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Version vom 24. August 2006, 14:01 Uhr

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Caprica-Six und Galactica-Sharon werden wiedergeboren und sind nun berühmte Kriegshelden. Sie haben durch Ihre Erlebnisse neue menschenfreundlichere Sichtweisen zum Krieg entwickelt und denken eigenständig. Ein Kopie von D'anna Biers versucht sie daher, aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen, um eine Infiltration des Zylonenstaates zu verhindern.


Auf Caprica

  • Die Episode beginnt mit einem Flashback "neun Monate zuvor - Caprica". Es wird gezeigt, wie das Haus von Baltar zerstört wird (Miniserie). Seine Bekanntschaft Caprica Six stirbt dabei. Wir erleben nun aus Ihrer Sicht, wie ihr Bewusstsein in einen neuen Körper gedownloaded bzw wiedergeboren wird. Dies geschieht in einem mit Schleim gefüllten Behälter ähnlich einer Badewanne. Ihre tiefe Liebe zu ihm halluziniert nun einen Gaius 2 herbei, das Gegenstück zur Six in Baltars Kopf.
  • Das nächste Flashback (acht Wochen zuvor) zeigt uns die Szene, in der Galactica-Sharon von Cally erschossen wird. Auch sie wird nun wiedergeboren. Zweifellos findet dies auf dem noch unzerstörten Schiff der Wiedergeburt statt. Sie ist ziemlich desorientiert, als sie im neuen Körper erwacht. Eine Kopie des Modells a la D'anna Biers beruhigt sie aber der Anblick einer weiteren Kopie ihrer selbst lässt Shannon hemmungslos schreien.
  • Wir finden uns auf Caprica zur aktuellen Filmzeit wieder. Dort setzen Centurier die Stadt Delphi wieder imstand und pflanzen Bäume. Von den Zerstörungen ist nichts mehr zu sehen. D'anna unterhält sich auf einer Bank mit Caprica Six, die von ihrem "Mann im Ohr" Baltar in der gesamten Folge flankiert wird. Von ihm schon in ihrer Geburtswanne vorgewarnt, hat Six nie von ihrer Liebe und Halluzinationen bezüglich Baltar erzählt. Sie befürchtet, als defekt zu gelten. Von D'anna erfährt Caprica-Six, dass sie durch die Aushorchung von Baltar und die Einschleusung des Virus in das koloniale Verteidigungssystem jetzt als berühmte Kriegsheldin gelte. Ihre Taten erlaubten es, nahezu die gesamte kolioniale Flotte lahmzulegen. Zur Illustration wird sie dann auch gleich von einem zylonischen Fan Marke Aaron Doral angesprochen. Autogrammkarten scheint es aber bei den Zylonen noch nicht zu geben.
    Six berichtet D'anna von ihren Anpassungsproblemen an den Körper, der ihr bisweilen wie ein Klotz erscheine. D'anna fragt sie, ob sie einen anderen kürzlich wiedergeborenen Zylonen kennenlernen möchte, der auch Anpassungsprobleme hat. Es handele sich dabei um Galactica-Sharon, die wegen des Attentats auf Adama ebenfalls als Kriegsheldin gefeiert wird. Sie nenne sich immer noch Sharon und im Falle von Nichtanpassung drohe ihr das sogenannte "Boxing". Dies bedeute eine Aufbewahrung ihres Bewußtseins im einem Speicher ohne Chance auf die Wiedergeburt in einem Körper. Six ist bestürzt darüber und stimmt dem Besuch zu.
  • Caprica-Six besucht Sharon in deren Wohnung. Sharon erklärt, dass sie nicht an einen Zylonen Gott und dessen Liebe glaube. Die einzige Liebe habe sie bei der Galactica Crew erfahren, gegenüber der sie nun tiefe Schuldgefühle wegen ihres Verrats habe. Als Sharon aus Wut hierüber ein Bild an die Wand klatscht, splittert dessen Glas. Six bringt sich unbemerkt selbst einen Kratzer im Gesicht zu, um Sharon in Ihre Schuld zu stellen und damit Vertrauen zu gewinnen. Denn noch will sie gut vor D'anna dastehen und ihren Auftrag ausführen, Sharon zum Auszug zu bewegen. Derweil arbeitet Six-Baltar kräftig daran, ihr dieses auszureden. Dies zeigt Wirkung und Six erzählt Sharon, dass sie auch einen Menschen namens Baltar geliebt habe. Erstaunt berichtet Sharon, dass Balter noch lebe und nun Vize-Präsident der Kolonien sei und sich an Bord der Galactica befinde.
  • Sie setzen ihre Unterhaltung in einem Cafe im Erdgeschoß des Hauses fort. Sie fragen sich, warum D'anna Six nie vom Überleben Baltars berichtet habe. Six-Baltar bringt seine Wirtin darauf, dass der Grund dafür ein äußerst hinterhältiger ist. In der Hoffnung, dass Six durchdrehen möge, schickte D'anna sie nur aus dem Grunde zu Sharon. Sie sollte herauszufinden, dass ihre große Liebe noch lebt. Damit hätte sie einen guten Grund dafür, gleich beide einzu-"boxen".
