Tirkon (Diskussion | Beiträge) Keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung |
Tirkon (Diskussion | Beiträge) Keine Bearbeitungszusammenfassung |
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== Überblick == | == Überblick == |
Version vom 29. September 2006, 23:39 Uhr
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"Das neue Caprica, Teil II" Eine Episode der neu-interpretierten Serie | ||
Episoden-Nr. | Staffel , Episode {{{episode}}} | |
Originaltitel | ||
Autor(en) | ||
Story | ||
Regie | ||
Gastauftritte | {{{guests}}} | |
Produktions-Nr. | {{{production}}} | |
Quoten | {{{rating}}} | |
US-Erstausstrahlung | {{{US airdate}}} | |
UK-Erstausstrahlung | {{{UK airdate}}} | |
DE-Erstausstrahlung | {{{GE airdate}}} | |
DVD-Veröffentlichung | {{{dvd}}} | |
Bevölkerung | {{{population}}} Überlebende | |
Zusätzliche Info | {{{extra}}} | |
Episoden-Chronologie | ||
{{{title}}} | ||
Zusätzliche Information | ||
R&D Skit – Anzeigen |
- Die Caprica Widerstandskämpfer werden gerettet. Auf Anordnung des neu gewählten Präsidenten Baltar wird New Caprica besiedelt. Nachdem dort ein Jahr später die Zylonen einmarschieren, kapituliert dieser.
- Starbuck, die Marines, und die Widerstandskämpfer werden weiterhin von der zylonischen Zenturiern und Artillerie unter Feuer genommen. Sie erklimmen einen Hügel, suchen dort Schutz in einer kampfstandförmigen Ruine und halten dort ihre Position. Plötzlich stellen die Zylonen das Feuer ein. Caprica-Sharon nimmt an, dass dies die Vorzeichen für einen Giftgas Angriff sind.
- Achtzehn Stunden später zeichnet sich ab, dass die Zylonen verschwunden sind. Nachdem sie den Kampfstand verlassen haben, erscheint urplötzlich eine Cavil Kopie hinter Ihnen und verkündet, die Zylonen hätten die Zwölf Kolonien verlassen. Die Okkupation sei abgebrochen.
- Cally ist dank Dr. Cottle wieder arbeitsfähig, kann aber kaum sprechen. Chief Tyrol besucht sie und entschuldigt sich für sein Verhalten. Cally vergibt ihm und erkärt, dass ihre ganze Sorge ihm gälte.
- Dr. Baltars Erfolgsaussichten bei die Wahlen verbessern sich zusehends. Auf der Colonial One macht Tory Andeutungen gegenüber Roslin, es gäbe einen Plan B zum Gewinn der Wahlen.
- Roslin trifft sich mit Baltar. Sie versucht ihn zu überzeugen, das Thema "Kolonisierung" aus dem Wahlkampf herauszuhalten. Aber Baltar lehnt ab. Roslin, die nun eine Wahlniederlage befürchtet, fragt Baltar, ob er sich vor dem Zylonenangriff auf Caprica mit Six getroffen hätte. Baltar geht nicht darauf ein, sonder antwortet, er habe ihr zwar das Leben gerettet. Das gelte aber nicht auch für Ihr politisches Überleben.
- Zur Erleichterung von Admiral Adama kehrt Starbuck wohlbehalten mit den Widerstandkämpfern auf die Galactica zurück. Sie erzählt, dass die Zylonen Caprica verlassen haben. Die sodann erscheinende Kopie von Bruder Cavil bestätigt dies. Er habe eine Botschaft. Doch in diesem Augenblick wird er von Chief Tyrol attackiert, der ihn als Zylonen identifiziert. Für Caprica-Cavil und Caprica-Sharon geht es ab in den Bau.
- Der andere Cavil (aus der letzten Folge) folgt ihnen umgehend. Zunächst protestiert er, gibt aber im Angesicht seines "Bruders schnell auf. Caprica-Cavil berichtet nun von den neuen zylonischen Kriegsheldinnen (Caprica Six & Galactica-Sharon). Sie hätten sich mit der Ansicht durchgesetzt, dass der Caprica Angriff und die Jagd auf die Flotte ein Fehler gewesen sei. Seine Mission sei die Übringung der Botschaft, dass die Zylonen nun Ihre eigenen Wege gehen wollten. Aber sowohl Roslin als auch Admiral Adama haben daran Ihre Zweifel.
