Uniformen (RDM)

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Innerhalb der Kolonialflotte (RDM) und dem kolonialen Marineinfanteriekorpswerden verschiedene Arten von Uniformen verwendet.



Reguläre Uniform

Blaue Dienstuniform (Miniserie).
Piloten Qualifikations Abzeichen.

Offiziere tragen einen einreihigen, dunkelblauen Dienstuniform (dunkle Beleuchtung lässt sie manchmal fast schwarz erscheinen). Die linke Seite der Uniformjacke wird über die rechte Seite geschlagen und von einer Reihe von Knöpfen fixiert. Die Schulter ist mit dunklerem Stoff wie dem der restlichen Uniform abgesetzt. Auf dem linken Ärmel befindet sich knapp unter der Schulter ein Rundes Abzeichen, auf dem das Koloniale Wappen, der Name des Schiffes auf dem der Träger der Uniform dient und dessen Kampfsterngruppe zu sehen sind.

Zwei Dienstgradbzeichen sind am Kragen der Jacke befestigt.

Piloten Qualifikations Abzeichen können oberhalb der Brusttasche auf der linken Seite getragen werden. Es gibt davon zwei Varianten. "Junior Flügel" mit zwei Winkeln auf einem goldenen Diamanten und kleinen, nach unten zeigenden Flügeln, und die "Senior Flügel" mit größeren, ausgestreckten Flügeln und einer weiteren silbernen Unterlage hinter dem Diamanten. Die letzteren werden als Auszeichnung für herrausragende Erfahrung beim Fliegen von kleinen Flugzeugen vergeben.

Es gibt auch noch weitere Abzeichen welche an der linken Seite der Dienstuniform getragen werden können, hauptsächlich aber nur bei hochrangigen Kommandeuren und Flagoffizieren wie zum Beispiel Flottenadmirälen. Bisher ist das einzeige mal, dass diese Trageweise zu sehen ist, bei Admiral Corman (Hero).

Die Unfiformen der Flottenofiziere haben eine farbige Paspel an den Kanten, welche den Rang des Trägers dastellen:


  • Ensign bis Major - eine einfache weiße Paspel - Beispiel


  • Colonel - rote Paspel am äußeren Rand, weiße Paspel innen - Beispiel
  • Commander - rote Paspel am äußeren Rand, goldene Paspel innen - Beipiel
  • Konteradmiral - rote Paspel am äußeren Rand, goldene Paspel in der Mitte, weiße Paspel innen - Beispiel
  • Vize-/Flottenadmiral- eine einzelne gestickte goldene Paspel- Beipiel
Grauer Dienstanzug (Miniseries).
Notiz: Nachdem Adama zum Admiral befördert wurde, behielt er seine alte Dienstuniform. Die gold/weiße Paspel kann nur auf Admiral Cain's Uniform gesehen werden.


Die Ausgehuniform der Offiziere ähnelt der Dienstuniform bis auf wenige Unterschiede. Sie ist grau, hat keine Taschen und auch keine Schulterflicken, hat eine Lederschärpe, an denen Viperpilotenfügel und Abzeichen angebracht werden, und wird durch einen einzelnen Haken und nicht durch eine Reihe von Knöpfen gesichert.

Die Ausgehuniform der Senior Offiziere zeigt eine dunkle graue oder Bronze Umrandung um den Kragen. Während die Dienstuniform eine Tunika ist, die am Gürtel zusammenläuft, ist die Ausgehuniform ein Mantel, der bis unter die Hüften reicht und einen Gürtel beinhaltet, der aus demselben Material wie die Schärpe besteht. Weiße Handschuhe werden bei den am meisten formellen Gelegenheiten wie den Besuch eines Staatsoberhauptes (Wassermangel) oder von Ehre-Wächtern an militärischen Begräbnissen getragen (Act of Contrition).