  • Inzwischen planen Samuel Anders und zwei weitere Mitglieder der Widerstandsbewegung einen Bombenanschlag auf die Tiefgarage unter dem Cafe und Sharons Wohnung. Wir sehen dabei, dass die irdisch-französische Autofirma Citroen gute Exportbeziehungen nach Caprica pflegt. Anders weiß, dass die Zylonen in neue Körper gedownloaded werden. Caprica Sharon hat ihm verraten, dass der Tod eine schmerzvolle Erfahrung hinterlässt. Wie schmerzvoll müsse erst eine Erfahrung sein, wenn man in tausend kleine Stücke gerissen werde. Er wolle den Zylonen zeigen, dass sie nirgends sicher sind. Sie sollten Caprica verlassen, wennn sie nicht immer und immer wieder die schmerzvolle Erfahrung von Tod und Wiedergeburt machen wollen.
  • D'anna erscheint überraschend im Cafe und erkundigt sich nach dem Stand der Dinge. Da Six ihre Natur nun kennt, lügt sie Sharon wolle nun ausziehen. Sharon versteht den Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl und bestätigt natürlich. Die enttäuschte D'anna schlägt einen sofortigen Auszug vor und bietet hierzu Ihre Hilfe an. Die drei gehen die Treppe zur Wohnung hinauf.
  • Im Keller des Hauses macht Anders die Bombe scharf. Alle außer ihm sind schon verschwunden. Anders will es ihnen gleichtun aber ein patrouillierender Zenturier versperrt ihm den Weg. Als dieser die Bombe untersuchen will, hindert ihn Anders gerade rechtzeitig mit einer Schusssalve daran. Die Bombe geht hoch.
  • Durch die Explosion landen die drei Zyloninnen in der Tiefgarage und sind von Trümmern eingeschlossen. Sharon und D'anna sind wohlauf aber Six ist von Schutt begraben. Die Behauptung von D'anna, sie sei tot, erweist sich als falsch und beide befreien sie. Da ihr Knie eine abnorme Fehlstellung hat, empfiehlt ihr D'anna heuchlerisch Tod und Wiedergeburt. Six aber durschaut sie ihren Boxing-Plan und verzichtet. Mit einem "Deine Wahl" auf den Lippen richtet D'anna unter scharfem Krachen das Knie von Six. Sie bemerken eine Bewegung im Schutt und D'anna findet Anders, nimmt ihm seine Pistole ab und will ihn erschießen. Sharon hindert sie darin und Six pflichtet ihr bei. Anders könne wertvoller sein, wenn man ihn verhöre, um seine Komplizen zu finden. D'anna lenkt widerwillig ein und reisst Anders das Abschiedsgeschenk von Starbuck - die Kette - ab. Sie berichtet, dass Kara vor sechs Wochen auf dem Planeten war und mit Hilfe einer anderen Sharon entkam. Sharon begreift, dass Anders ein wichtiger Mensch für Kara sein muss. D'anna wirft die Kette achtlos in die Ecke, wo sie von Six unbemerkt gesichert wird.
  • D'anna spielt Katze und Maus mit Anders. Sie wirft seine Pistole hin und muntert ihn auf, sie sich zu holen. Sharon fordert sie auf, damit aufzuhören. D'anna stellt fest, dass sie nunmehr kein Kriegsheld sondern eine defekte Maschine sei, die glaubt ein Mensch zu sein, aber niemals einer sein wird. Sharon entgegnet, sie sei wenigstens kein Mörder, habe ein Gewissen und kenne den Unterschied zwischen falsch und richtig. Ein Mörder, entgegnet D'anna sarkastisch, ist genau das, was du bist. Zu Illustration sehen wir ein Flashback zu Sharons Attentat auf Adama.
  • Durch die Situation und mit Nachhilfe des imaginären Gaius, gelangt Six zu vielen neuen Erkenntnissen, mit denen sie D'anna konfrontiert. Sie und Sharon sind berühmte Kriegshelden mit Einfluss und haben durch die Liebe zu Menschen eine neue Sichtweise zum Krieg. Diese neuen infiltrierenden Gedanken sind gefährlich für den Zylonen Einheitsstaat und daher sollten sie beide geboxt werden. Völkermord und Rache kann nicht der Weg eines sie liebenden Gottes sein. Genau dies, so Sharon, würde die Zylonen nachdenklich machen mit der Erkenntnis, dass der Holocaust an der menschlichen Rasse ein Fehler war. D'anna bezeichnet darauf die beiden schlicht als "Abraum".
  • Anders greift sich die unbeobachtete Waffe, schießt auf D'anna und verfehlt. Mit einem gekonnten Hechter schlägt Sharon ihm die Waffe aus der Hand, die dann bei D'anna landet. Sie greift sich diese, aber bevor sie auf Anders schießen kann, wird sie von Six mit einem riesigen Trümmerbrocken erschlagen. Sie erbringt damit einen "handfesten Liebesbeweis", den der imaginäre Baltar von ihr zuvor gefordert hatte. Anders bekommt Kette und Waffe zurück und verschwindet. Man berechnet, dass anläßlich der langen Warteschlange der Toten aus dem Cafe bis zur Wiedergeburt von D'anna 36 Stunden vergehen würden. Mit einem Unterarm Handschlag besiegeln die beiden Schwestern ihren nun beginnenden Kampf für das Gute. Derart heroisch verbunden erleben sie dann auch ihre sofortige Befreiung. Gerade rechtzeitig, um das neue Gedankengut in der verbleibenden Frist unter die Leute zu bringen.

