Blut in der Waagschale

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Blut in der Waagschale
"Blut in der Waagschale"
Eine Episode der neu-interpretierten Serie
Episoden-Nr. Staffel 4, Episode 14
Originaltitel Blood on the Scales
Autor(en) Michael Angeli
Regie Wayne Rose
Produktions-Nr. 416
Quoten 1,767,000
US-Erstausstrahlung USA 6. Februar 2009
UK-Erstausstrahlung UK 10. Februar 2009
DE-Erstausstrahlung DE {{{GE airdate}}}
Bevölkerung 39.603 Überlebende (Bevölkerungsanzahl gesunken. 40)
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Die Lunte brennt Blut in der Waagschale Das verlorene Paradies
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Felix Gaetas Meuterei geht weiter, während Roslin auf dem Basisstern der zylonischen Rebellen Zuflucht findet.



  • Der Raptor mit Präsidentin Roslin und Gaius Baltar an Bord fliegt weiter auf den Basisstern zu.
  • Unterdessen sammeln die rebellischen Marines unter der Führung von Aaron Kelly den halb bewusstlosen Admiral Adama und Saul Tigh auf.
  • Tigh erkennt Kelly und nennt ihn "die Brig-Ratte." Kelly ist von all dem sichtbar beunruhigt.
  • Zwei Viper, einer von Narcho und einer von Hotdog geflogen, verfolgen den Raptor. Hotdog, der von der Meuterei auf der Galactica nichts weiß, nähert sich dem Raptor, feuert aber nicht. Stattdessen fordert er den Raptor sich zu identifizieren.
  • Narcho befiehlt Hotdog den Raptor zu zerstören, doch but Hotdog wartet noch auf die Kennung.
  • Roslin übermittelt vom Raptor eine Nachricht und sagt, dass sie sich an Bord befindet. Gage unterbricht die Verbindung, aber nicht bevor Hotdog sie empfangen konnte.
  • Felix Gaeta, nun der Kommandant im CIC, wird von Kelly informiert, dass Adama und Tigh nun Gefangene sind. Gaeta lässt Tigh ins Gefängnis bringen, während er Adama zu sich bestellt. Anschließend setzt er sich mit Hotdog in Kontakt und befiehlt ihm den Raptor zu zerstören. Nachdem sich Hotdog weiterhin weigert feuert Narcho selbst ein paar Raketen auf den Raptor ab.
  • Die Acht, die den Raptor fleigt, kann den Raketen erfolgreich ausweichen. Die Raketen treffen stattdessen das Basisschiff. Dem Raptor gelingt die Landung auf dem Basisschiff.
  • Auf dem Basisschiff verlangen die Zylonen zu erfahren, warum man sie beschießt. Roslin erklärt die Situation. Die Zylonen fürchten, dass die Regierung gestürzt worden ist und wollen wegspringen.
  • Roslin bittet sie aber, dass sie Adama eine Chance geben sollen, die Galactica zurückzuerobern. Baltar meint aber, dass es unwahrscheinlich ist, dass Adama gewinnen kann und dass Zarek die Colonial One hat. Roslin entgegnet, dass sie schon Anzeichen für Widerstand gesehen hat und dass nicht alle auf der Galactica für die Meuterei sind.
  • Roslin rät den Zylonen ihr Schiff in der Mitte der Flotte zu bewegen, so dass die Galactica nicht auf sie feuern kann.
  • Zurück auf der Galactica wird Adama gerade ins CIC gebracht. Gaeta befiehlt ihm, Roslin anzurufen und sie zur Kapitulation aufzufordern. Adama hält davon nichts - er entfernt die Abzeichen von seiner Uniform, gibt sie Gaeta und erklärt ihm, dass er jetzt der neue Admiral ist. Darum darf er sich jetzt auch um Roslin kümmern. Gaeta ordert an, dass die Batterien auf den Basisstern zielen sollen, aber bevor sie das machen können, bewegt sich das Basisschiff in die Mitte der Flotte, so wie Roslin es zuvor vorgeschlagen hatte. Gaeta widerruft seinen Befehl, doch lässt eine Staffel Viper starten um das Basisschiff unter Quarantäne zu halten. Er befiehlt auch die Vorbereitung für Tom Zareks Ankunft.
  • Adama fragt Gaeta, ob er ihn nun erschießen wird. Gaeta gibt ihm darauf keine Antwort.