Schulterkordeln können auf der linken Schulter[1]. William Adama's Kordl ist weiß, Colonel Tigh's ist gelb. Beide haben unterschiedliche Formen. Es ist nicht bekannt, ob es wegen ihren unterschiedlichen Rängen oder Positionen ist. Ein dritter Typ der Schulterkordel- einer doppelten weißen Paspel mit einer Schleife, die die Schärpe durchgeht - kann auf niedriger rangigen "Pegasus" Offiziere an Admiral Cain's Begräbnis (Die Wiederauferstehung, Teil II) gesehen werden.

Eine spezielle Version wird vom Ehre-Wächter am Begräbnis im "Gesetz der Reue" getragen. Die Schärpe ist nicht aus Leder, aber aus einem blauem Stoff gemacht.

Fleet Pilot Flight Suits

Hauptartikel: flight suit
Apollo and Starbuck in flight suits.

Flight suits with left sleeve pockets are used by flight-qualified crew (pilots, ECOs, etc.). The flight suit is a life-support garment and can sustain the life of the pilot in hostile environments up to and including total vacuum and freezing temperature. Flight suits also have a metal collar that is attached to maintain an airtight seal between the flight suit and a helmet. Often, when not on a mission pilots wear the suit with the top half rolled down and hanging at their waist, revealing the t-shirt and tank top they wear underneath. It also has been used to make an air-tight seal in a vessel by filling in a hole in the hull (You Can't Go Home Again). Additionally, the flight suit has a chronometer mounted in a cuff.

Pilots and ECOs wear several patches on their flight suits: On the left shoulder a patch designating the ship they are assigned to, and on the right shoulder a patch for what craft they operate, usually a Viper or a Raptor. Moreover, a squadron patch is sometimes worn on the left breast under the outer layer of the suit.

Fleet Enlisted Crewmen

Orange utility jumpsuit (Miniseries).
Pilots wearing green fatigues (Scar).

Enlisted personnel use a double-breasted green uniform, except on the flight deck where uniforms color-coded according to military occupation specialty are used, as on real-life aircraft carriers (only orange and yellow deck crew overalls have been used so far).

Like with the blue officer's uniforms, the green enlisted uniforms display the emblem of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, and denote what vessel the wearer is serving on. Rank insignia are affixed to both sides of the collar. This uniform can also be worn by officers off duty and in informal situations.

Colonial Marine Corps

For information on real-life items and uniforms used in costuming, see Colonial Marine Corps
Khaki fatigue uniform and black battle dress uniforms (Litmus).
Marines with digital woodland backpacks (Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II)

Colonial Marines generally wear a solid black battle dress uniform. Additionally, black load-bearing vests, helmets, communications gear, knee and elbow pads, gloves and goggles are standard. Unlike Colonial Fleet uniforms, Marine BDUs are worn with a plain black t-shirt (A Measure of Salvation).

Marine NCO's (Non-Commissioned Officers) wear a khaki uniform with a simple row of buttons down the middle, and a down turned collar (on which rank insignia are worn). It has two pockets on the front, one over each breast of the uniform, which are secured by clasps. Like the Fleet officer uniform, it has differently colored patches on the shoulders, but on this they are gray shoulder patches on a khaki uniform.

Marines with special duties in ship security, wear a black armband on the right upper arm with the word "Security" printed in black letters on a small square of white. Sergeant Hadrian - as the Master-at-Arms - wears one of these uniforms, and during many episodes extras walking in the background in hallways are seen wearing the Marine non-com uniform.

Apparently, there are no surviving Marine command officers left aboard Galactica (and possibly on Pegasus as well), as the only officer seen so far is Lieutenant Terry Burrell (Sacrifice). However, he is in plainclothes, so any further uniform details are lacking.

While, the general uniform worn aboard ship is solid black, the Colonial Marine Corps does utilize digital camouflage uniforms, but at least on Galactica they are not standard issue. The Marines on the Caprica rescue mission in the episodes "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I" and "Part II" wear "woodland" digital camouflage backpacks. Moreover, both Lee and William Adama wear gray, urban digital camouflage uniforms on Kobol (Home, Part II).