Auf der Galactica

  • Caprica-Sharon wurde wegen Placentaabriss in die Krankenstation eingeliefert. Doc Cottle ist etwas erbost über die zylonischen Clonekünste. Ihr macht diese ganzen Anstrengungen um wie ein Mensch zu sein, aber verbessert nicht das Wesentliche. Er ist gezwungen, das Baby per Kaiserschnitt zu holen. Es ist ein Frühchen, dessen Lungen unterentwickelt sind. Daher muß es in einen Brutkasten mit Sauerstoffversorgung.
  • Sharon und Helo betrachten das Baby. Sharon stellt fest, dass es ein Mädchen ist und gibt ihm den Namen Hera. Sharon ist überglicklich und die Liebe zu Helo scheint perfekt.
  • Inzwischen debattiern Präsident Roslin, Baltar, Admiral Adama, und Col. Tigh darüber , was mit dem Baby zu tun sei. Baltar betont, dass es halb menschlich ist. Adama stellt fest, dass das Baby für die Zylonen eines der wichtigsten Dinge sei. Und dies könne bedeuten, dass es schlecht für die Menschen sei. Es gäbe genug Agenten in der Flotte, die von der Geburt erfahren könnten.
  • Roslin bittet Cottle vorzugeben, das Baby sei gestorben. Sie will das Baby verstecken, um es zu schützen. Als Cottle Sharon ein totes Baby zeigt, rastet sie aus. Laut Mörder schreiend, würgt sie ihn so heftig, dass nur mehrere Marines sie davon abhalten können, ihn umzubringen.
  • Das Baby bekommt eiene junge Frau namens Maya. Sie bekommt das Märchen aufgetischt, es sei von einem weiblichen Pegasus Offizier. Maya hat offenbar gerade ihr eigenes Kind verloren und war mutmasslicher Spender für das Sharon präsentierte Fake. Als Maya nach Hause gebracht wird, eschaut sie aus dem Fenster des raumschiffes. Dabei setzt sie den patentierten "Bin ich ein Zylone oder nicht" Blick auf.
  • Hero verstreut die Asche der vermeintlichen Hera in einem Ritual im Weltraum. Begleitet wird er dabei von Chief Tyrol.
  • Six ist vollkommen aufgebracht, dass Baltar dies so geschehen lassen konnte und ihr Baby nicht geschützt habe. Es sei nach Gottes Wille als Führer einer neuen Generation vorgesehen gewesen. In Rage knallt und presst sie Baltars Kopf gegen die Wand. Ihn und die ganze Menschenrasse werde Gott für dieses Verbrechen schwer bestrafen.