Akt 1

  • Die Colonial One landet auf der Galactica Kelly, Narcho, Racetrack, Seelix und andere Rebellen begleiten Zarek vom Flugdeck weg. Dies wird von Lee und Starbuck beobachtet, die sich im Hintergtund versteckt halten. Sobald die Gruppe außer Sicht ist, marschieren Lee und Starbuck weiter.
  • In einem Raptor an Bord des Basisschiffs versucht Roslin vergeblich eine Nachricht an die Flotte zu schicken.
  • In der Gefängniszelle, schaut Hera besorgt auf Helos Wunde. Athena versucht ihr zu versichern, dass es ihm bald besser gehen wird. Caprica-Sechs kümmert sich um Tighs Ohr, das seit der Explosion der Betäubungsgranate blutet. Anders fragt sich laut, was Gaeta als nächstes tun wird. Tigh scherzt, "In ihrem Fall. eines ihrer Scheiß-Beine amputieren."
  • In Adamas Quartier erzählt Gaeta Zarek, dass er ein Netz um das Basisschiff gelegt hat und, dass Zarek nicht gleich den gazen Rat mit auf die Galactica bringen hätte müssen. Zarek erwidert, dass er, solange Gaeta auf einen Prozess für Adama besteht, den Rat dort haben will, wo er ein Auge auf ih haben kann. Zarek sagt, dass sie vorwärts kommen müssen, aber Gaeta ist der Meinung, dass es erst dann soweit kommen kann, wenn die Menschen sich für ihre Taten verantwortet haben; angefangen bei Adama.
  • Tyrol schlägt sich weiter unbemerkt durch die Korridore der Galactica. Auf Deck D Korridor 2 hört er das Geräusch einer öffnenden Luke und versteckt sich. Aus dem Versteck beobachtet er, wie Kelly und zwei Marines Romo Lampkin zu Adamas Quartier abführen. Romo fragt sich, ob irgendjemand seinen Hund füttern wird.
  • In Adamas Quartier liest Zarek die Anklage gegen Adama vor: Verrat, Fahnenflucht, Kollaboration mit dem Feind und grobe Amtspflichtverletzung. Zarek erinnert ihn daran, dass die Strafe für diese Verbrechen Tod durch Erschießen ist. Während der ganzen Zeit starrt Adama auf Gaeta.
  • Zarek erzählt Romo, dass der Admiral Anrecht auf die Anhörung vor einem Kriegsgericht hat, aber sie brauchen einen Rechtsanwalt der seine Verteidigung übernimmt. Adama murmelt: "Sie suchen einen zum Absegnen."
  • Romo weiß, dass Adama keinen fairen Prozess bekommen soll, er selbst aber auch keine Wahl hat. Er stimmt zu und bittet darum, alleine mit Adama reden zu dürfen.
  • Auf dem Basisstern versucht Roslin erfolglos weiter, mit irgendjemandem Kontakt aufzunehmen. Eine Sechs erwähnt, dass sie nicht mal mehr den Schutz der Flotte haben, da sie sich verteilt haben und die Viperpatrouillen haben damit begonnen in den Raum zu schießen, um die Zylonen zum reagieren zu bringen. Tory Foster ist der Meinung, dass es an der Zeit ist, die Situation neu zu bereden.
  • Auf der Galactica öffnet Tyrol einen Schacht und klettert dort hinen.
  • Auf der Colonial One spricht Zarek zum Rat. Er versucht ihnen eine Regierung unter ihm und Gaeta schmackhaft zu machen. Zarek sagt ihnen, dass er den Rat auf die Galactica gebracht hat, um Gaeta zu zeigen, dass dass die Ratsmitglieder Menschen sind, die "dennoch zu ihrem Präsidenten stehen." An diesem Punkt beginnt eine intensive Diskussion unter den Ratsmitgliedern, die endet, als Jacob Cantrell aufsteht und Zarek sagt "Ich denke sie sollten jetzt gehen, Herr Vizepräsident." Die anderen Delegierten sind seiner Meinung.
  • Zarek verlässt enttäuscht den Konferenzraum. Im benachbarten Raum sagt er zwei Marines, dass sie die Delegierten erschießen sollen. Danach sagt er Kelly, dass er Mr. Gaeta holen soll. Kelly entfernt sich und hört im Hintergrund Gewehrfeuer und Schreie. Davon ist er sichtbar entsetzt.