- Im Gefängnis ist Caprica-Sharon komplett desillusioniert. Weder das Vertrauen Adamas noch das von Helo könne ihr seit dem Tod ihres Kindes. Ein frustrierter Helo beteuert, sie nicht aufzugeben. Aber sie hört nicht mehr zu.
- Starbuck und Anders sind sturzbesoffen, als Apollo sie begrüßen möchte. Starbuck macht eine abfällige Bemerkung über Apollo und Dualla und fährt knutschend mit dem Besäufnis fort. Apollo verlässt betreten den Raum.
- Es ist Wahltag and Baltar hat 5000 Stimmen Vorsprung vor Roslin. Lediglich die Stimmzettel von fünf Schiffen sind noch nicht ausgezählt. Von der Colonial One aus telefoniert Tory mit der Galactica, um Plan B anzustossen.
- Während alles den Sieg von Roslin feiert, entdeckt Lt. Gaeta Unregelmässigkeiten. Er informiert Adama darüber, dass Col. Tigh in eine Wahlfälschung verwickelt sei.
- Admiral Adama konfrontiert Roslin mit dem Eingeständnis von Tigh, die Wahl manipuliert zu haben. Roslin gibt zu, darin verwickelt zu sein und Adama ist enttäuscht.
- Adama informiert Baltar über dessen Wahlsieg. Zunächst besteht dieser auf einer Untersuchung der Vorfälle. Als Adama ihm eindrücklich empfiehlt, den "Sieg zu nehmen" und alles Andere auf sich beruhen zu lassen, lenkt er ein. In seiner Eigenschaft als gewählter Präsident befieht Baltar, Kurs auf "New Caprica zu nehmen.
- Baltar and Gina haben zum Schluss ihrer Bekanntschaft doch noch Sex miteinander, nachdem Gina eröffnet hat, dass sie nicht mit nach New Caprica käme.
- Gaius Baltar wird als neuer Präsident der Zwölf Kolonien vereidig und befiehlt die Kolonisierung von New Caprica.
- Gina-Six sitzt vor der scharfgemachten Atombombe, die sie von Baltar erhalten hat. Die Cloud 9 und mit ihr mindestens drei andere Schiffe werden durch deren Explosion zerstört. Selbst die Kamera wird beschädigt.
- Admiral Adama deutet dies als einen einen möglichen Zylonenangriff. Aber Baltar ignoriert ihn und treibt die Kolonisation voran.
Ein Jahr später
- New Caprica:
- An Bord der Colonial One, die jetzt auf dem Planeten steht, ist Präsident Baltar dem Alkohol, Medikamenten, und leicht bekleideten Frauen verfallen. Ein zivil gekleideter Mr. Gaeta informiert ihn über ein Problem mit der Gewerkschaft. Baltar ist verärgert. Obwohl es keine Angriffe der Zylonen gegeben habe, seien die Leute unzufrieden.
- Admiral Adama, der nun einen Schnurrbart trägt, inspiziert eine nahezu leere, verfallende Galactica. Die Hälfte der Besatzung ist jetzt auf dem Planeten. Eine verbliebende Rumpfcrew nahezu ohne Piloten ist kaum in der Lage, das Nötige zu tun. Adama überzeugt Tigh bei einer Diskussion, auf dem Planeten zu siedeln.
- Anders, jetzt Karas Ehemann hat Lungenentzündung. Wegen fehlender Antibiotika kann Dr. Cottle ihn nicht sachgerecht behandeln. Er empfiehlt der inzwischen langhaarigen Kara, für Bettruhe zu sorgen. Mit ein wenig Gläck könne er dann die Krankheit überstehen.