  • Wie groß ist die Wiedergeburtswanne für einen zylonischen Basistern
  • What will Number Three do when she is re-embodied?
  • Who is Number One?
  • Based on reports of Lucy Lawless being asked if she wanted to "be God" and her current command behavior, could Number Three be based on a Count Iblis type character?
    • No. Number Three is a just a physical Cylon which will claim to be a God, Count Iblis was actually a metaphysical being.
    • Ron D. Moore has also stated in interviews that he does not intend to bring a Count Iblis character onto the Re-Imagined Series at this time.
  • What model numbers are "Simon" and "Leoben Conoy" ?
    • Based on the assumption that model number corresponds with apparent age per the analysis below, Leoben Conoy — whose age is close to that of D'anna Biers — is probably Number Two or Number Four, while Simon is likely either Number Four or Number Seven.
  • Based on information mentioned in the Analysis, could the Cylons be patterning a gerontocratic form of leadership structure?
  • Given that Baltar's home was destroyed and Caprica-Six "died" in a nuclear explosion, how did Baltar survive?
    • In the Miniseries novelization, this is expanded upon; his house wasn't entirely destroyed (that is, not reduced to pebbles) and when Caprica-Six blocked the blast with her body it shielded him enough; he was thrown through the house against a wall and slightly hurt but did not die. (Note that novelizations are not typically considered canonical.)
      • You only see shock wave (ie a force) destroying the house, rather than nuclear fall out of any sort. Given the gap between the flash and shock wave (and Baltar's survival), the distance from detonation probable was far enough that he was not engulfed by the fireball (one would presume a remote house over a lake is not considered a target). Similarly or in contrast the survival of Delphi may be attributed to a Neutron bomb, designed to kill via radiation while leaving most infrastructure intact.
  • We see Tyrol accompanying Helo to his and Sharon's daughter's "funeral", but who exactly was he there in support of, Helo or Sharon?
    • The easy answer is "both", but it seems likely that his presence was there more on Helo's behalf. Having been effectively marginalized in Sharon's eyes ("Resurrection Ship, Part II"), and his later fears of being a Cylon, his feelings for her are probably on the downswing.
  • This episode raises new questions about the nature of Baltar-Six. Is she (merely) a projection from Baltar's subconscious mind, has she somehow been implanted into his psyche by the Cylons, or is she actually an angel (as she claims) or a demoness (as befits her personality)? It has already been established by the brainscan performed by Dr. Cottle that there is no cybernetic implant in Baltar's brain, at least none that is detectable by human technology. Also, in Ron Moore's podcast he seems to indicate that she is no more than a hallucination, produced by Baltar's subconsciousness. Her actions, however, do seem to be aimed at advancing a Cylon agenda.
    • Is it possible that in shielding Baltar from that blast, parts of each other's consciousness got imprinted on one another? That would not show in a scan, and would help explain why she has an imaginary Baltar.
    • It is perhaps interesting to note that Baltar's Six is subtly different in personality from the actual Six that he knew, while Six's Baltar is different in personality than the actual Baltar. This suggests that Six's Baltar is based upon her own perception of Baltar more than the man himself, and vice versa.
  • Does death hold any meaning to the Cylons? If they can just be reborn then perhaps they don't truly understand murder and genocide?
    • When they can't be resurrected their behavior changes (Scar, The Captain's Hand), indicating that permanent death is something they avoid. On board the Pegasus, Gina's desire for death so that she can escape her memories indicates that, for some of them at least, they have some concept of death that coincides with the human understanding of it.


