Hybriden Aussagen

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Hybriden, die zentralen Computer eines zylonischen Basissterns, scheinen ständig inkoheränte Phrasen und Gedanken auszusprechen, unterbrochen durch Computer oder Systembeobachtungen, Ergebnisse, oder Anweisungen, die den Betrieb des Basissterns betreffen zu scheinenen[1]. Trotz ihrer scheinbaren geistigen Abwesenheit, beziehen sie sich manchmal auf die Welt um sie herum, jedoch in einer prophetischen Art und Weise. Die Nummer Zweier glauben, dass die Worte der Hybriden eine religiöse Bedeutung haben.

Verschiedene Hybriden

Gaius Baltar und humanoide Zylonen hören gemeinsam einem Hybrid zu:

  • Aus zwei Protonen entsteht einen eue Kraft. Der Embryo wird ein Fisch, in den wir erst nach achtfacher Teilung eindringen. Wir erleben hier die Entstehung des kleinen Zehs, er ist atrophiert. Fragen sie mich nicht wieso. Ich sterbe in 1.000 Lichtjahren. Danke. Danke. Die Schöpfung kehrt an ihre Quelle zurück, Reduktion erfolgt Schrittweise, also ist die Essenz eins. Ende der Zeile. FTL-Systemcheck, Diagnosefunktion innerhalb der Parameter, spricht der Harlekin, die Qual ist exquisit, die Farben verlaufen auf dem Pfad der Asche. Ende der Zeile. Neuronennetzwerk bei 52%. Gegensicherung mit hyperdimensionaler Matrix. Befehl den oberen Sensor zu reparieren, melden an null, null, null...
  • Die Essenz des vergangenen Unterbewusstseins. Ende der Zeile. Neuer Absatz. Flüssigkeit überflutet die Matrix ununterbrochen mit Informationen Gemeinsamkeiten entwickeln einen kleinen Zeh. Reduktion erfolgt Schrittweise, also ist die Essenz eins. Punkt. Ein Neuer Absatz. FTL-Systemcheck... (Virus)
  • Das Geheimnis des Tempels wird nur dem offenbart, der ihn betritt. Die Fünf Lichter der Apokalypse steigen auf und kämpfen sich dem Licht entgegen. Sünden erfährt nur derjenige, der den Tempel betritt, der oder die Auserwählte. (auf Baltar starrend:) Wer auserwählt ist. Wer auserwählt ist. Wer auserwählt ist. Wer auserwählt ist. (Das Auge des Jupiter)
    • (andere Version: Die letzten Fünf sieht nur, wer den Tempel betritt. Nur wer auserwählt ist. Wer auserwählt ist.) (Die Supernova)
  • Winkel nominell. Seelandschaft von der Frau-Kind-Höhle. Wasserdruck und Wärmeverhältnis. Ionen der Evolution haben ihre Fehler nach jahrtausenden begraben. Wir haben das Kriegsbeil begraben. Gestalttherapie. Sie können uns mehr noch als alles andere durch die (unverständlich) der Gefühle führen. Der Konflikt zwischen Menschen und Maschine ist im Lauf der Geschichte immer dramatischer geworden... Afrikanische Urvölker glauben an die unsterblichkeit der Seele und die Einheit von Menschen und Natur. Doch wer erkennt die Einheit von Mensch und Maschine.
  • (Baltars Hand haltend) Intelligenz. Ein Verstand, der brennt wie Feuer.
  • Finde die Hand, die im Schatten des Lichts liegt. Im Auge des Ehemannes des Auges der Kuh. (Auftrag ausgeführt)

Zumindest ein Hybrid machte Aussagen darüber, die vermuten lassen, dass er von der 'Aktivierung' der Letzten Fünf weiß:

  • Der erregte Zustand zerfällt durch Vibratiosentspannung in den erstenerregten Singulärzustand. Ja, ja, und fröhlich fahren wir fort. Reduzieren atmosphärischen Stickstoff um 0.03%. Es ist nur wenig Trost, dass die Gesellschaft die Scherben aufheben wird und uns acht Neuzellen überlässt, wo eher Bestrafung als Vorbote angebracht wären. Bitte zieht die Sicherung. Sie werden ihrem Volk nichts tun. Ende der Zeile. Die Verbreitung auf nur zwei Dimensionen zu beschränken, erhöht die evolutionären Sprünge innerhalb der Spezies. Erhebt euch und vermesst den Tempel der Fünf. Verwandlung ist das Ziel. Sie werden ihrem Volk nichts tun. Datenfunksynchronisierung abgeschlossen. (Die letzten Fünf)

A Hybrid aboard a basestar that oversaw the attack on the Colonies:

  • Counting down. All functions nominal. All functions optimal. Counting down. The center holds. The falcon hears the falconer. Infrastructure, check. Wetware, check. Everyone hang on to the life bar, please.[2]
  • Apotheosis was the beginning before the beginning. Devices on alert. Observe the procedures of a general alert. The base and the pinnacle. The flower inside the fruit that is both its parent and its child. Decadent as ancestors. The portal and that which passes.
  • Nuclear devices activated, and the machine keeps pushing time through the cogs, like paste into strings into paste again, and only the machine keeps using time to make time to make time.
  • And when the machine stops, time was an illusion that we created free will. Twelve battles, three stars, and yet we are countless as the bodies in which we dwell, are both parent and infinite children in perfect copies. No degradation.
  • The makers of the makers fall before the child. Accessing defense system. Handshake, handshake. Second level clear.
  • Accepting scan. Love outlasts death.
  • Their ships fail. Skittering like skipped stones. Meaningless in the absence of time.
  • Progress reports arriving. The farms of Aerolon are burning. The beaches of Canceron are burning. The plains of Leonis are burning. The jungles of Scorpia are burning. The pastures of Tauron are burning. The harbors of Picon are burning. The cities of Caprica are burning. The oceans of Aquaria are burning. The courthouses of Libran are burning. The forests of Virgon are burning. The Colonies of Man lie trampled at our feet. (The Plan)

Rebel Hybrid

Kara Thrace travels to the rebel basestar to hear their Hybrid, whom Leoben believes will guide her on her quest for earth. She finds little sense in its ramblings:

  • Letztendlich erfreuen die Jungfern sich am Tanz.
  • They'll start going ripe on us pretty soon.
  • Centrifugal force reacts to the rotating frame of reference.
  • Der dickköpfige Zinnsoldat wird weich.
  • Die Stadt frisst das Land auf, die Menschen fressen die Stadt auf...
  • Die Angreifer drängelten sich wie Flammen, wie der Wirbelwind. Der hofft, all ihre Besten an unserem Rumpf abzuschlachten.
  • Alles gleichzeitig und noch viel mehr. Nicht weil es verletzen will, sondern weil es mag, wenn heftige Schwingungen sich ständig verändern.
  • Aber du bist ein Funke aus Gottes Feuer.
  • Die Kinder der Wiedergeborenen werden ihr eigenes Land finden.
  • Compartmentalize integrity conflicts with the obligation to provide access.
  • Keine Zeremonien notwendig.
  • Contact is inevitable, leading to information bleed.
  • Die Weglänge der Protonen in der Probeatmosphäre ist konstant.

Just as the Hybrid is being disconnected from its basestar she delivers one final, and unusually coherent, message to Thrace:

  • So wird es also passieren. Die sterbende Anführerin wird die Wahrheit über die [Opernhaus|Oper]] erfahren. Von der fehlenden Drei bekommt ihr die Funf, die aus der Heimat der 13. stammen. Du bist der Vorbote des Todes, Kara Thrace. Du wirst sie alle zu ihrem Ende führen. Ende der Zeile. (Ans andere Ufer)

When President Roslin is informed of this message she goes to speak with the Hybrid (Guess What's Coming to Dinner?). She has little success talking to the Hybrid and does not get the answers she was expecting:

  • Filters, Filters, the sublime elevation of the lifter and the filters
  • The wing beat of the dove drown out the heartbeat of those who follow the Six is back in the stream.
  • The Six who went among the makers is no longer.
  • Back in the stream that feeds the ocean that feeds the stream.
  • Such a format will close the door.
  • The three is online.
  • Protect the child.
  • To remove the pump with the attached hose and wiring, simultaneously release the three tangs while pulling the pump out of the retainer along with the line and wiring. (The Hub)

First Hybrid

The first Hybrid also says several prophetic phrases, although this Hybrid's behavior displays far more coherence, grammatically. The First Hybrid also shows self-awareness, speaking in complete sentences when addressing Kendra Shaw (Razor).

  • At last, they’ve come for me. I feel their lives, their destinies spilling out before me. The denial of the one true path, played out on a world not their own, will end soon enough. Soon there will be four, glorious in awakening, struggling with the knowledge of their true selves, the pain of revelation bringing new clarity, and in the midst of confusion, he will find her. Enemies brought together by impossible longing, enemies now joined as one. The way forward at once unthinkable, yet inevitable. And the fifth, still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering. I can see them all. The seven, now six[3], self-described machines who believe themselves without sin, but in time, it is sin that will consume them. They will know enmity, bitterness, the wrenching agony of the one splintering into the many, and then they will join the promised land, gathered on the wings of an angel. Not an end, but a beginning.
  • Come in Major. I've been waiting for you for a long time.
  • What am I, a man? Or am I a machine? My children believe that I am a God.
  • I have seen[/can see] things. Your life, Kendra Shaw, the things you have done. The things you felt you had to do, all leading to this moment. You wish to be forgiven, my child. Do you wish to be forgiven? Then come closer, there's something I have to tell you. Come.
  • Kara Thrace will lead the human race to its end. She is the herald of the apocalypse, the harbinger of death. They must not follow her.
  • As my own/lone existence comes to a close, only to begin anew, in ways uncertain.
  • All [of] this has happened before, and [it] will happen again...again...again...again...again...again...again...