- Kara trifft Tigh und dessen Frau Ellen in einem Zelt und umarmt beide!!! Dort hält Tyrol, nun Gewerkschafts-Vorsitzender, an der Seite einer hochschwangeren Celly eine Rede. Er fordert zum Streik gegen Baltars Politik auf, was die zuhörende Menge dann mit lautstarken Rufen und erhobenen Fäusten unterstreicht. Tigh erklärt Kara, dass die Pegasus Medikamente für die Piloten horte. Apollo würde schon etwas für sie herausrücken, was Starbuck jedoch nicht so recht glauben mag.
- Roslin unterrichtet nun die Kinder der Siedler. Man sieht ihr an, dass sie in ihrem ursprünglichen Beruf aufgeht. Maya ist bei ihr. Ihr jetzt einjähriges Baby, dessen wahre Eltern Caprica-Six und Helo sind, hat sie "Isis" genannt.
- Von Bord eines auf dem Planeten stehenden Raptors aus kommuniziert Kara mit einem nun deutlich fülligerem Lee auf der Pegasus und fragt nach Antibiotika. Dualla, jetzt Offizier und möglicherweise Lees XO bemerkt etwas auf dem Dradis.
- Eine Flotte mit zylonischen Basissternen erscheint im Orbit von New Caprica. Die Adamas diskutieren über das weitere Vorgehen. Helo fragt den Admiral, ob er die Alarmstaffel starten solle. Letztendlich folgt man nach dem Bekenntnis zu einer Wiederkehr dem von Lee gemachten Vorschlag, mit der Flotte zu einem unbekannten Ort wegzuspringen, was dem Admiral zunächst widerstrebte.
- Leoben erscheint bei Anders und erkundigt sich nach Starbuck.
- Mr. Gaeta informiert den Präsidenten auf der Colonial One von der Ankunft der Zylonen. Später empfängt Baltar zusammen mit seiner versammelten Mannschaft ein Zylonen Modell 5, ein Modell Sharon sowie ein Modell Six. Letzteres erklärt ihm auch, dass es ihn sehr gut kenne, womit es sich um Caprica-Six handeln dürfte. Solange es keinen Widerstand gäbe, würde den Menschen nichts geschehen, bemerken die Zylonen. Baltar erfährt, dass die Zylonen sie durch Anmessung einer nuklearen Detonation (Gina-Six) gefunden haben. Präsident Baltar spricht nun die bedeutungsschweren Worte: "Ich bin der Präsident der Zwölf Kolonien. Ich kapituliere."
- Als dann eine riesige zylonische Centurier Armee auf dem Planeten einmarschiert, konstatiert Starbuck in einem Schlusswort zur zweiten Staffel auf die Frage Tighs, was man nun tun solle: "Was wir immer tun. Wir kämpfen bis zum Letzten."
- Ende der 2. Staffel
- Wer ist Baltars Vicepräsident?
- Ist es Gaeta oder ist dieser sein Assistent?
- Was passierte mit Zarek?
Achtung Spoiler! Text markieren um sie zu lesen. |
Gemäß RDM blog, ist Tom Zarek Vizepräsident (und dabei nicht sehr glücklich mit Baltars Regierungsgeschäften). |
- Wie steht Gaeta zu Baltar seit dessen Aufstieg zum Präsidenten? Falls nicht so gut, wird er etwas gegen ihn unternehmen?
- Welche Nummer hat Cavil?
- Wurde eigentlich Roslins Wunsch ausgeführt, die beiden Cavils der Luftschleuse anheim zu stellen.
Achtung Spoiler! Text markieren um sie zu lesen. |
Eine Cavil Kopie erscheint im Internierungslager von New Caprica während der Besetzung durch die Zylonen. Ob es sich dabei um einen der beiden Cavils dieser Folge handelt, ist nicht klar. |
- Where did the defense fleet jump to?
- Where is Caprica-Sharon?
- Why is Leoben looking for Starbuck, specifically?
- Why has the population (until Tyrol's recent union speech) accepted Baltar's imperious rule? People were hardly so passive under Roslin. Indeed, Adama executed a military coup over a rather less important issue than giving a nuclear weapon to a Cylon agent.
- What were the workers being asked to do which was so "odious", "so sick[ening] at heart" that Tyrol was willing to call a general strike, and so important to Baltar that he was willing to use illegal imprisonment to break it?