Akt 2

  • On Colonial One, Gaeta looks in horror on the slain Quorum delegates, and angrily rebukes Zarek. Zarek reminds him that Gaeta began the coup, and that this is just another consequence of that. Gaeta is in disbelief, remarking that until now they had the truth on their side. Zarek tells him that the truth is told by whoever is left standing, and reminds him that Adama must be eliminated.
  • On Galactica, Tyrol continues to crawl through a cramped and dirty service tunnel.
  • On the rebel Baseship, Tory informs Roslin that the Cylons have decided to jump away to ensure their own survival. The Six tells Roslin that Gaeta will likely execute Tigh, Tyrol, Anders, and any of the others who oppose him, such as Kara, Helo, and Adama.
  • Roslin urges the Cylons to stay, reminding them that they have all made a habit out of beating the odds, particularly William Adama, and that when he returns to command, he will know who stuck with him and who ran.
  • Tyrol crawls out of the duct into an empty munitions locker, where he is met at gunpoint by Kelly. Tyrol notes that the rebels sprang him from the brig.
  • Kelly tells him to get out of the duct, but Tyrol says that he is too tired and that Kelly should just shoot him. Kelly replies that he's a machine, to which Tyrol replies that Kelly is a "dumbass." Kelly and Tyrol both begin laughing at this, and Kelly lowers his rifle.
  • They both hear the sounds of gunfire in the distance. Kelly remarks, "This was a hell of a ship once." Tyrol agrees. Kelly tells Tyrol he heard his child wasn't a Cylon, and that he could have told Tyrol that Cally was "trouble." Tyrol laughs, saying it would not have mattered.
  • After collecting himself, Kelly again points his rifle at Tyrol, but when Tyrol braces himself for the shot, Kelly instead tells him to leave, yelling "Go on skinjob, go!" After Tyrol crawls back into the duct, Kelly berates himself.
  • In Adama's quarters, Romo hands Adama a pen to sign a statement. Adama refuses, but Romo urges him to put his innocence on record, and to give his people time to retake the ship.
  • One of the rebels who was guarding the holding cell goes to the latrine, where Starbuck smashes his head into the wall.
Lida approaching Baltar.
  • On the rebel Baseship, a Six named Lida asks Baltar if he is injured. He replies that they typically use the word "damaged" instead of "injured."
  • In the corridor outside the holding cell, Lee and Starbuck argue over the best way to overpower the guards. Lee throws a grenade into their midst, and in the ensuing panic Lee and Starbuck gun them all down. Immediately after the last guard goes down, Starbuck ducks for cover, but an amused Lee nonchalantly walks to the thrown grenade and picks it back up. He tells Starbuck that he never pulled the pin, to which she states, "Not funny."
  • With the guards dispatched, Lee and Starbuck free the prisoners, but Lee is upset to learn that his father is not among them.
  • On their way out of the cell, Starbuck and Anders search the guards for weapons, but Lee tells them that they are quickly running out of time.
  • A rebel turns the corner and fires at Starbuck and Anders. Starbuck shoots the rebel in the chest, but not before Anders is struck by a bullet in the neck, causing him to stumble.

