: Tom Zarek is directing the refinery ship not to cooperate with Galactica.
  • Just as the Mardet team arrives, the Vipers firing warning shots across the ship's bow as Athena tries to guide the Raptor to dock on the civilian ship, the Hitei Kan jumps.
  • Adama's mood is sour. "You know, there are days when I hate this job," he says.

Act 4

  • Incensed at Zarek's power plays, the admiral orders Athena and her team to board Colonial One and arrest Zarek, authorizing them to use deadly force if necessary.
  • Back in sickbay, Tyrol instructs Costanza on the basics of being a father. He leaves him to tend to his son. When Costanza asks how long he must sit at Nicky's bedside, Tyrol answers, "Until I get back. That'll be after I sober up."
  • In the brig, Admiral Adama drops a thick pile of documents in front of Tom Zarek, noting how the documents record many of Zarek's criminal activities. While Adama knows that Zarek would happily go to the gallows or rot in jail as a martyr, but to be condemned as a political criminal--the very people Zarek had fought against for most of his life--would be an embarrassment too much for Zarek to handle.
  • Zarek doesn't believe that the Fleet would handle yet another protracted trial, as was the trial against former president Baltar. But Adama disagrees. Without the Hitei Kan and her tylium, the Fleet can't move about. "At least they won't be bored," Adama says, noting that Zarek would have no friends in such a situation.
  • Adama believes Zarek knows where the tylium ship is, and leaves Zarek to read the documents. But Zarek relents. He scribbles the coordinates of the ship.
  • Adama takes both the note and the pile of documents. As the admiral leaves, Colonel Tigh is there to greet him. "Shall I send in a medic?" Tigh quips, wondering if Adama appealed to Zarek's "intellect" via his fists.
  • Tigh looks at Adama, telling him how unwell the admiral looks. Adama hands off the pile of documents to Tigh as he leaves. Tigh leafs through the pile. "Laundry reports," Tigh says with a smirk, realizing the admiral had bluffed Zarek.
  • Later, Felix Gaeta meets with Zarek, still in his cell. They agree to an alliance against Adama's alliance with the Cylons. Gaeta promises that he has others in the Fleet ready to aid in a coup against the admiral.
  • The day ends as the Hitei Kan jumps back to its place in the Fleet.
  • The admiral hears the news on the phone from Colonel Tigh, asking him to handle the situation as a female hand comes up to take the phone away to its place on the receiver.
  • The hand is Laura Roslin's, also in bed with Adama, nude and comfortable, a smile on her face.
  • "They found the tylium ship," Adama says as he kisses Roslin's shoulder. "Um-hmm," is all that Roslin says. "Do you care?" he asks. Roslin hums in the negative. With a smile, Adama says, "Neither do I."


Der restliche Text muss noch übersetzt werden. Der englische Text befindet sich unter "bearbeiten".



Battlestar Galactica (neu-interpretiert) – Episodenliste
Miniserie / Pilotfilm (2003) | Spezial: Miniserie Lowdown
Staffel 1 (2004-2005): 33 Minuten | Wassermangel | Meuterei auf der Astral Queen | Zeichen der Reue | Kein Weg zurück | Das Tribunal | Unter Verdacht | Fleisch und Blut | Ellen | Die Hand Gottes | Der Zwölferrat | Kobol, Teil I | Kobol, Teil II
Staffel 2 (2005-2006): Die verlorene Flotte | Im Tal der Finsternis | Die Gesetze des Krieges | Leben und Sterben | Die Farm | Heimat, Teil I | Heimat, Teil II | Die Reporterin | Die Hoffnung lebt | Pegasus | Die Auferstehung, Teil I | Die Auferstehung, Teil II | Sabotage | Schwarzmarkt | Der beste Jäger der Zylonen | Das Opfer | Mensch und Maschine | Download | Das neue Caprica, Teil I | Das neue Caprica, Teil II
Staffel 3 (2006-2007): Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance | Okkupation | Am Abgrund | Exodus, Teil I | Exodus, Teil II | Verräter | Virus | Immun | Helden | Der Ring | Auftrag ausgeführt | Das Auge des Jupiter | Die Supernova | Zuckerbrot und Peitsche | Allein gegen den Hass | Bis nächstes Jahr | Streik! | Ruf aus dem Jenseits | Berufung | Am Scheideweg, Teil I | Am Scheideweg, Teil II
Staffel 4 (2007-2008): Razor | Auferstehung | Die letzten Fünf | Die Verblendeten | Perfekter Schmerz | Meuterei im All | Ans andere Ufer | Rat mal, was zum Essen kommt | Sine Qua Non | Wir alle sind sterblich | Zur Erde! | Die Strömung erledigt den Rest | Erschöpfung | Die Lunte brennt | Blut in der Waagschale | Das verlorene Paradies | Systemblockade | Der Pianomann | Gestrandet in den Sternen | Götterdämmerung, Teil I | Götterdämmerung, Teil II 
Spielfilm: The Plan

Andere Serien : Original-Serie  | Galactica 1980 Serie  | Caprica  | Liste aller Episoden