- Are the Six and Eight that Baltar surrendered to Caprica-Six and Galactica-Sharon? (see #Analysis:Analysis)
- Where did the Cylon fleets go, after they left the Twelve Colonies? Cavil was deliberately vague when asked if they simply returned to the Cylon homeworld.
- Why didn't the nuclear device trigger the radiological alarms on either Battlestar?
- How many people died in the Cloud 9 explosion? (see Analysis)
- Were the Quorum of Twelve killed on the Cloud 9?
- Was anyone from Demand Peace killed on Cloud 9?
- When Gina-Six was instantly vaporized due to being only two feet from a nuclear detonation, did she still transmit her consciousness? Was she even capable of transmitting considering that any internal hardware responsible for this task would have been instantly destroyed? (see Analysis)
- Given Roslin's memories of Baltar with Six, why didn't Admiral Adama suspect Baltar of handing over the nuke to the cylons? If he did suspect him, why not act on it? (see Analysis)
- Did Baltar's internal Six disappear at any point during the New Caprica year? If so, when and why? If so, did the events of her disappearance contribute to Baltar's regression?
- Why was it so easy for Adama to hide the collusion of the rigged election from the press, and why were there no consequences?
- If the Cylons really left the Twelve Colonies, leaving behind a nuked-out wasteland, what happened to all of the human captives in the Farms?
- Why have the Cylons returned after suggesting that they were willing to go their "separate ways"?
- Did the Cavils lie about the pursuit of humanity being a mistake? Or were they telling the truth?
- Will the Cylons resume their pursuit of the Fleet?
- How many people are left in the Fleet? (see Analysis)
- Have the remaining ships in the defense fleet been armed during the past year?
- Will the Adamas resort to Cain's tactic of conscripting civilians to fill the gaps?
- What happened between Apollo and Starbuck? (see Analysis)
- What led to Starbuck's reconciliation with Col. Tigh? The two had been in conflict since the Miniseries, what led them to bury the hatchet and become the close friends they now appear to be?
- Has it become public knowledge that Baltar killed Crashdown on Kobol? Now that Chief and Cally are Baltar's open adversaries they could attempt to use this information against him.
- When Adama informs Baltar that the nuke used to blow up Cloud Nine was probably stolen form Gaius' lab, why is he not suspicious about the fact that Baltar never reported that it was missing? Had it really been stolen from his lab, he would surely notice.
- Are the Cylons that appear at the end representative of the whole Cylon race, or are they a faction that broke off after the two "Cylon Hereos" began to speak out against the war on the humans?
- If it is true that the Cylons now believe the attack on humanity was a mistake, is the occupation on New Caprica viewed by the Cylons as an act of mercy and kindness vs. oppression from the human perspective? (see Analysis)
- Could it be the intent of the Cylons to actually help the colonization of New Caprica, helping with the construction of infrastructure, new homes, etc, in order to make up for the holocaust? (see Analysis)
- If the Cylons intend to help, that would be consistent with Cavil's comment that the Cylon path to enlightenment is to be "the best machines the universe has ever seen". The purpose of a machine is arguably to assist human beings. On the other hand, the Cylons, if they are here to help, are presumably intending to do so in a highly authoritarian fashion.
- Could the Cylons be wanting to maintain control over the colonials so that in some future the colonials would not be able to return and exact revenge on the Cylons?
- Could the Cylons be fortifying New Caprica to protect the humans from hostile Cylons? There should still be some, that Number Three in Downloaded was pretty fanatical, and if the political winds have changed as they so often do...
- Could there be a Cylon civil war going on?
- If the Cylons intend to help, that would be consistent with Cavil's comment that the Cylon path to enlightenment is to be "the best machines the universe has ever seen". The purpose of a machine is arguably to assist human beings. On the other hand, the Cylons, if they are here to help, are presumably intending to do so in a highly authoritarian fashion.
- According to Ron Moore's podcast, the events of "One Year Later" are real and were meant to solidify to the audience that the show is taking a path that cannot be reversed. In order to make the colonization of New Caprica real, Moore felt that the show would need to jump ahead in a span of year to show that indeed Baltar has followed through with his political promise.