Samuel Anders

After a bullet penetrates his brain during Gaeta's Mutiny and the subsequent operation to remove the bullet from his brain, Samuel Anders is rendered comatose. Due to his Cylon nature, his brain functions allow him to become a form of Hybrid; he is first to mention The Colony and unlock the knowledge of the Final Five's true nature, prior to the operation that renders him comatose and ultimately dependent on Cylon technologies. After his operation, members of the Significant Seven construct a Hybrid tank on Galactica in the hopes of essentially restoring his mental abilities, ultimately becoming Galactica's Hybrid:

  • The neuroanatomy of fear and faith share common afferent pathways. Flip a coin. Increased vascular pressure marks the threat response. Free will scuttles in the swamp of fear, do not fear the word. You are the harbinger of death Kara Thrace, you will lead them all to their end. End of line. New command. Resume function. Resume function. Resume function...
  • A closed system lacks the ability to renew itself. Knowledge alone is a poor primer...
  • End of line. Begin reintegration of right hemisphere subcommand routines ...patterns... the universe...sea... begin reintegration of command subroutines. There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there's a hole in the bucket. A/the long view returns patterns and repetitions... all has happened before and all will happen again...
  • Spins and turns, angles and curves. The shape of dreams, half remembered. Slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of perfection - a perfect face, perfect lace. Find the perfect world for the end of Kara Thrace. End of line.

During the Battle of the Colony, Anders is seen responding to commands by Galen Tyrol:

  • There are secrets within lies, answers within riddles. Lay off the ACS, you betcha Galen. Open your mind and hear what your heart wants to deny. End of line.

After the Fleet's discovery of the second Earth, Anders navigates the Fleet into the planet's sun. When Anders' wife Kara Thrace says goodbye, he simply responds, "See you on the other side."

The Colony Hybrid

Once Samuel Anders begins to communicate with The Colony's (Chief?) Hybrid, she utters one line before deactivating the defenses:

  • Look through the eye to know thyself.

This could be interpretted as she was herself looking within and shutting down the defneses, after realizing the truth of one of the Final Five's return.

Rebel Hybrid's Message deciphered

Some of what the rebel hybrid has said has come to pass and has been revealed.

What it said about the Dying Leader and the Opera House referes to Roslin and her visions but that has not been resolved yet. The truth behind what it said about Kara being the Harbinger of Death may refer to her part in the destruction of the Resurrection Hub but this too is unclear. However, the part about the Three leading them to the Five that come from the home of the Thirteenth is now clear and makes sense: D'Anna Biers saw the faces of the Final Five in the Temple of Five. She is ultimately unboxed and is able to lead them to four of the five with the identity of the fifth being discovered at Earth.

It is learned that the Final Five in fact come from Earth as they were born there and the Thirteenth Tribe are Cylons who were apparently created on Kobol. They came to the Colonies to help us after they had their own nuclear holocaust and had their real memories blocked by Cavil and were placed among humans with no knowledge of their true identities.

Many of the Rebel Hybrid's messages may also reference the Book of Jeremiah from the Old Testament. The Book of Jeremiah deals with themes of Judaism vs Paganism, Prophets and prophecy, destruction of home, and a main character overwhelmed by his task - concurrent with many of the themes in the show. Roslin later did come to know the truth of the Opera House Prophecy: it was a vision that came true in the final episode with Athena, Roslin, Baltar and Caprica Six protecting Hera during the Battle of The Colony, but their actions exactly mirrored that of the vision except they were on Galactica and not in the Opera House although they did flash to that vision several times.

The room with the Final Five in it turned out to be Galactica's CIC and the Final Five were in similar positions on the balcony to the ones they were in in the vision.


  1. Die Art, mit kleinen Pausen ununterbrochen unzusammenhängend zu sprechen, ist ein Zustand der sich Logorrhoe nennt und gilt bei den Menschen als Krankheit. Dies unterscheidet sich von der Glossolalie : konstantes unsinniges Reden und der Xenoglossie: die Fähigkeit, eine fremde Sprache zu sprechen, ohne sie gelernt zu haben. Während der Hybrid die selbe Sprache wie die humanoiden Zylonen und die Kolonialen spricht, bezieht sich der Inhalt ihrer Reden auf religiöse und prophetische Botschaften im Zusammenhang mit der Geschichte der Serie auf klassische Glossolalieart.
  2. This references the poem The Second Coming by William Butler Yeates: "Turning and turning in the widening gyre / The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world."
  3. At the time of this utterance, Number Three has not yet been boxed