Act 3

  • While Lee covers them, Starbuck looks after a wounded Anders. Sounds of yelling and gunfire indicate that there is fighting nearby. Lee insists that they need to leave.
  • Tigh tells Caprica-Six to take Hera to Baltar's followers for safety, as "no one wants to go near those nutjobs." She insists she can take care of herself.
  • Lee yells for Tigh to help him get Anders off the ground, but Starbuck tells Lee to go after his father instead. Athena and the others go with Lee and Tigh, while Starbuck stays with an incoherent Anders.
  • In Adama's quarters, the "court martial" proceeds apace, with Gaeta arguing that Adama deserted them on New Caprica. Romo objects, saying Gaeta is badgering the witness. Not surprisingly, his objection goes unheard by Zarek.
  • As Adama continues to mock Gaeta, Zarek receives a call telling him that Tigh and the other "skinjobs" escaped. Zarek tells Adama and the others that Tigh was killed trying to escape. At the news of his longtime friend's death, Adama shows the first signs of emotion, and tells Gaeta that he is not answering any more of his questions.
  • Zarek declares the prisoner guilty as charged, upsetting Romo, who says, "This isn't a trial, this is an asylum." Zarek angrily grabs Romo and pushes him against the bulkhead.
  • Roslin's voice is heard over the wireless, prompting a smile from Adama and looks of concern from everyone else. Roslin announces that Gaeta took command of Galactica by force, and that the Cylons were merely defending themselves when they moved the baseship into the Fleet. She then commands the Fleet ships to power down their FTL drives.
  • On the rebel Baseship, Roslin exclaims that their signal could not be jammed. Behind her, a Leoben is leaning on a device with flashing red lights, to which the Raptor's comm system is presumably connected. "I thought this would do the trick," he says with a grin.
  • Back on Galactica, Starbuck slowly drags an unconscious Anders a short distance before falling on the floor, exhausted. Parr, the rebel marine escorting a bound Romo, happens upon them, commanding Starbuck to show him her hands. Romo readies his pen. Starbuck draws her sidearm and pulls the trigger, but the weapon is empty. Seizing his opportunity, Romo stabs his captor in the neck repeatedly with his pen. After removing his restraints, he retrieves his sunglasses and a sidearm from the fallen guard.
  • Starbuck implores Romo to help her get Anders to Dr. Cottle, but Romo refuses, citing the fact that on the way there, he and his "friend" had already been shot at twice, once by his own men. Further considering the situation, an obviously conflicted Romo chooses to turn around and help.
  • In CIC, Gage informs Gaeta that ten of the thirty-five ships remaining in the Fleet shut down their FTL drives after Roslin's announcement. Narcho is upset, but Gaeta tells him that Roslin did them a favor in exposing those ships who would cause them trouble. Gaeta tells Gage to give jump coordinates only to those ships that kept their FTL drives online, and to order them to jump immediately.
  • Gaeta then tells Narcho to assemble an execution detail comprised of men he can trust, to secure the main hangar bay launch tube, and to take Adama down there and await further orders. Narcho shows some reluctance, but he insists that Gaeta can count on him "all down the line."
  • Gaeta asks Zarek, who is waiting nearby, if he is spying on him. Zarek insists that they simply need to get through the current predicament, and move on.
  • In a corridor somewhere on Galactica, Narcho leads a team of six rebel marines who are escorting Adama to the launch tube, with Kelly walking behind the group. After some consideration, Kelly breaks off from the group and goes to the memorial hallway, where he drops his rifle and breaks down in tears.