  • In the Miniseries, Leoben claimed to Adama that Cylons were superior to primitive humans, who were only "one step above beating each other to death with clubs". Ironically, Caprica-Six savagely beat Number Three to death "primitively" with a rock.
  • Apparently the documentary broadcast from the Fleet in "Final Cut" was not made widely available, since if Caprica-Six had seen it, she would have already known about Baltar's survival.
  • In the scene where Galactica-Sharon is downloaded into her new body, when another Sharon smiles and says "we love you Sharon", this mirrors how another Sharon said the same thing to her on the basestar in "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II", at which point she also freaked out.
  • There does not appear to be any pattern to the numbering scheme of the 12 Cylon models: Three (D'anna), Five (Doral), Six (Shelley Godfrey/Gina), Eight (Sharon), i.e. not all females are an even number, males an odd number.
    • However, these models do seem to get progressively younger the higher (perhaps, "most recent") their Number is: Three is eldest and has the number closest to one, while Eight is youngest and has the highest number out of these four. The older models also tend to have more authority. ... Das ist unwahrscheinlich: Als letzten Satz in der Miniserie sagt eine 6 zu einer 8: "Wie Sie befehlen."
    • Following that pattern, would Numbers Nine through Twelve be modeled after teenagers or children?
  • Cylon society on Caprica appears to consist of mostly mimicking human behavior — clothing, apartments, cafés, parks for relaxation, etc. In essence, the Cylons are merely trying to be what they have just exterminated — humans.
    • They have established previously that they consider humans to be more "real" and closer to God than they are ("this form brings us closer to God..."); they think that humans are more "real" and that if they wish to be real, they should adopt some aspects of what humanity is, but this doesn't necessarily stop them from being quite different from humanity.
  • Cylons appear to lead asexual lives — no Cylon "couples" were observed, or even any obvious signs of friendship between Cylons. While frequently talking about, and concerned with, love, Cylons are celibate except when interacting with humans.
    • There really isn't any evidence that cylons don't have sex with each other. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This would be like walking in to a Starbucks and because you don't see anyone kissing concluding that humans are asexual beings that don't reproduce.
      • Sharon said in "The Farm" that Cylons have tried reproducing on their own, but failed, so then experimented with human-Cylon hybridization. This implies that they tried sexual relations between male and female Cylon models. It is unknown whether all such activities stopped once it became clear it was a literally fruitless effort, or how Cylon society would feel about such behavior.
  • As Caprica-Six and Galactica-Sharon pointed out, the Cylons' claim that they are superior to humans because humans still kill because of greed and jealousy, etc. is hypocritical. They point out the logical disconnect of conducting genocide and murder in the name of an all-loving God. Further, Number Three's plan to "box" Caprica-Six and Galactica-Sharon, which would in effect be murdering them, also makes her a murderer like the humans she claims to be better than.
  • At various points in the series, Baltar's internal Number Six has been seen manipulating physical objects: a test-tube in "Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down", a chair in "Home, Part II", etc., which has led to the question of whether this is a continuity error, or if she is more real than she claims to be. In this episode, we seem to get an answer to this: Caprica-Six's hallucinatory Baltar makes a drink while in Galactica-Boomer's apartment and hands it to her...only for the camera to shift angles, the hallucination-Baltar to be gone, and to show that Caprica-Six is actually grasping at air. Thus it can be inferred that this is just a stylistic choice by the production team: whenever Number Six appears to be manipulating a physical object on Galactica, Baltar is hallucinating that she is doing this, and the camera is showing things that aren't "really" happening, from Baltar's perspective.
  • The Cylons did not expect their initial attack to be anywhere near as successful as it was. This would explain the apparently large number of Cylon military vessels showing up everywhere as the Cylons expected to fight a more protracted war against a larger surviving human military force.
    • That the Cylons felt it so necessary to sabotage the Colonial Fleet through Caprica-Six implies that they felt attacking without that advantage would have at best cost them many ships, and at worst resulted in defeat. The placing of the backdoor in the CNP was high risk; if the Colonials had discovered it before the Cylons attacked, they would have been forewarned of the coming assault, and could even have surprised the Cylons by acting as if they were unaware of the problem while secretly disabling the backdoor on all military spacecraft.
  • Hera's being hidden away soon after her birth in order to protect her fits her messiah-status, as other messiah figures have often also been hidden after their birth in similar fashion, such as Jesus, Moses, Harry Potter, Superman, Aragorn, Luke Skywalker, etc.
  • It's strange that Roslin included Colonel Saul Tigh in the conversation about Hera's fate, but not Commander Lee Adama, who now outranks him.
    • It is likely that Commander Lee Adama was busy adjusting to his duties as the new CO of Pegasus and was briefed separately.
  • "At least forty" Cylon agents were killed in the cafe bombing. When Three was killed by Caprica-Six, she said it would take "at least 36 hours" for Three's consciousness to be downloaded to a new body. This implies perhaps a sequential (as opposed to parallel) processing of the download process. Why can't they handle more at the same time? Is it a technical limitation, or perhaps a religious one (i.e. they always try to treat the process with reverence)? That seems kind of inefficient though. In any case, it appears to take a little less than an hour per download assuming sequential downloading.
    • It is likely that additional forty downloads exceeds the short term capability of the hardware that was emplaced on Caprica. Resources are not infinite, and the current hardware is most likely what is deemed sufficient for routine work based on normal usage.
    • There has to be some kind of buffer system in place to hold the Cylons' consciousnesses in their layover between their physical death and rebirth if a large number of them die all at once.