- The events of the Cylon invasion of New Caprica parallel the Nazi invasion of France, with the fleet's escape a parallel to the Allied evacuation of Dunkirk and Baltar's surrender a parallel to Petain's surrender. If the parallel continues, Baltar will establish a puppet regime under Cylon rule akin to Vichy France while Colonials still loyal to humanity will establish a resistance movement.
- Baltar's arrogance seems to have led to corrupt rule during his year on New Caprica; he replaces Roslin's modest desk with a more elaborate one, replaces the population count whiteboard with a portrait of himself, and keeps a harem aboard the landed Colonial One.
- After a whole year, everyone is still living in tents. There is a vital shortage of medicine, the military is of no use, and labor conditions are apparently intolerable. Baltar's administration is apparently as incompetent as Roslin feared.
- It is not clear whether these conditions are the result of admimistrative incompetence or the inherent difficulties of colonizing a marginally habitable planet.
- Of course, it was Baltar's idea to settle on a marginally habitable planet in the first place.
- It is not clear whether these conditions are the result of admimistrative incompetence or the inherent difficulties of colonizing a marginally habitable planet.
- It's ironic that the obligations of duty keep Lee Adama aboard Pegasus while everyone else goes planetside—he is a reserve officer, and promised to build his pilots a bar as soon as they found a habitable planet.
- Who says he didn't build a bar for them? However, despite building a bar, he would still command the Pegasus.
- Ron Moore has once again decided to play with viewer's expectations; in the podcast for "Resurrection Ship, Part II" Moore commented on how everyone assumed that Pegasus would be destroyed by the end of the episode, and thus he thought it would be a good twist to keep Pegasus alive as another ship in the Fleet. Here, many viewers assumed that the nuke that Baltar gave to Gina in "Epiphanies" would be used to destroy Pegasus this time, but it wasn't.
- 29 people died between this episode and the preceding one? One or two Raptors were lost, and some Marines died on Caprica, but that doesn't seem high enough.
- Is it possible they took out all of the people who left in the raptors because they were not apart of the fleet at the end of the previous episode?
- They didn't remove Starbuck from the count during her time on Caprica at the beginning of Season 2. When she and Helo returned to the fleet in "Home, Part I", the count only rose by one.
- Maybe more people died during the attack on Caprica than was shown.
- Yet another possibility is the inclusion of the Caprica survivors in the count to offset many of the losses that had incurred in the rescue mission.
- Although they didn't actually talk about the losses, there was a shot of a wounded person being taken away on a stretcher after the Raptors returned from the Caprica SAR mission.
- There may have been a series of election-related riots or murders.
- Is it possible they took out all of the people who left in the raptors because they were not apart of the fleet at the end of the previous episode?
- The year gap for the Cylons to find the fleet at first seems odd. However, it was stated in the previous episode that the interference from the gas cloud surrounding it would hide the planet fairly well. The Cylons were slightly over a light year away, according to the Number Five. Searching something as large as the gas cloud likely is for a planet or fleet is, given the sensor range limitations, quite impressive to accomplish in months, even with general directional information from a light-year out. In addition, the radiation from the nuclear explosion aboard the Cloud Nine would, of course, only be traveling at the speed of light. Even a less catastrophic attempt to communicate the Colonial's new location would be limited to the speed of light. Of course, once the location was pinpointed, an FTL jump by the Cylons to pounce would be instantaneous.
- Even though the Cylons were able to find New Caprica from the detected nuclear blast that occurred a year prior, the initial detection would have only pointed them in the right general direction. The planet would have moved from the location the inital blast occurred as it orbits around its sun. So the Cylons would only have been able to pinpoint the planet's last location a year prior. They could have used astronomical surveying to detect the planet or send their fleets to other positions using FTL ahead of the blast radiation to triangulate the nuclear blast. Then send recon elements to scout for the planet, which could have been the initial blips picked up by DRADIS by Lt. Dualla of recon Raiders. As soon as the planet was found the main Cylon Fleet would jump in from their staging areas.