  • In a nearby corridor, Tigh and Athena keep watch while Lee opens a service panel and disconnects a power line, causing the main lights to go out. Sounds of gunfire indicate there is still heavy fighting nearby.
  • Tyrol continues to crawl through service tubes, this time crawling behind a latrine. He coughs and gags at the smell.
  • In the memorial hallway, Lee confronts Kelly, who is nearly catatonic with grief. He finally admits to Lee that the others are planning on executing Adama in the main launch tube. Lee moves to punch Kelly, but Tigh pulls him away. As they run to the hangar deck, Kelly picks up his rifle and runs after them, yelling, "I'm coming with you!"
  • On the rebel Baseship, Baltar dreams of Adama's death by firing squad, which wakes him violently. In bed with him, Lida attempts to comfort him, but Baltar rebuffs her, saying that he has run for his life yet again. She tells him that fear makes people act differently, but he says that he did not run out of fear this time.
  • For the first time, Baltar admits that he is merely playing the role of religious leader to humor his followers, and that he privately scorns their "provincial intellects" and their unfailing willingness to make him feel better; however, he also admits that he feels responsible for them, and that he must go back.
  • On the hangar deck, Adama is tied to a chair in the main launch tube by a marine while Narcho stands nearby, distressed. As Narcho walks towards the eight marines with rifles at the ready, Adama spits.
  • From the rebel Baseship, Roslin gives the rebels five minutes to return command to Admiral Adama.
  • In CIC, an increasingly concerned Zarek listens to Roslin's ultimatum, and looks around for Gaeta, who is absent.
  • In Adama's quarters, Gaeta walks to Adama's desk, where he drops the admiral pins on Galactica's watch log. He then calls Narcho, telling him to carry out the execution.
  • On the hangar deck, Narcho replies, "Yes, sir," and hangs up with Tigh pointing a sidearm at his head. Meanwhile, Lee unties his father from the chair in the launch tube, and Kelly and Athena have their rifles pointed at eight marines, all disarmed and kneeling with hands behind their heads.
  • Adama is overjoyed to see Tigh, who he was told was dead. Tigh replies that for a while, he was.
  • Adama addresses the kneeling, disarmed marines, saying, "I'm gonna take back my ship." Adama then addresses Narcho, who tells him that while he has always respected him, he hates the Cylons, and he cannot take orders from a leader who won't fight them. At this, Tigh raises his weapon to Narcho's head, but Adama orders him to stand down, and orders Narcho to be tied up instead.
  • Sitting at Adama's desk, Gaeta removes his prosthesis and scratches the stump underneath.
  • Deep in the bowels of Galactica, Tyrol finally has enough room to crouch rather than crawl, allowing him to move faster.
  • In CIC, Zarek orders Vireem to pass him through to Roslin. As Gaeta walks into CIC, Zarek addresses Roslin on the rebel Baseship, introducing himself as the President of the Twelve Colonies. He announces that Tigh was killed in an escape attempt, and that Adama was tried, found guilty of his crimes, and was executed by firing squad earlier that morning. Zarek insists that Roslin think of the welfare of the people of the Fleet, and surrender.
  • Roslin vehemently refuses, vowing to use every weapon at her disposal to come after Zarek and the other mutineers. The weapon emplacements on the Baseship open, targeting Galactica.