  • Anders refers to humanoid Cylons as "Skin Jobs" in this episode, another reference to Blade Runner by the Re-Imagined Series. The Cylon Centurions are being referred to as "Bullet Heads".
  • The vision of Number Six that Baltar sees all the time is not the same person as the woman he was sleeping with on Caprica who used him to lower Colonial defenses: Caprica-Six's consciousness was downloaded into a new body. Chip-Six might be a duplicate, or something else.
  • Lee Adama is visible in a photograph in Sharon Valerii's apartment in Delphi. However, Adama and Valerii had never served together prior to the events of the miniseries. This is probably a continuity error.
  • Apollo and Starbuck do not appear in this episode. This is the first episode of the season in which Apollo has not appeared, and the third episode of the season in which Starbuck has not appeared (after "Fragged" and "Black Market").
    • In the first season, Apollo did not appear in "Litmus".
    • As of this episode, the only characters that have appeared in every episode of the Re-Imagined Series are President Laura Roslin, Admiral William Adama, and Colonel Saul Tigh. Michael Hogan (Col. Tigh) is actually not one of the seven "regular" cast members, but he has still been in every episode to date.
  • Ricky Worthy (Cylon "Simon") and Callum Keith Rennie (Cylon "Leoben Conoy") do not actually appear in this episode. In several brief shots, body doubles dressed as their characters are seen from behind or in the distance, but these actors did not return for the episode.
  • We learn a lot of Cylon names in this episode: out of the twelve models of humanoid Cylonss, besides the already-known "Number Six", the one who posed as human reporter "D'anna Biers" is model Number Three, the one who posed as PR representative "Aaron Doral" is model Number Five, and the one who infiltrated Galactica posing as the pilot "Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii" is model Number Eight.
  • A longstanding question has been answered: What do the Cylons call each other amongst themselves? They actually don't use the names of any human personas they might have infiltrated the Colonies with. "Number Six" is actually called "Number Six" in dialog for the first time in this episode (in the Miniseries, we were left with the cryptic "There are twelve models, I am number six"). It is revealed that Cylons just call and think of themselves as "Number Three" or "Three", etc. It was speculated that individual copies might be distinguished by using a serial number or other ID, but apparently Cylon society is based so much on the idea of unity and lack of individuality that they simply do not have designations for individual units. When Number Three refers to Galactica-Sharon, she just refers to her as "an Eight", etc. "Caprica-Six" is a makeshift nickname that was made up for the individual "celebrity" Number Six (probably because the Cylons had never developed a formal convention for naming individual units). Caprica-Six is sometimes called "Caprica" for short.
  • This gets a little confusing, because even though all of the Number Six copies on Caprica look identical and many (though not all) wear the same outifit as Caprica-Six, Cylon agents that Caprica-Six walks by still recognize who she is.
  • "Caprica-Six" appears to be a take on the ad hoc naming convention developed by fans for telling the different Cylon copies apart: review sites and message boards over time started distinguishing the copy of Boomer on Galactica and the copy of Boomer on Caprica as "Galactica-Sharon" and "Caprica-Sharon" for convenience. This loosely developed system then spread to other Cylons as they appeared ("Pegasus-Six", "Caprica-Doral", "Caprica-D'anna", etc.), though it isn't based on any official material (BattlestarWiki eventually adopted these terms of convenience as well). When Number Three remarks to "Caprica-Six" that her nickname is a little funny, because she's only one of hundreds of copies of "Number Six" on Caprica, this might be a small joke by the writers at the expense of fans.
  • Sharon showed difficulty in performing chin ups, but later showed no problem in moving pieces of concrete weighing at least 100 pounds.
    • She could have just been angry, and not actually appearing strained because it was physically hard.
    • One of the consistent features of both Galactica-Sharon and Caprica-Sharon has been the conflict between her "natural" Cylon Number Eight personality and her human Sharon personality. While probably intended that the two personalities should remain separate, with the Number Eight personality primary, it never worked out that way. In "Water", for example, Sharon reasserts herself before Number Eight can finish planting the charges. At this point, both Galactica-Sharon/Eight and Caprica-Sharon/Eight have their personalities all jumbled up, with the Sharon personality exerting the stronger influence but retaining knowledge of being a Cylon and being Number Eight. Anyway: the Sharon "code" would have to include imposed limitations on what she believes her own strength and physical abilities to be, or she'd be found out much, much more easily. Inconsistencies in her apparent physical abilities can therefore be explained along with inconsistencies of her mixed but not really integrated personalities.