- It is also clear that Gina truly did die in the nuclear explosion on Cloud 9 as she would have been able to inform the Cylons of the whereabouts of the Fleet. This indicates that no new Resurrection Ship had been constructed and that Gina's suicidal thoughts finally prevailed. This may explain why she was willing to consummate her relationship with Baltar as it would be the last time she could be with him.
- Even though the Cylons were able to find New Caprica from the detected nuclear blast that occurred a year prior, the initial detection would have only pointed them in the right general direction. The planet would have moved from the location the inital blast occurred as it orbits around its sun. So the Cylons would only have been able to pinpoint the planet's last location a year prior. They could have used astronomical surveying to detect the planet or send their fleets to other positions using FTL ahead of the blast radiation to triangulate the nuclear blast. Then send recon elements to scout for the planet, which could have been the initial blips picked up by DRADIS by Lt. Dualla of recon Raiders. As soon as the planet was found the main Cylon Fleet would jump in from their staging areas.
- The population of New Caprica City is given as 39,192. There were just under 50,000 people in the Fleet before establishing the settlement, so that gives a figure of roughly 10,000 missing. It is uncertain how many were killed in the destruction of Cloud 9 and surrounding Fleet ships but this loss along with any births and deaths that have taken place during the year since the election, leaves very few military personnel in the Orbital Defense. This almost certainly means that both Galactica and Pegasus will be extremely short on crew, as many military personnel will have been left on the planet. There was clearly no time to retrieve even selected members of the crews before the Fleet jumped.
- The figure is not 10,000 missing — it is 10,000 not part of New Caprica City's population. The figure of 10,000 is spread amongst those remaining up in orbit with the fleet's remaining ships, out in independent, peripheral, or small settlements not part of New Caprica City proper, and casaulties.
- Watching the Fleet jump in slow-motion, you can count approximately 19 ships, which also gives a rough impression of the reduced size of the fleet. Other ships, including Colonial One and some Raptors, are landed on New Caprica and have presumably fallen into the hands of the Cylons.
- It is not explicitly said that all members of the New Caprica colony reside in New Caprica City. There may be outlying settlements, though none are named. One reason for this would simply be as a safeguard to keep a single nuclear strike from wiping out all of the fleet survivors.
- This would demonstrate prudence uncharacteristic of Baltar.
- Any "industrial" vessels — such as the mining ships, tanker ships, repair ships, agro-world ship — would have landed on the planet and been debarked, dismantled, or converted to form the foundation for industrial / production efforts. Some of the vessels in the fleet that left Ragnar Anchorage weren't designed for prolonged interstellar journeys, and were basically running on a hope and a prayer, and would have been rendered promptly upon finding a more permanent home. The nineteen-or-so ships seen are, more than likely, the last spaceworthy vessels in the fleet that are not needed planetside.
- After a year, people are still living in tents and using landed ships as buildings, so it doesn't look like much has been dismantled or converted into raw production. Other than the miners, who are apparently extremely unhappy at how things have been run, we see little evidence of industry or production over the year.
- Any "industrial" vessels — such as the mining ships, tanker ships, repair ships, agro-world ship — would have landed on the planet and been debarked, dismantled, or converted to form the foundation for industrial / production efforts. Some of the vessels in the fleet that left Ragnar Anchorage weren't designed for prolonged interstellar journeys, and were basically running on a hope and a prayer, and would have been rendered promptly upon finding a more permanent home. The nineteen-or-so ships seen are, more than likely, the last spaceworthy vessels in the fleet that are not needed planetside.
- Apparently, Kara's comments about Lee and Dualla have taken their toll on their relationship with each other. Whether the comments escalulated is unknown, but, from Dualla's expression of annoyance when she hands the receiver to Lee when Kara calls, it is clear that the three never reconciled with each other.
- The Six and Eight that are part of the Cylon delegation that greets Baltar's cabinet are almost certainly Caprica-Six and Galactica-Sharon. This is implied from Six's reaction upon seeing Baltar and her intimation that she knew who Gaius was. The two are also wearing the exact same clothes as in "Downloaded."