Act 4

  • In CIC, after Zarek's statements to Roslin, Gaeta remarks that now they have a military leader and a president in one. Zarek questions how Gaeta would have handled the situation, had he been there.
  • Gage indicates that the Baseship is arming itself, and that they are jump ready. Gaeta orders the board be set to green, and a crew member inserts the FTL key at gunpoint.
  • Tyrol rushes down a set of stairs in Galactica's FTL engine room.
  • Adama marches towards CIC, leading an increasingly large group of marines, officers, and enlisted crew.
  • In the FTL engine room, Tyrol breaks open the door to the auxiliary control station, and attempts to shut down the FTL drive with his command code.
  • As Adama and his group of loyalists continue their march to CIC, Roslin's voice is heard over the wireless, commanding Galactica to surrender.
  • In the FTL engine room, Tyrol's command code is denied (as he is not currently in active duty). Instead he looks to some nearby machinery and, with some effort, removes a vital component and shuts down the FTL drive.
  • In CIC, Gage announces the FTL drive's shutdown. Zarek begins ordering crew members to look into it, but no one moves. He tells Gaeta to launch Vipers to defend themselves, but Gaeta ignores him, and instead recalls his own words: "One day soon there's gonna be a reckoning."
  • Gage announces that gun batteries have fixed target bearings and are ready to fire. With Zarek at a near-panic, Gaeta realizes they are defeated, and orders a weapons hold.
  • Adama arms himself with the sidearm from a nearby marine, and the group storms CIC. No resistance is offered by the mutineers.
  • Adama gets on the wireless, identifies himself, confirms that he has retaken command, and tells Roslin to stand down. Roslin, Baltar, and even the Cylons are relieved to hear his voice.
  • Zarek, Gaeta, and the other mutineers are taken away at gunpoint.
  • In the FTL engine room, an exhausted Tyrol drops the component as the massive FTL drive slowly come to a halt. As he turns to the bulkhead, he notices some significant structural damage which concerns him greatly.
  • On Galactica, Roslin climbs down a ladder and, seeing Adama alive for the first time since she boarded the Raptor, cries tears of joy. The two leaders walk together, his arm around her.
  • In Gaeta's quarters, Gaeta and Baltar are smoking cigarettes - something Gaeta has not been seen doing for quite some time. Gaeta is telling Baltar of the many careers he once dreamed of pursuing: architecture, medicine, engineering, photography, and finally, science.
  • Baltar, on the verge of tears, begins to say something, but Gaeta stops him. He assures Baltar that he is fine with the way things turned out, and that his only wish is that eventually, people realize who he is. Baltar tells Gaeta that he knows who he is.
  • Gaeta and Zarek are seated in the main launch tube of the hangar deck, with Adama, Lee, Tigh, and Baltar standing behind the firing squad.
  • Just before Adama orders the execution detail to fire, Gaeta looks down at his severed leg in astonishment and remarks, "It stopped."


Der restliche Text muss noch übersetzt werden. Der englische Text befindet sich unter "bearbeiten".



Battlestar Galactica (neu-interpretiert) – Episodenliste
Miniserie / Pilotfilm (2003) | Spezial: Miniserie Lowdown
Staffel 1 (2004-2005): 33 Minuten | Wassermangel | Meuterei auf der Astral Queen | Zeichen der Reue | Kein Weg zurück | Das Tribunal | Unter Verdacht | Fleisch und Blut | Ellen | Die Hand Gottes | Der Zwölferrat | Kobol, Teil I | Kobol, Teil II
Staffel 2 (2005-2006): Die verlorene Flotte | Im Tal der Finsternis | Die Gesetze des Krieges | Leben und Sterben | Die Farm | Heimat, Teil I | Heimat, Teil II | Die Reporterin | Die Hoffnung lebt | Pegasus | Die Auferstehung, Teil I | Die Auferstehung, Teil II | Sabotage | Schwarzmarkt | Der beste Jäger der Zylonen | Das Opfer | Mensch und Maschine | Download | Das neue Caprica, Teil I | Das neue Caprica, Teil II
Staffel 3 (2006-2007): Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance | Okkupation | Am Abgrund | Exodus, Teil I | Exodus, Teil II | Verräter | Virus | Immun | Helden | Der Ring | Auftrag ausgeführt | Das Auge des Jupiter | Die Supernova | Zuckerbrot und Peitsche | Allein gegen den Hass | Bis nächstes Jahr | Streik! | Ruf aus dem Jenseits | Berufung | Am Scheideweg, Teil I | Am Scheideweg, Teil II
Staffel 4 (2007-2008): Razor | Auferstehung | Die letzten Fünf | Die Verblendeten | Perfekter Schmerz | Meuterei im All | Ans andere Ufer | Rat mal, was zum Essen kommt | Sine Qua Non | Wir alle sind sterblich | Zur Erde! | Die Strömung erledigt den Rest | Erschöpfung | Die Lunte brennt | Blut in der Waagschale | Das verlorene Paradies | Systemblockade | Der Pianomann | Gestrandet in den Sternen | Götterdämmerung, Teil I | Götterdämmerung, Teil II 
Spielfilm: The Plan

Andere Serien : Original-Serie  | Galactica 1980 Serie  | Caprica  | Liste aller Episoden