    • Cylons almost definitely have something similar to adrenile.
      • They would have to, to pass for humans. In fact their greater physical abilities could be, at least in part, atributed to a greater ability to control their adrenaline.
  • Number Three appears to have some command functions based on her actions and behavior. These apparently include determining final disposition of other Cylon personalities.
  • Lucy Lawless once again uses her native New Zealand accent for D'anna Biers, even though at the end of "Final Cut" it was implied that her character normally doesn't.
  • Galactica-Sharon's old apartment number on Caprica was "502"
  • Much of the dialog in the episode recap is entirely new, and dubbed in to better summarize the segment.
  • According to RDM's podcast, there was an entire subplot in this episode in which Lucy Lawless's character "D'anna Biers" would interview President Roslin about rumors that the pregnant Cylon prisoner's baby had been born. Then "Galactica-Three" would try to kidnap the baby off of Galactica in collusion with Gina (Pegasus-Six). The subplot was cut for time (they wanted to spend more time focusing on events on Caprica), and also because they felt it made the episode very confusing; cutting between many different Cylon copies both on Caprica and Galactica. These scenes apparently were filmed, then cut, because promotional photos for this episode show pictures of D'anna Biers on Galactica (with her new hairstyle), so it will probably appear in deleted scenes released in the next DVD set.
  • Sharon has a pair of hand carved, wood or stone, decorative elephants in her apartment. Caprica-Six asks her if they are from "Ithaca", which on Earth is an island off the coast of Greece and is the home of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. She states that they were a gift from her mother for her graduation.
    • Galactica-Sharon said that her mother gave her the carved elephant statues when she left for fleet academy: this directly contradicts her statement in the Miniseries that her parents died (in the Troy mining colony accident) when she was little. Of course, either way none of it really happened.
      • However, Sharon's backstory may have includeed foster parents, so the elephants could have been given to her by her foster mother.
      • There could be some kind of junior fleet academy.
        • Alternatively, Sharon could "remember" graduating fleet academy, then going to Galactica, but everything before Galactica was fake; the Cylons could have just aquired the elephants and given her fake memories of being given them by her mother.
          • Creating a fake civilian identity is relatively easy, but it would be practically impossible to falsify fleet academy records and get away with it for 2 years. Boomer probably did have real training. In fact, this may be why she was a sleeper agent (unlike any other Cylon we've seen) - to be able to act naturally over such a long time in a military environment. However, the discrepancy being adressed is that she remembers her mom dying when she was a child.
    • RDM went to Cornell, which is in Ithica, NY. This is most likely the source of this name.
  • Caprica-Six assumed residence on Caprica two years prior to the cylon attack, which matches both the beginning of her relationship with Baltar (Miniseries) and the date that Sharon Valerii (Galactica copy) was assigned to Galactica (The Farm).
  • There are three cars in the underground garage. One clearly visible is a Citroën DS. When the Cylon enters the garage, the car on the right appears to be a Rover P6. The car on the left with a central headlamp appears to be a 1930s Tatra 87.
    • The license plate on the front of the car crushed in Anders' bomb attack reads SEXYMOM, and has a "Go C-Bucs" bumper sticker (For the Caprica Buccaneers, the core of Ander's resistance group).
  • Whenever Baltar's internal (possibly hallucinatory) Number Six appears on Galactica during the series, Number Six's distinct soundtrack theme is played (plunking staccato notes on a xylophone, accompanied by violins). There is a subtle twist on this for this episode with Caprica-Six's internal Baltar (who is definitely a hallucination): whenever Six's hallucinatory Baltar appears, the normal "Number Six theme" is played in reverse. The xylophone notes are played in reverse order, though the violin overlay is still played "forwards".
  • Different music plays during the two downloads at the beginning of the episode. A variation on the "Number Six theme" is heard during Caprica'-Six's flashbacks, while Boomer's flashbacks are accompanied by a more militaristic tune.