- In the Season 3 trailer that followed the end of the episode, Six narrates, saying that humanity has finally surrendered and the war is over. According to Six, the Cylons can finally fulfill their "true destiny" and take care of humanity. They desire to show humanity the "glory of peace," mercy; like God, their mercy can only be matched by their power and complete control. So apparently, the war heroes have indeed changed the Cylons' prejudices toward humans, but unfortunately this also means that the Cylons believe that the only way to care for humanity is to control it.
- This narrative sounds more like Baltar's internal Six (superior, controlling, zealous) than Caprica-Six (more of a people person).
- According to Ron Moore's podcast, although Scifi Channel was willing to air this episode as a 90-minute special, it had to be heavily edited down for international distribution; outside of the United States, viewers will only see a 1 hour version of the episode, which Moore regards as "almost incomprehensible". Many plot threads, such as the entire Cally/Tyrol subplot, were completely removed from the one hour version. This may not be the case in the UK however as Skyone (the channel that broadcasts the show in that country) previously showed the full 90 minute version of Stargate SG1 episode 'Threads' and may well do the same for this episode.
- Ron Moore's podcast for episode 13, Epiphanies, states that the Nuke given to Gina will come back in this episode, to the benefit of the Cylons.
- Admiral Adama watches Pyramid games and is a fan of the Picon Panthers.
- In RDM's podcast for the previous episode, he said that in early drafts of this special 90 minute long episode, the writers actually tried to make it a 2 hour special, but this was soon dropped (these times are including commercials).
- The election board appears to have a definitive list of the names of all of the ships in The Fleet (RDM). Not all of them are clearly visible, but this would seem to indicate that the writers do have an actual list that they get new ship names from. Ship names visible on the chart are: Demetrius, Diomedes, Embla Brokk, Enkidu, Epheme, Galactica, Gideon, Gemenon Traveller, Greenleaf, Monarch, Odysseus, Pegasus, Persephone, Prometheus, Swordfish
- The framed photo of President Roslin and Billy Keikeya was still on her desk during the election.
- When Roslin "won" the rigged election results, Roslin received 24,265 votes, while Baltar recieved 22,266. This means that the elligible voters in the Fleet number 46,531. In the podcast, RDM explains that he quickly came up with these numbers, to try to reflect roughly how many survivors are below the voting age.
- Toward the end of the episode, President Baltar refers to a government body called the "People's Council". This may be the proportionally elected lower house mentioned by RDM in his blog post on January 30, 2005.
- Hera is seen on New Caprica in the same white cradle that Baltar had a vision of her being in in "Scattered", etc. According to RDM's podcast it's actually the exact same cradle.
- Tyrol's union speech is an almost word for word quote of Mario Savio's address during the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley in 1964. According to Ron Moore and David Eick in the podcast, they even got permission from Savio's widow to use it (even though, due to the way copyright laws work from back then, they could have just used it without permission, they felt they should get it). As a result, it's even listed in the credits: "Mario Savio speech excerpted courtesy of: Lynne Hollander Savio". Actor Aaron Douglas (Chief Tyrol) actually studied film of Savio, so all of the hand gestures Tyrol makes when he gives the speech are gestures that Savio actually used.
- Baltar's portrait of himself does not have the 'cut corners' as seen in most (all?) other papers and photos in the show.
Noteworthy Dialogue
- Dr. Cottle decides Cally is ready to return to duty:
- Cottle: You're done here. I'm kickin' you out of here and sending you back to work.
- Cally: (muffled, because her jaw is immobilized) Work??? Like this?
- Cottle: You gotta love a woman who can complain even with her jaw wired shut.
- "Well, this is an awkward moment…. Yes, he's right, I'm a Cylon. And I have a message. So…take me to your leader."
- —The Caprica copy of Brother Cavil on being uncovered as a Cylon
- "Would you mind telling me what's going on? I'm not a frakking Cylon, I'm not…(sees the other Cavil in the cell)…oh. Well, okay then."
- —The Galactica copy of Brother Cavil
- "Gods help us."
- -Admiral Adama over the objection of Edward James Olmos (podcast)
- Trying to bring order to a Union meeting:
- Tyrol: Everyone, please be quiet. (crowd ignores him)
- Cally: Hey! Shut the frak up! (crowd quiets down)
- "We're leaving. But we'll be back."