There are a number of possible reasons why the Colonial Marines serving aboard both Galactica and Pegasus are wearing solid black tactical uniforms instead of digital camouflage uniforms. One of the reasons why the Marines that serve with the Fleet are issued black combat uniforms could be due to the their role as security personnel aboard the battlestars as well as the fact the black combat uniforms are very effective in a darkened combat environment, especially in repelling any Cylon Centurions from raiding the ship (as in the Season 2 episode "Valley of Darkness"). Troops deployed to planets could use more specialized uniforms, but Galactica probably only has a very limited supply of these.

Ron Moore explained in a blog posting why the Marines do not have much uniform variation; it is primarily a budgetary issue:

Q: "Why do the "marines" on the show always wear a CQB (close quarters battle) gear loadout in all the episodes? Even in the ones where they are outdoors? Is it possible we might see a different "marine" gear setup? "
RDM: "It's primarily a budgetary issue. We've got the CQB gear, so it's cheaper and easier to keep using it week after week than it is to rent specific items for every mission or to buy a wide variety of gear for stock. There's also a costume issue in that we don't really have specific Marine uniforms, so we use variations of our existing "naval" uniforms for the Marines and distinguish them mostly through the use of the CQB gear."

Additional uniforms and clothing

Colonial Shore Patrol (Scattered)
Urban battle dress utility uniform (Home, Part II).

The battle dress utility uniform is an urban digital camouflage pattern of various shades of dark and light grays. It features angled breast and shoulder pockets and lacks abdominal pockets, and the buttons are covered. The elbows of the battle dress utility feature large patches. The boots are typically not bloused, with the pant legs left hanging over the boots. The uniform features a Mandarin collar which can be worn up for comfort in body armor or in a down position for appearance in other situations. This uniform has been in use in the Colonial Fleet for several decades (Scattered).[2]

Black leather boots and hexagonal identification tags are used with all uniforms. All uniforms except for Colonial and Marine BDUs feature left-shoulder patches indicating their assigned vessel.

T-shirt and tank top worn with green fatigue pants (Miniseries)

A gray sleeveless tee shirt covered by a brown tank top is worn beneath all uniforms, including at least the flight suit, the duty uniforms, BDUs, the deck crew work uniforms, and Dr. Cottle's coat (Miniseries, "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II", "You Can't Go Home Again" deleted scene). Gray briefs of the same color and material as the t-shirts, either in varying lengths or in different cuts for male and female personnel, are worn under the pants (Scar).

Female systems analysts on newer battlestars, like Pegasus, wear a gray sweater dress-like uniform with a patch of an "Integral Systems Engineer" (Razor).

Space suits exist for extra-vehicular activity or work in sections of the ship exposed to space. When Colonial Heavy 798 docks with Galactica in in the Miniseries, two workers are hovering in the flight pod. These space suits can be seen close up in "Water", on the damage control party that inspects the destroyed water tanks.


According to an interview with regular series costume designer Glenne Campbell [3], "The uniforms are made out of a very specific material, and we own all of that material that there is in existence -- they're not making this stuff anymore". Thus, for BSG fans that want to make their own costumes, it appears that it is technically impossible to make a complete recreation of the military uniforms on the series. As there are only a limited number of uniforms in existence, when someone gets shot the production team usually tries to have it shot in such a way that the costume is undamaged, i.e. when Cally shoots Boomer, there's actually a patch of cloth over the uniform that has the blood-packs underneath, which is painted to blend in with the rest of the uniform.

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  1. getragen werden. Man kann sie in "Wasser" und bei einigen Offizieren bei "Die Auferstehung, Teil II" sehen, aber nicht in der "Miniserie" oder bei "Act of Contrition". Es ist nicht bekannt ob es eine Regelung für deren Verwendung gibt.
  2. The digital camouflage uniforms that are used on Battlestar Galactica appear to be made by the American camouflage clothing company Tru-Spec for the commercial market and come in "woodland", "desert", and "urban" patterns. The Tru-Spec digital camouflage uniforms differ from the official MARPAT uniforms the U.S. Marine Corps in several smaller aspects.
  3. "Costume Drama." Battlestar Galactica: The Official Magazine. Oct./Nov. 2005: Page 64.