Noteworthy Dialogue

  • Caprica-Sharon has gone into premature labor with her Hybrid baby:
Cottle: I find it absolutely amazing you people went to all the trouble to appear human, and didn't upgrade the plumbing.
  • "Caprica-Six" and a Number Three-copy walk past a crowd of other Cylons of various models, and they all keep turning their heads to look at Caprica-Six:
Caprica-Six: I still can't get used to this.
Three: Well you're a Hero of the Cylon now. You're our first celebrity!
Caprica-Six: Oh, I'm just another Six.
Three: You're too modest. I'm just another Three... and they're Fives (motions at a Doral-model)... and Eights (motions at a Sharon-model). But you, everyone calls you "Caprica-Six"... like you're the only Six on the planet!
  • President Roslin, Baltar, Admiral Adama and Col. Tigh discuss what to do with the Hybrid baby:
Roslin: If the baby does survive, the question is — what do we do with it?
Baltar: Do? What are you suggesting? That we throw it out of an airlock?
Roslin: I don't make suggestions Mr. Baltar, if I want to toss a baby out of an airlock, I'd say so.
Three: Humans don't respect life the way we do. [loads pistol]
  • Anders' gun is knocked out of his hands, and it miraculously lands near Number Three, who picks it up, stands over Anders and gets ready to execute him:
Number Three: God loves me. (Caprica-Six pops up behind Number Three and bashes her over the head with a big rock of debris)
Caprica-Six: See you again soon! (Caprica-Six bashes her head with the rock a second time, killing her current body, while her consciousness will soon download into another)

Official Statements

  • David Eick's video blog shows the crew preparation for filming a Cylon rebirthing scene, most likely for this episode.


Guest Stars

Battlestar Galactica (neu-interpretiert) – Episodenliste
Miniserie / Pilotfilm (2003) | Spezial: Miniserie Lowdown
Staffel 1 (2004-2005): 33 Minuten | Wassermangel | Meuterei auf der Astral Queen | Zeichen der Reue | Kein Weg zurück | Das Tribunal | Unter Verdacht | Fleisch und Blut | Ellen | Die Hand Gottes | Der Zwölferrat | Kobol, Teil I | Kobol, Teil II
Staffel 2 (2005-2006): Die verlorene Flotte | Im Tal der Finsternis | Die Gesetze des Krieges | Leben und Sterben | Die Farm | Heimat, Teil I | Heimat, Teil II | Die Reporterin | Die Hoffnung lebt | Pegasus | Die Auferstehung, Teil I | Die Auferstehung, Teil II | Sabotage | Schwarzmarkt | Der beste Jäger der Zylonen | Das Opfer | Mensch und Maschine | Download | Das neue Caprica, Teil I | Das neue Caprica, Teil II
Staffel 3 (2006-2007): Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance | Okkupation | Am Abgrund | Exodus, Teil I | Exodus, Teil II | Verräter | Virus | Immun | Helden | Der Ring | Auftrag ausgeführt | Das Auge des Jupiter | Die Supernova | Zuckerbrot und Peitsche | Allein gegen den Hass | Bis nächstes Jahr | Streik! | Ruf aus dem Jenseits | Berufung | Am Scheideweg, Teil I | Am Scheideweg, Teil II
Staffel 4 (2007-2008): Razor | Auferstehung | Die letzten Fünf | Die Verblendeten | Perfekter Schmerz | Meuterei im All | Ans andere Ufer | Rat mal, was zum Essen kommt | Sine Qua Non | Wir alle sind sterblich | Zur Erde! | Die Strömung erledigt den Rest | Erschöpfung | Die Lunte brennt | Blut in der Waagschale | Das verlorene Paradies | Systemblockade | Der Pianomann | Gestrandet in den Sternen | Götterdämmerung, Teil I | Götterdämmerung, Teil II 
Spielfilm: The Plan

Andere Serien : Original-Serie  | Galactica 1980 Serie  | Caprica  | Liste aller Episoden