- —Admiral Adama ordering the fleet to evacuate New Caprica
- On Caprica:
- Anders: You got any great ideas in that military brain of yours?
- Starbuck: Do the same thing we always do; fight 'em 'till we can't.
- The Cylons occupy New Caprica:
- Tyrol: "What do you want to do now, Captain?"
- Starbuck: "The same thing we always do. Fight them until we can't."
Official Statements
From the official site (http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/): When Baltar wins the vote, Roslin considers stealing the election because she believes he is a Cylon collaborator.
From RDM's blog (March 28, 2006)
- "The plot twist [of the finale] seems to share allot (sic) in common with the DeSanto Galactica continuation story, where the humans think they are safe from the Cylons and revolt against the military by deciding to give up on Earth and to colonize another place called New Caprica. Were you at least partially inspired by this earlier concept? "
- No. I can honestly say that the idea for our finale was entirely home-grown. I had lunch with Tom DeSanto a few weeks back and we talked about the struggles we both went through trying to get our respective versions of the show off the ground. As he talked about his pilot concept, I shared many of the plot details from our finale and we both remarked on how some notions and ideas are simply either "in the ether" or have a certain inevitability to them. It's reminiscent of the "Babylon 5" vs. "[Star Trek]: Deep Space 9" questions I used to get. I was there when DS9 was being created and I knew for a fact that neither Michael Piller nor Rick Berman had any knowledge of the B-5 material, but when you're doing a series set on a space station, there were bound to be certain paths that writers found attractive (like having a female second officer, for instance). In terms of Galactica, the idea that the people of the rag-tag fleet might one day come across a planet and decide to settle down permanently, is an idea that would probably occur to anyone approaching the material, and it's really a question of how you execute that idea which is key.
- "I understand according to the podcast that you guys were way over budget on ep 2.20, but the tent city really threw me off. I try not to be one of those fans that nitpicks everything to death, but this bothered me so much that I had to register and post. If they've been on planet for over a year now and they intend to make it their home, why are they still living in tents? If I had my choice between a tent and something more permanent and weatherproof, I'd be moving heaven and earth to construct the latter."
- There are some permanent buildings in the settlement, but it seemed plausible that to start an entire city from scratch would be a massive undertaking to say the least. It also seemed that without a strong leader like Laura Roslin to helm this kind of effort, that the organizational problems would add up and that the project could easily get stalled or delayed. Now, add to that various unknowns like disease and unfamiliar weather patterns as well as the difficulties in exploiting the natural resources in a completely new environment, it didn't seem implausible that there'd still be a lot of people living in tents.
- Paul Campbell discussess his thoughts on the story post-"Sacrifice":
- MB/TSFW: So what do you think about the story after you left, and the trouble Mary’s character got herself into? After your replacement came in she kind of had a fall there. Do you think that would have happened if you were still there to watch her back?
- Paul: You know, I don’t know if they could have. Billy had so much integrity, that under his watch, I don’t think that would have happened. And maybe he would have had to step down, and Mary would have gone about that route with someone else. But I don’t think if he would have been in the picture, that would have gone down. Because that’s some shady crap, and I don’t think it would have cut it. We obviously butted heads on a few things like that in the past. In particular when I ended up leaving her at the ship. As it turned out, I had another pilot to go shoot. As it turned out, it was more my schedule that didn’t work out, but it worked in the writing. But no, I don’t think that would have flown had I been in the picture. So I don’t know what they would have done. I’m sure that was the story line from the begging, but how they would have worked me into it, I don’t really know. [1]
Guest Stars
- Richard Hatch as Tom Zarek
- Michael Trucco as Samuel Anders
- Dean Stockwell as Brother Cavil
- Aaron Douglas as Chief Petty Officer Galen Tyrol
- Nicki Clyne as Specialist Cally
- Kate Vernon as Ellen Tigh
- Donnelly Rhodes as Dr. Cottle
- Callum Keith Rennie as Leoben Conoy
- Matthew Bennett as Aaron Doral
- Rekha Sharma as Tory Foster
- David Kaye as James McManus
- Alisen Down as Jean Barclay
- Winston Rekert as Priest